Once upon a time in a land far away—112 miles from a decent hair salon to be exact—lived a muckle of frizz named Bossy. And this Bossy was in the habit of getting her hair cut by people who made her cry, until she met her Italian boyfriend who believed in embracing the Inner Curl.
But Antonio was expensive. Not new-roof expensive, but ticket-to-Arizona expensive. And so Bossy had to look elsewhere, and that elsewhere was in the produce aisle of her local grocery store where Bossy asked her friend where she got her hair cut, because this friend is a super cute Yoga Instructor with yoga clothes and a yoga physique and damp yoga curls springing around her neck.
They chatted about their problem hair and by the end of the day Bossy had an appointment with the Yoga Instructor’s hairstylist because Bossy failed to recognize that the only way Bossy is going to truly look like the Yoga Instructor is by doing actual yoga.
Anyway. As you may remember, on haircut day Bossy was very prepared. She drove to the salon armed with photos of her own hair so the stylist could replicate duplicate attempt to match Bossy’s previous haircut:
Not only that—Bossy was worried about her hair color, so she brought a photo that detailed the highlights she got in Nirvana New York:
Right. And this was the stylist’s recipe for achieving Bossy’s desired results: she snipped Bossy’s hair for two minutes and then applied a black tar. The end.
The haircut wasn’t going to be something the stylist could improve since that involved the hair that had fallen to the floor, but Bossy was very disappointed in her highlights and she wanted them reapplied for free—and so Bossy phoned the salon and this is how she delicately phrased her dilemma:
So, take two: and Bossy is back at the salon:
And just to mix things up a little, this time Bossy went into the salon armed with a photo of her hair when it was highlighted properly:
The stylist and Bossy studied the photo and they both agreed that what Bossy currently needed was more highlights. To cover up the Ash Toner She Admitted She Applied Last Time. Yes way. Then Bossy told the stylist that additional highlights sounded just fine, as long as her hair didn’t turn out brassy. And then Bossy voiced concern over her roots—namely that she had
so many so soon after she paid $100 to cover them. The stylist assured Bossy she would handle the roots.
The highlight color was mixed and applied and then Bossy hid in the bathroom went to the mirror to admire the handiwork:
An hour later Bossy left the salon with soaking wet hair and no real idea how the color turned out because she was in a hurry to meet some friends for dinner:
So it wasn’t until after her hangover subsided that she discovered this:
And this:
But at least the stylist handled the roots. She handled them, and then she chose not to highlight them:
Bossy loved discovering the different things about her highlights that first morning. Just like Bossy can’t wait to see what her friend is going to knit out of them!
The moral of the story is: in order to achieve the look you want it’s cheaper to buy yoga pants:
The End.
If Bossy doesn’t mind driving to Wayne to get her hair done, I’ll share my guy’s number. He’s a genius and he’s been doing my hair since I was 14. No, I’m not going to tell you how many years that is.
Maybe now you’ll listen to your son. Had you done so earlier, your hair would not be menstruating. Just remember that.
Oh, Bossy. I feel your pain. I too have curly (unruly) hair and am further burdened with large amounts of gray and fast growing hair. In short, I never look good.
At least here’s the argument for a return rendezvous with your Italian boyfriend.
Bossy’s hair period does not look bad. It doesn’t look anything like the picture you brought in. Twice. But it doesn’t look bad. So she clearly had a ‘vision’ for your hair that went beyond your photo, huh?
Bossy needs to be very mysterious and tell people Bossy’s hair is done like that for a very secret upcoming movie role.
Perhaps you could schedule an appointment in DC with Leah, the Colornatrix, during your Road Trip. vuboq *hearts* leah.
Bossy looks so cute when she’s all covered in aluminum foil! When I go in to be retouched I get to sit there for 45 minutes looking like Edward Scissorhands.
I feel your pain……. I’ve had the pleasure of 9 years of WTF???? No two trips are the same… and it’s a 17 mile drive… to funkytown.. I’ve also done the photo thing….
Gee… I get to go back next Tuesday… the thrill of it all… Always a surprise…
Oh dear, Bossy. I think you need to march right back up there and demand that she fix it. I’ve had MANY similar hair experiences and have always wanted to demand they fix it. But I’m a chicken and haven’t ever demanded anything.
