Yesterday’s exciting Super Bowl between the New York Giants and the New England Patriots kicked-off with a tantalizing pre-game show hosted by Terry Bradshaw Bossy’s niece – who in a rather unfortunate turn of events drowned in a bowl of veggie dip:
Within minutes the coin was flipped and the game began. First the Giants did some stuff:
Then New England did some stuff:
Meanwhile of course the party guests sat in awed silence watching each play with the strictest attention:
Soon it was time for the Halftime Entertainment featuring Tom Petty:
Then the game resumed and the Giants did some more stuff.
Anticipation mounted as Bossy’s friend Bobo interpreted hieroglyphics consulted his football pool:
And then tackle run throw catch score it was time to wake up Bossy’s brother’s dog:
And then kickoff penalty touchdown holding it was time to take Eddie for his evening walk:
Next New England did some stuff:
And quicker then you could say, “I just ate my weight in gherkins,” only a few seconds remained on the game clock and New England was ahead. The Giants had possession. Will they score their game-winning touchdown? Will the New York Giants become the Super Bowl champions?
Lucky for you sports fans with an eye toward Instant Replay, Bossy caught the final action as it unfolded and is recording it here – copyright free! – for your post-game analysis:
That was an awesome rendition of your super bowl party. I especially liked the half time show full of purple wigs and all! Go Giants!!
We had very similar results although my declaration would be, “I ate my weight in chicken wings.”
Cute hamster.
It seems like the Giants sank their last minute freethrows, or something, in that final inning. I had gone to bed already.
Nice spread for the party! Mmm. MMm. Gherkins.
I can’t believe how healthy your snacks were. Did you dip them in ranch AND cool whip AND bernaise AND melted butter, just to even things out?
your halftime show was so much better…
this was by far the worst superbowl i’ve ever seen…but bossy made it better!
Bossy’s party had such healthy grub (except for the booze). We had tons of nachos, wings, ribs, chips and BUDWEISER…the Super Bowl sponsored beer.
Is there a reason Stella was snubbed? Did Eddie have something to do with it?
Yeah, where was the grease and chocolate? That’s no Super Bowl party, that’s a bridal shower.
Your Sister-in-law is cute! I tried to have a party at my Sisters house but she only let me invite my kids 🙁
Having your kids there was like having an entire houseful of loud guys watching football. Your kids? Their loud. And they drop stuff-like chips and salsa. And, they don’t fetch the beer yet.
~sorry to blog-jack Bossy, but Sassy needed a smack down.~
Cameron and I watched until Tom Petty. The entire time cracking each other up making fun of the game, the announcers and the bad commercials. (We liked a few of those.. mostly anything that had to do with Pepsi).
I dont get some of the comments. I hate the Giants and think New England are stinkin cheaters, but that was one of the best Super Bowls ever!!!!!! Great game. The commercials were sub par this year.
We similarly stuffed ourselves and monitored commercials, but lacked the talent your room had. Looks like fun!
I’m with Dexter, that game ROCKED(even Tom Petty-old geezer that he is)! Especially the last 5 minutes or so. It was definitely a game of wills. The commercials were absolutely the WORST I can remember! I mean we were booing them *so* bad at my house! In between exciting plays I read the first book of LOTR, first time in about 9 years.
We also had tons of food, an orange raspberry poke cake, homemade chili, homemade ranch dip with veggies and chips, deviled eggs, cheese and crackers… it was a feast! Coolest thing was that my chili won 4th place out of 10 at a Super Bowl party my son attended, he brought home an EMPTY pot!
While I don’t see the point in watching sport on a tv at a party, I do see the point of spicy shrimp. Excellent Super Bowl Party!
Bossy, You are the best! Write a book already. Please??
I was filled with insightful questions and comments like, “Why don’t the other guys pull that dreaded dude’s hair? That would sure stop him.” Or, “Do you think Tom Brady will speak to Giselle tonight, or like totally freeze her out?” Or, “That losing coach has SUCH bad manners! He just bailed before the end of the game.” And when, indeed, that same coach was interviewed after the game, he was such a poor loser that I pegged my hub w/ ?’s, wanting to know if HE was married and deliberate what it would be like in their home tonight.
Then, I acted all intellectual and asked some questions re the difference in watching games today in the techo-era, rather than years ago w/ no instant replay etc. I couldn’t tell if same hub was amazed or aghast.
ps pizza and beer here.
I know if I had one of those exercise balls I could get rid of my baby tummy once and for all.
That was a good game, wasn’t it? I was so rooting for the Giants b/c I have no respect for Tom Brady, even though he’s hot. And yes kitcat, I do believe Tom gave Giselle the cold shoulder. Your party looked very festive and the food/libations looked delish. Is this the brother who is a house painter? Loved Eddie Van Hampster……..
Pork with curried chutney and spicy shrimp? That’s kind of like the Chef Boyardee pizzas we ate. Kind of…in the same way that Bloomingdales is like Wal-Mart.
BOSSY’s post was way more exciting than the actual game.
I.Know. That horse commercial was GREAT! I always stop eating for the Clydesdales.
Bossy’s brother has a nice lounge
We watched Van Helsing. Mmmm, Hugh Jackman.
