Bossy has so much to tell you—about Los Angles and her drive up the Pacific Coast Highway to Palo Alto earlier today, and about San Diego and the women who slammed back margaritas while contemplating race relations in the suburbs last Monday, and even about Orlando and Avitable and the tale of Bossy’s lost sunglasses—but since Bossy is cross-eyed with frozen yogurt fatigue, she will instead share an important factoid about XM satellite radio’s Oprah & Friends channel:
If you roll up the car windows and lean into your radio, you can hear Dr. Mehmet Oz whistle through his nose.
Has Bossy not heard of books on tape? It can save brain cells!
When Suebob told me you were driving Hwy 1, I got worried. I’ve done it, both for fun and for love (my husband is a location scout). I get sick on the park swing, and Hwy 1 (aka Hwy !) is craaazzzyyy.
Glad to know you are safe.
Now that is entertainment!
Drive safely!
I’ve driven that road many times, and as a white knuckle driver of the first order, I can truly say I prefer driving it South to North…the cliffs don’t seem nearly as dangerous when they’re on the other side of the road!
All the sun that was hiding from us came out today….I hope you enjoyed it, beautiful ride.
Remember us all as you drive, we are thinking of you.
I got engaged in Palo Alto – wave at Spago for me as you go past!
Bossy can keep us posted on the margaritas, the charming people and the missing sunglasses. I’ll keep us posted on the Missing Man Count.
If you lean into the computer screen, you can hear me stressing and obsessing.
I love that drive. I don’t understand why people think it’s scary.
Leaning into your radio can only be safe if… you have your seatbelt on and your eyes on the swervy curvy road… well maybe Bossy should just sit up straight to stay SAFE!!
Now THAT’S a road sign. Bad ass.
I gotta get me some Satellite radio. It sounds fun. I wonder if you can hear him smack his lips, too? That drives me nuts.
The Pacific Coast highway. Is there anything like it? WEST coast.
Although it can be harrowing…what a way to go.
and then my sister said “you read blogs about Dr. Oz??” And I said, “not about him, just that mention him!”
Whatever it takes to keep Bossy sane!
Gotta love those scrubs!
Ok, I just threw up a little bit of coffee while reading about that guy’s whistling nose.
He totally weirds me out for some reason… has anyone actually checked to make sure he’s a REAL doctor, since she use to tout “Dr.” Phil, who turns out isn’t a real shrink.
And a sexy nose it is.
Maybe he needs to use a neti pot?
I think Dr. Oz has his nose so far up Oprah’s you-know-what (Saturn, I appreciate this is a family show) that he needs an Oprah-ectomy.
Quick, send Dr. Oz to my house!!! I’m having all sorts of EMERGENCIES that coincide with your visit.
Will email with details later today … after making two dozen calls to try and salvage my freedom!
Does Ozzie know how we love him?
He whistles due to neti-pot over-usage!
Sounds like Dr. Oz has a septal defect. Nothing that can’t be cured with vitamins and yoga.
Oh my, you are so right. Dr. Oz makes all kinds of snuffling and whistling noises while his guests are speaking. Sometimes you can hear him EATING (walnuts or cod liver oil, fer sure) on the radio. I wonder why his producer doesn’t turn his mike way, way down or even off when he’s doing that. Don’t they know?
Oh you’re so close to my area! I feel your presence! Drive Safe!
Dr. Oz’s nose sounds like an unpleasant addition to an otherwise lovely drive.
I love the Cal Highway!!!
Oh, and you get to see the state while it’s still (mostly) green — lucky you. In another month it’ll be mostly yellow brown, which is the real reason we still call it The Golden State.
Is the number on that sign the count of the cars that DID or DID NOT make it through the curve? Just curious…
I hate nose whistles.
Keep those hands at 10 and 2, Bossy: no more leansies out the window, please.
Nose Whistles – hah!
Note to self: Must get XM radio. Have heard too much about it lately to ignore need any longer.
I need to get me some XM Radio.
I heart the PCH or Hwy 1. On your beautiful costal drive, you went through a small section that used to be my old stomping grounds from my college days…San Luis Obispo, home of the Cal Poly Mustangs. Just thought I’d share that with you!
I’ve enjoyed readying about your zigzag across the country!
Now I feel spitud. That’s cleared it up for me