On the brighter side, perhaps this could be the inspiration for a whole new product line. Malibu Barbie? Meet Calico Bossy, the action figure in search of a good hairstylist.
Proceeds can be used to fund your annual trip to The Good Salon.
I know it is NOT nice to laugh but…snort. That sucks. You should move.
Is Bossy calling back and having the salon OWNER reapply highlights/lowlights and everything in-between? I’m sure s/he would hate to know that you have a blog that people read.
I started coloring my own hair after a colorist did the shower cap and crochet hook thing on me, oh, at least fifteen years after it was passe.
I swear she’d never heard of foil highlights. In the early 00s.
wow. that is incredibly awful. not the hair itself so much as the fact that this stylist is making money off of people when s/he is this incapable of following requests / instructions / photos. i don’t know that your poor hair can take more coloring just yet, but you may want to speak to the salon owner about the shoddy employees there.
Oh Bossy. I have an idea – invent a cover for your period hair and make millions. The DIVA Cap!!!
Brassy, I mean Bossy…get thee to a real stylist. Pronto.
Well, at least you made this mistake on your own hair and not on your daughters hair, like I did.
I kid you not. And dying it back down to a greenish shade of brown went no better.
Just buy the yoga pants.
Oh, Bossy. I am so sorry. I would suggest walking into the salon, talking to the manager/owner, show them your picture and ask them if that looks remotely right.
And then tell the owner to re-do your hair or the internets is going to be very angry. And publicly mention their name many times.
You know, this is what I seem to go through as well. My husband is in the Army, so that means we MOVE A LOT, which in turn means, I am forced to discover new hair stylists A LOT and via many trial and error encounters it ALWAYS ends in DISASTER.
So, now I don’t get my hair cut or highlighted until I go to my hometown of Sarasota, FL, where my preferred stylist/saint/perfectionist lives. And that means that I usually don’t get my hair done but twice a year. Roots? Yes, I have them about 10 months out of the year thank you.
Unfortunately, when I go home at the end of this month, because I waited TOO LONG to book my appointment with her, she has nothing available for me, which sucks. So, I am at a loss now. Do I just grab a bottle from the drug store, or do I chance another horror show from a salon here in Virginia?
Oh my God. Oh my God. How the hell do you still have roots when you just had your hair colored? Twice!!!! I could have done a better job. On myself. In a dark closet. Using my feet. Get your money back.
I’m afraid to admit that your (hair) pain brings me so much pleasure. Okay, maybe not “pleasure” per se, but it makes me laugh heartily.
Okay, yes, I guess that’s pleasure.
Amy Beth thinks Bossy looks fabulous.
No, seriously.
But thanks for reminding me why I continue to get my hair cut in Florida even though I live in Virginia.
I’ve been comtemplating highlights to cope with my new crop of silver (it sounds better than gray, don’t you think?) and now I am afraid. Very.
I will take Bossy’s cautionary tale into account and begin prayer and fasting now – on a yoga mat.
You are still ever so darling. Period.
I have a Y chromosome so I’m just going to stay out of this.
It looks nothing like the photo that you wanted it to look like, but it doesn’t look bad either.
I don’t think I’d put more chemicals on it for a while … and I don’t think I’d go back to her. Ever. Even for another repair attempt.
Maybe you could get Miss Clairol to sponsor the road trip?
My condolences. I think it would behoove Bossy to make finding a decent salon her mission on her excellent road trip.
Um Bossy? They make wigs, you know.
You are bossy. Get bossy’s money back. That is simply unacceptable.
Bossy looks hawt. Period.
I kindof like it. Not that it looks anything like what you wanted, but it’s not bad. Maybe it’ll get better after it’s off it’s period?
And I didn’t know you were just in Phoenix a year ago, damn, I would’ve come up to visit!
This? This is why I haven’t gotten my hair “profesionally” cut or colored in about 3 years. I trim it myself when the ends start to feel like I should feed them to the horses. And I embrace my increasing grays with gusto…Or ignore them…Or yank them out.
Um. Go back to Italian Boyfriend.
If there is wine involved, I will help out on a picket line.
My heart aches for your head! (does that sound weird?)
You need caramel colors! Caramel! Not white blond! Stupid, stupid hair person!
You need to get to the store and buy a semi perm (28 shampoos later) mix to cover. It won’t be perfect, but it will mask the horror and won’t strip your hair more. And then, after you have applied your semi perm color, leave a bag of burning dog poop at the hair person’s hair ruining station.