I’d have to say no to the shrimp and the pork, nothing personal. But I think my kittens would love to play with a hamster in an exercise ball. Would your brother loan Eddie out?
This is the first thing about the Superbowl that’s made me smile *weeps quietly into her hankie*.
And, yeah. I ate my weight in guacamole. (it’s the good kind of fat).
I agree that Bossy’s post is way more entertaining than the actual game. But then I was one of…well, I was the only person who didn’t know the game was on yesterday. I watched Sense and Sensibility on TCM. Again.
But, at any time during the game or halftime festivities, did Bossy or any of her friends or family tune in to the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet?
found your site from Shamelessly Sassy’s – just stopped by to say hi!
Looks like a fun party!
But why do they play the Superbowl in the middle of the freakin’ night?
–Mr Farty, Embra, Scotchland, Yurp.
I am SO glad you watched the game for me. Bossy is a caring individual. I just wish Bossy cared enough to send me some of that pork with curried chutney.
Awww, how we love Bossy! Very, very much! Best postings, for sure~!!
I watched the game, too. ALONE. Can you believe that?? An endless barrel of fun such as moi didn’t have a single person to share in her jumping-around-the-room and screaming dance when the Giants scored that 30-some odd second touchdown. I think there is something seriously wrong with everyone else’s perception of me, since they all chose NOT to share in the gaming excitement with me. Off to cry buckets of tears on my blog. Those nasty lil’ rascals shall pay for leaving me here alone! Muahahahaha.
Yeah – I didn’t watch much at my party, either… but that house of your brother’s is way cool!
That’s some fancy-schmancy superbowl food. I feel so low class eating steak and ribs and wings and spinach and artichoke dip with pita chips…
Hysterical recap. Love it.
Bossy should know that I have had a horrible nasty flu for five days now, and a fever to go along with it. I haven’t been this sick since I was a kid. WTF?
Anyway, every night for the past 5 nights I have been waking up at 1:00am or so, practically hallucinating in my feverish state, and then my brain goes berzerk with some repetitive issue that it fixates on and turns over and over and over and worries like a dog with a bone.
The first night it was Barack vs. Hillary, and that whole thing. I forget what the other nights had as their fever-obsession themes, but LAST NIGHT it was Bossy’s turn.
I laid in bed with my 1yo baby (and later with my 4yo too, who also has this fecking Death Virus), mentally reviewing Bossy’s funny blog entries and slipping in and out of sleep.
Just wanted you to know. Bossy is a subject of obsession among the feverishly ill!
God, I hope this ends soon. But even when I am healthy I love to read Bossy’s blog. You kick Dooce’s butt.
I forgot to say that the horse commercial made me cry yesterday. I MUST be sick.
If I had an Eddie Van Hamster I bet I would have enjoyed the game more.
Your halftime show might have actually kept my attention more than the Petty show. I’m not a fan — can u tell. I do respect the guy, though. He is something of as legend.
Your brother’s hamster has the coolest name EVER!
That hamster rocks.
I totally forgot yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday. I didn’t even know who was playing. Normally, I’m a little more in tune with my surroundings. Thanks for the review. You covered all the important parts!
My mother called and told me about the horse commercial. I had to look it up on the internet later. It made us both cry.
We had hamster balls at our Super Bowl party, too!
Those little things are tough to keep on the toothpicks for dipping in the marinara sauce.
Everytime I see a hamster in a ball (which is pretty much never) I think of Little Bill and his hamster Elephant. I loved Little Bill.
1. I really need some spicy shrimp
2. It is probably very IMPROPER how cute I think Bossy’s son is
3. Hamster + ball = C.R.E.E.P.Y
4. That is one impressively large coffee table
Weird, there was a hampster in a exercise ball at the superbowl party I went to……and I thought I was special.
That is some fancy food for a Super Bowl party! I think I would rather be there than our friends’ smoky garage where my husband and I watched the game for the first hour.
Thanks for the recap. I spent the entire game chasing my children. Mr. Bum did include my in the festivities. As I chased the children I heard an occasional, “hey you gotta watch this”.
I did win $125 with a superbowl pot. Woohoo.
Football would be cooler if they had pits of sharks with lasers on their heads.
They showed this on BBC2 in the UK. I still have very little idea what American football actually is. It seems like some kind of VERY SLOW rugby.
This wasn’t helped by that fact that all the pre-match things only started at 10.30pm. I wasn’t giving up that much time to watch men who seem to be stuck in the 80s, shoulder-pad style.
The Asian lady in the picture, you wouldn’t happen to have her phone number, would you?
As a 49’er fan, I wasn’t expecting much. But I think it was one of the greatest SB games ever.
Did you film your half time show? I would love to see it.
Oh, I’ve read you contribution to “HOWL”—but I agree, you need to write a whole book,
Oh my gosh Bossy. I just found you this morning and you are toooo dang hilarious! I must have been living under a rock all this time to never have heard of you, now I’m hooked!
As for the superbowl, the horse commercial was my favorite too.
And Eddie Van Hamster is adorable. We are going to be seeing his namesake, Eddie Van Halen on Sunday…wheeee!