Get your money back, or at least request it, but if you learned anything the first two times, it would be do NOT ask this fraud of a hairdresser to fix it again!
Think of it this way: it makes you look much younger (in a 14 year-old-did-it-myself-with-just-a-hand-mirror-and-a-box-of-clairol kind of way).
The red gives it a kind of punkish look. Is that what you were going for? No? Then lie.
MP LOVES the cut..I just love the waves/curles..lucky!
The stripes aren’t THAT bad..at least it’s not black and bleach blond!!
Hey Bossy, I have another suggestion for if you’re in the DC area on your awesome trip: KiKi at Salon Art F/X in Gaithersburg, MD (approx. 20 miles outside of DC.) She does an awesome job, and even when my roots grow out, it doesn’t look like I have roots–I honestly don’t know how she does it.
Bossy will fit right in in Texas now.
I have not colored my hair in years due to a similiar incident.I went in for blond highlights and left with red highlights that looked purple. It was amazing.
If it helps, the red/brassy tones will fade in a couple of weeks.
Bossy seems to have the same issues with highlights that Mary Alice has, which is why Mary Alice has decided that this is the year she tells her hairstylist to pound sand….. and embraces her new natural silver highlights that grow out all by themselves.
Bossy is a beautiful lady. But those are some wack highlights.
One word: Yikes.
This is the reason that I have never had my hair colored or highlighted: I’m a big wuss. I’m scared. And now my fears have been reinforced.
My husband and our budget thank you.
My curly hair is just like yours and NO ONE cuts it right. Further reason why I cut my own hair. Those “stylists” scare me and sound like they know what they’re talking about but, in fact, do not.
I don’t know why the red is in there, but I see that a lot. Either it’s the style, or a lot of hairdressers don’t know what they’re doing. I like your blonde stripe-iness, though. I rather like that look.
Holy balls…
Me thinks you should just pay for the ticket-to-arizona-stylist. Then you don’t have to go through all this trouble…
Bossy’s Road Trip should commence in NY with a latte and Antonio.
Oh my JEEBUS. And red is hard to get out. I’d march back there, demand all my money back, and ask for a different stylist to fix my head, and then not leave until it was done.
Or that’s what I would do if I had the balls.
Here’s my color-your-hair trick. I’m an ash blonde. I color my hair THREE times a year. BY MYSELF. I buy 3 different colors of blonde. Then every 4 months, I use one. Not all over, just the roots and then 5 minutes at the end where I comb through. Everyone asks me who does my hair because it looks natural.
I also cut it myself but not so great in that dept. since I have straight hair and crooked scissors.
The picture on my blog is the HOLLYWOOD blonde via lighting. Not the real me.
Lord, I had a guy tell me I needed “caramel low-lights” the day before our company holiday party and what I thought would be a warm and subtle depth to my hair ended up being Ronald McDonald red stripes. On the bright side, red fades rather quickly, so the horror of the shade should lessen.
Oh, Bossy, I’m so sorry. Nothing worse than a bad hairdo. Except for maybe that whole lip thing. You’ve have a bad couple of months – you DESERVE Antonio – call him NOW. I hate to say it (and boy, does my checkbook hate to hear me say it), but, with hair, you get what you pay for. I’d rather give up wine and imported cheese than go without my Monique. Well, I’d go without the cheese, anyway.
I am a lurker who tried to embrace her inner curl, too. When that didn’t work too well, I went with my friend to get curl help applied (perm), to you know, kick my curl in the ass. I sat there for 2 hours (friend was taken in. “Just a little bit longer, hon” was given out)…and I still don’t have a new hairstyle. (Just a headache). At least they made time to take you. Twice.
Oh boy. You need to go to NYC stat and have that fixed. DO NOT go back to that salon. Trust me, I’ve done that a million times and it just gets worse until your hair is FRIED and then you are stuck with a frizzy mop of frazzled hair. I’m still growing out the last trainwreck of a haircut.
I got to Max the genius in NYC. He’s the third gay man who works out of his house that I’ve used. But I have the same problem. I feel like I’ve never had a hairdresser who really gets to the roots. And yeah, they all love to use red.
Has Bossy thought about weave? Micro braid weave is so in right now.
Also the weave comes highlighted so no surprises, also check the toeless socks on the above mentioned website. I am so glad someone solved that problem!
Damn, Bossy. I think you should never ever ever go back to that salon. Bur on the bright side, at least it’s not a mullet!
You know that scarf I sent you? Wrap it around your head and find another stylist. DON’T GO BACK. Did you ever mention wanting RED?
That SUCKS…and you waited so long to get your hair done…what happened to the idea of ‘cute bangs’??
Advice from a Life-Long Hair Farmer:
1. Cut your losses. Move on.
2. Flaming fudge bag idea from Barbara, above, is brilliant. I’ll provide the bag; the rest is up to Stella.
3. Let those stripes rest for a while, lest you should end up looking like the wallpaper Oscar Wilde didn’t want to die under.
4. It’s. Just. HAIR. You’re truly fab with it or without it.
— Laurie
Those are SOME highlights… I see a few more hats in your future. Either that, or an accidental meeting with John Cusack.
I’m fortunate to have a great hairdresser. She doesn’t even punish me when I “trim” my hair all by myself… wait…she’s the one who convinced me to have my armpits waxed…
Oh, nevermind. I guess she IS a meanspirited creature, but my hair looks good when I leave her salon.
Thank you for making me put on my hairdressing thinking cap today. I’ve been a hairdresser for 20 years and have seen a few heads come through with your color issues. Free advice if you want to take it. Disregard and tell me to get lost and I won’t be offended if you don’t. These would be my suggestions, probably not the only solution, but the one I would pursue. You need to have a one process color to cover your roots (if they are grey or if you are trying to alter the actual God-given color.) You then need a new foil, woven, throughout the highlights that you want to keep, with either a toner applied to the brassy color-something to counteract the golden tones or just a conditioner applied to the highlights that you actually like. You may then have a semi permanent color that matches the new root color brushed between the foils to color balance the entire head, root to end. In regards to the embracing the inner curl, I have discovered “dirty curls.” When I want to keep my hair curly, and have it looking it’s best, I only wash my hair with shampoo about every five days. I DO shower and wash my hair on a daily basis, but I only wash it with conditioner(scrubbing the scalp) and then I leave it naked on all the other days. No styling product touches this head from June to October.I get more compliments on my hair than I have ever gotten.If I am going out I plan a few days in advance for my hair being the “dirtiest.”The natural oils form the most beautiful, well formed curls. It’s great for your hair and it’s great for your schedule and it’s great for your pocketbook, which is good because you will have spent all your money on corrective color!!!! Good luck!
Duh! It says right on the sign that your trip will end with a cardiac arrest!
Here’s a trick I use when I want to squirrel away money for something I can’t afford. Every time you pay for something the $1.00 bills you get in change go into a secret stash (coffee can). Pretty soon you have the money you need. It’s a variation of the loose change in a jar routine but with faster results. One time I did it for a whole year and paid for a vacation for 4 to Disneyworld.
For fack’s sake! What did they think dying your scalp red had to do with it?!!
I. Am. Speechless.
I have the perfect solution.
When you go on your BOSSY trip, this BOSSY summer, I think you should have your highlights done at each city you choose to visit. Or each city other people choose for you to visit (I don’t know how you’re doing it).
It could be expensive though.
FYI, I have always liked L’Oreal Colour Experte.
OH MY GAH. Remember those perfect lowlights you put in my hair last winter? YOU should do your own hair because you are a color genius. Maybe Martha can help?
you need a new hairdresser. one that understands that you shouldn’t need tampons for your head…
Luckily, Bossy looks beautiful in a hat. I am so sorry for your pain and suffering. Get yer money back. Bossy needs it for the gas.
Your Italian boyfriend certainly achieved a very natural looking color, and your new stylist certainly didn’t.
But, it is like way cool. Do your kids like it?
I’d tell you to use my chick, but her name is My mommy and she’s real far away from you.
Oh Bossy. That’s sucks so bad. I think you should take that correct highligts picture back, YES! for the third time! but show it to the owner/manager this time and then demand your money back.
I know this is out there (and might be harder as a blonde — I’m a brunette), but I buy those $17 coloring/highlighting kits (L’Oreal) and they turn out beautifully. I get a lot of compliments on my color/highlights and they look pretty natural. My hairstylist says she doesn’t know why I ever pay her to do it (and she’s good!) because they come out just as good when I do them myself.
Might be worth looking into, or at least talking to someone about?
I went back to a salon once to have them “fix” my hair. I told her I wanted it a tad shorter. She was pissed off and gave me a 1980’s shaved neck/bottom half of my head haircut as punishment. When I started to cry she said, “What? You SAID you wanted it SHORTER! It’s shorter, isn’t IT?”
Bossy looks good in foil.
My second suggestion would be just moving to California, where everyone has extreme highlights.
I love a woman with racing stripes in her hair.
I can’t even make jokes, because I am still reeling from when this happened to me.
But – Bossy…
You SAW what I went through!!
You? Me? Almost same exact hair?
I’ll trade you my head full of straight do nothingness for your head full of curls. Why o’ why do we never appreciate what we’ve got?
I still think you look fab!
Get back to Noo Yawk! Your hair in that picture was PERFECT.
Soooo sorry!!!!!!!!
Two words: Paul. Delaware.
Aw hon. I feel for you, really. I’ve been there too many times.
Demand your money back. That is all.
I don’t understand why they can’t do the same thing each time. My mil has the same problem.
I quit coloring my hair but I do have a girl that is pretty good with handling my curly hair.
Your gorgeous anyway.
Awww, Bossy, I think the color looks grand. So long as you make sure your friends’ noses are at least 60 inches away from your former roots, they’ll probably think so, too.
Oh, God, Bossy…I cannot believe you actually returned for more horrific hair treatment.
Save your pennies and return to Antonio!!!!
You are still cute.
Dearest Bossy …
I wish I could help you out with the highlights – I too am very curly … and in MORE than desparate need for a haircut (been more than a year) for I am still pouting about losing my very favorite hair stylist (that COST entirely too much) but if you are happy then it’s worth it. BUT I can’t find anyone expensive or cheap I am willing to chance things on again. SO I gave up and me and my girls (oops girl, my youngest would NEVER consider it) are donating our hair to Locks of Love – which means I can let it grow disgusting until I get it cut for free (which I will hate but I won’t hate myself for it – spending a ton of money on a haircut).
Back to the point… I can’t help you out much with the color – BUT I can help you out with the curls! There is a great book http://www.amazon.com/Curly-Girl-Lorraine-Massey/dp/0761123008 but MORE IMPORTANTLY know that curly hair is DRY hair – do not use a lot of shampoo (the book is a bit disgusting when telling you to NEVER use shampoo), but I learned to totally mosturize. TONS of conditioner, leave conditioner in my hair do NOT wash out, and on very dry days if conditioner isn’t around I use hand lotion or anything that will PUT moisture back into my hair. TONS OF IT, more than you thought you would EVER need! I went from frizzy mess to WOW curls. I never brush my hair when it’s dry, EVER! I leave it air dry and DON’T TOUCH A BRUSH until I wash it again. Somedays if it starts to get frizzy I only use a LITTLE shampoo around my scalp and wash the rest with conditioner. I now buy conditioner by the gallons and no need to really spend a fortune for it, anything will do as long as it doesn’t contain alcohol or WAX!
Check out my blog – and I will post some pics of my locks!
Yo Bossy, If you’re willing to go into the city (ours, not NYC), I’ll share my guy with you. He’s FAB-u-lous! Been doing my hair since grad school and my color for x years.
I would demand a refund; does this stylist actually believe this looks good? Once you get the refund, use it to pay for the more expensive stylist that you love. It’s worth it. When I moved to a smaller town to attend graduate school, and even though I was basically broke, I drove 3 1/2 hours every few months to see my dear stylist who kept my hair looking fabulous. It was worth it.
I thought… how bad could it get adding more highlights?
You look just like I do with a head full of tin foil!
Then… I saw the red! AAAAkkkk!! I am sooo sorry for Bossy that AGAIN there is no happy hair!
Keep on keepin’ on looking for a new stylist/colorist!
Lummy! Brassy bossy!
OMG, the whole world has commented!
Me thinks it would look lovely as a scarf.
It’s stories like these that have keep me gray, I mean, silver…..
OMG. I am a real red-head and will try not to get offended by the menstruating hair statement because you are so drop dead hilarious. But my friends Denise and Jenny read your blog and if they call MH for short I will always think of you.
Oh Bossy. What does the “whole look” look like? I mean, does it “blend” when it’s not close up? Or is it still too stripey?
And use this as evidence that if you just went to the Italian man, it would have saved so so much. Your time is valuable!
OH yes, she did decide you needed MORE highlights, yes!
Very bright and perky.
OMG, Desbah – I go to Roger at Salon Art F/X! He and Kiki used to style in adjacent chairs. Both do a great job… I always love my hair after Roger does it. I decided long ago that it was worth paying a small fortune to cover them grays.
Bossy – add DC to your Roadtrip and Desbah and I will hook you up at Salon Art F/X!
Oh Bossy, when you come to my house on your SPONSORED Tour, we will take you on a field trip to Kathy. Kathy is AMAZING with color, and she will set you up!
Hurry Bossy, tell us your itinerary…..hope you have me on it!!
Not to rub it in but “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”
You know that saying about the third time being a charm? Don’t believe it. If you step foot into that salon again, it should be for a refund. I’m sure there’s someone out there who can get the red out. (BTW, I do like the cut.)
It’s a good thing Bossy is so pretty it doesn’t matter what her hair looks like! But in the meantime, buy one of those “blonde” shampoos from the drugstore – it should kill the red in about a week.
Bossy so doesn’t need to worry about the red… The last time Shannon paid $200 to have her hair cut and highlighted fire-engine red, the colour had faded out by the end of the second week to a mangy ORANGE. Which. Is. Just. What. Shannon. Wanted.
The End.
why I no longer do color now that I don’t live in Chicago – I’ll take gray.
You may just need to kick her ass.
Or, at the very least, strangle her with the yoga pants.
on october 28, when i finally get my hair cut, i’m taking these photos with me so they can add brownish and blondish to my red so that we can look the same. i will kick her ass for you.
my two-cents are found here:
p.s. Bossy should listen to Bossy’s son, after all, he did get into Columbia on early decision.
p.p.s. dgm, I’m pretty sure the quote is “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, …can’t fool me again”
That’s it, I’m getting a cosmotology degree just so I can do your hair.
Okay, I was a hairdresser for five years. Now I just play assvicey on the internet.
The partings were too big, which means your steaks are too large. They should be more subtle with smaller partings, smaller sections of hair.
The contrast between the highlight and the lowlight is too great. It looks like a bleach and maybe a brown/red. The brown red may fade and be less obvious within a week or two. My guess is that it will and you will like it better.
Next time- you want blonde and only blonde, one a highlift tint (not bleach) and one a medium to dark blonde color. If you really want to see it, tell them to go heavy, but use small partings. You are going to run on the side of too subtle, but isn’t that better than too much?
Find someone whose hair you like and is similar to what you want and ask them who does it.
End of assvice.
Ok, that totally sucks – you should tell her you’re blogging about it on your totally FABulous blog, and that you’re going to NAME NAMES!
I’m trying not to chuckle. But “Bossy’s hair has its period,” that’s too funny.
And, once again, I am reminded of why it’s been 19 years since I’ve had my hair professionally done. Too many horror stories!
Oh, and I’m cheap.
I’m not laughing AT you, I’m laughing WITH you.
Screw it. Who am I kidding. I’m totally laughing at you.
I once asked for highlights and came out with orangy pink hair. WAS NOT FUNNY OR CUTE.
I am now going to go send a lovely bouquet of roses to my colorist who makes my hair look so purdee. And stripe free.
Umm, I think it looks good. Then again for all your pancake boobs and bedraggled appearance talk, you always strike me as a total knock out.
I have to point out that if Bossy was more experienced in the art of rationalization this would not have happened. Bossy would have convinced Bossy’s husband that if you amortized the price of her “ticket-to-
Arizona” haircut over the course of 225 days, the per day cost would be virtually insignificant. If you need further advice on the art of rationalization, I have a post on the subject. You are welcome to use my all-purpose rationale, “Because I’m not a junkie I can afford X.”
Oh jesu you poor Bossy. That’s criminal hairdressing. I send you a big hug; wish I could send you a bottle.
To continue on your smart boy’s line of thinking and quote your fellow Pennsylvanian, Ben F., the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
I’d take your new ‘do any day if your cheekbones came with it.
i’m laughing out loud … but not at your hair … really … just at your story …. really …. i can’t wait to see …um .. read … what happens next ….
dude. everyone knows red hair is awesome.
but, you know, usually when mixed with less colors.
oh, poor bossy!
put up another donation jar so we can all contribute to some proper hair care!
Good God, Bossy! Get thy to a salon. A DIFFERENT salon. And, yes, it sucks . . . but unstripy hairs costs a month’s salary. Can’t you just misappropriate some of the excellent road trip funds for a decent color job? You don’t want to LOOK like you’re from Oklahoma when you get here, do you?
By the way, ohmystinkin’heck has encouraged her readers to blog about blogs they love. You’re up on mine today.
reason number 433948 bossy needs to visit biddy on her road trip. i have the most FANTASTIC hair stylist in a beautiful salon. she can do ANYTHING. and she won’t charge you 2 arms a leg and 3 toes either.
Oh boy. Each time I get my hair cut I come home crying. I call my girlfriend and the first thing she says – You have your period don’t you? Damn, how did you know that? Then we both laugh because it’s true. I only get the urge to cut it off when I’m raging hormonal. But it grows back.
You’re tagged.
Bossy needs to come to Australia and meet Sebastian the wonder hairdresser.
Sebastian can do anything.
And make you feel like the prettiest girl on earth.
AND he is not gay!!! I know! Amazing!!
Oh Bossy! Should I apologize for laughing so shamelessly at your pain? Someday I will return the favor. Remind me to tell you about the hemorrhoid cream (or you can read it – I blogged it today.)
Coloring is both an art and a science (there are chemicals involved, after all). You need to find a really good colorist to fix that.
Once I had a new stylist bleach my entire head!
So he could ‘paint on’ the colors he wanted it to be. “Like starting out with a clean slate!”, he told me.
It was a disaster. Then I found Stacy. She may be a bit more expensive, but really, it’s so worth it.
I think that it is cute.
If I really hated it though, I would go to a Sally’s (do they have those everywhere? I wonder) and get a hair dye removal kit. It would take the red out, but leave the blonde. I have had to un- dye my hair several times due to my own experiments and stuff works like a charm.
But like I said, it’s cute, I would rock that look like I wanted it all along.
I feel your pain Bossy. That’s just unacceptable. I feel lucky to say I’ve had Lisa do my hair for the past 11 years now and I don’t know what I’d do w/out her shear genious!!
Oy! Why is it so damn hard to just get a decent cut and color? I have the same problem – the last person who cut my hair was named Ebony and she giggled at everything I said, replying “That’s hilarious!” Unfortunately, the haircut was not so hilarious.
I feel your pain girl…!
Hi ya, I’ve been lurking for a while now…found you through Pioneer Woman
I had to delurk to say: Ohhhh NO!!! Grrrr, this brings up such painful memories. Why, why, why must they mess up our hair?! I really hope you got your money back…just for the principle of the matter!
Not long ago I had a hair tragedy and when I requested she fix her horrible mistake (yellow in my brown hair), for free please, I was given such attitude and then I was told how I ASKED for yellow in my hair. Liar, liar pants on fire.
And the only way that they could fix it would be by applying some toner that would turn some of my hair GREEN. WHAT? I paid $185 for that—which oh yes, I got returned to me before I left. And then I went to another salon and they fixed it up right quick and without turning it green or anything. And obviously I am still not quite over all of this. But I will be okay….time heals all pains.
Is your colorist perhaps color blind?
Oh My Gosh. I had the same experience and I think the two most frightening people on the face of teh earth are dentists and hair stylists!
Imagine if u found the love of ur hairs life, the miracle worker, THE 1 who makes your 30 year old graying fine limp hair feel & look like a Supastar. Then…he went & died (RIP Dan from Vendetta’s). So u decided to be nice & get ur hair done by ur new sis-in-law. New sweet sis-in-law alternately makes u look like a vampire or a postpunkrock hoe. This is my reality based nightmare. I feel ur hair period blues. U should write a song.
Oh, Bossy, you’re still mighty purdy. And around here, lots of surfers have really stripey highlights. It’s a look.
I’m sorry to hear Aunt Flow came to visit your hair.
If you’re in Chicago on Bossy’s fabulous road trip, I have just the girl for you. And she’s in the burbs, so she’s a bit cheaper. But worth every nickel.
This story is why tired mummy doesn’t dye her hair.
This was one of the funniest entries yet. O God, how funny!!!!! And haven’t we all been there n done that? Thanks for the laugh. I knew I could count on you!