It’s lumpy. And when Bossy lies on her lumpy bed and looks up, she is reminded that she never finished spackling around her skylight:
And meanwhile on the floor to the right of her bed, Bossy’s pile of unread magazines mock her:
While at the foot of her bed, Excellent Road Trip bags brimming with Mardi Gras beads and Gas-X and receipts and orthopedic shoes remain unpacked:
I’m thinking you need to go buy yourself a new mattress, have Bossy’s son finish spackling and sleep for at least a week.
My New Yorkers have also piled up in the past few weeks. And I, too, have a portion of a ceiling that needs attention. You’ve beaten me on the orthopedic shoes, though. Well played, sir.
I used to take New Yorker magazine and stack them just like that. It’s hard to do more than skim through.
I’d like to know a bit more about that John Deere bag. I was unaware that you visited my home town while you were in Oregon 🙂
Oh Bossy.. Madness always wondered if she was the only person who spent the first few days home after an outing picking apart all the reasons why she’d like to be back at the hotel rather than being grateful that she’s back with her family.
Methinks the plan for Bossy’s Excellent Spackling Roadtrip might need to start at home.
I do hope my house can be a stop on that one, too, though … my guest bathroom needs Bossy’s mad skilz, as Bossy knows.
I’ll come over and spackle if you want.
Ruh-Roh. Looks like Bossy may not be cured of that insomnia after all…
My stack of unread materials looks like Bossy’s and I did not go on a five-week road trip.
I want a skylight above my bed! but, I don’t think my upstairs neighbors would appreciate it though …
That exact same magazine is on the top of my unread pile. I am so much like BOSSY.
Looks like my unfinished spackle and unmade bed and unpacked bags. And I didn’t go anywhere.
At least you are being mocked by fancy, smancy magazines and not crap.
What happens when I click the “more girls” button on your sidebar?
Ahhhh… looks like home.
What did you buy at the John Deere store? We’re all dying to know…
I really dig the juxtaposition of the New Yorker periodical mixed with next image of the John Deere bag. You should put the New Yorkers in the John Deere bag. Like a trucker hat on top of expensively highlighted hair, or Johnny Depp in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.
Well… it took you five weeks to make the trip, I think you should give yourself at LEAST that much time to recover/unpack from it – or am I the only one who does that?! 🙂
OMG-Bossy, I used the have the same bed!! It’s an iron sleigh bed from Bassett I believe?
Just keep your eyes closed, Bossy. Refuse to see anything other than the inside of your eyelids or welcoming faces or nature or your computer screen.
Wow, that’s good advice- I’m going to try it too!
I don’t see any problem here. I would have no trouble napping there. Wake me up in 3 hours.
Mardi gras beads? Were you flashing people on your road trip, ‘cuz I didn’t see any pictures of THAT.
Bossy never said anything about buying a tractor on the Excellent Road Trip. Was that the sixth vehicle?
I am too distracted by the giant flower nipples on that New Yorker magazine to notice anything else. 8^)
Bossy needs herself a sponsor from a mattress company.
Pardon me while I go find my violin.
I think it’s rad that BOSSY has a John Deere shopping bag.
What??! There’s a John Deere Outlet? Can you get a discount on tractors? Did you know there is a winery in the Sonoma Valley that is owned by THE John Deere’s great-great-grandaughter. It was a stop on one of my roadtrips.
“There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home….”
Out here in The Sticks that John Deere bag is like Prada. Very stylish, especially with a Jiffy Pop-style feed cap.
Oh! Unpacking! I hate the unpacking!
I’m curious about the John Deere bag. Can a tractor fit in that?
Since I am stalking you anyway, I’d be happy to tidy up for you. It feels like that’s just the kind of thing a good stalker would do. What can I say? I’m a giver.
Anyone want to bet the over/under for how long until the road trip bags get unpacked? In my house, the over/under is often several weeks. But maybe that’s just me.
Bossy needs a bigger bed. (With a new big mattress.)
Bossy should be able to lie “Jesus style” with her arms spread out on either side and still have her hands physically ON the mattress.
This is Melissa’s way to measure grown-up bed appropriateness.
Bossy knows her cat bowl is always half FULL of gin, even as she notices the lipstick smears around the rim.
Oh, damn those things to be done.
And was Bossy’s Dane glad to see her?
Asthmagirl takes at least a week before putting anything away after a trip… why rush into anything?!
That bed looks pretty comfy to me. Two Tylenol PMs and I could sleep for hours…sometimes.
But just think of all you accomplished. Now take a nap!
Home Sweet Home!!!! Yeah for Bossy! That lumpy bed must have been verrrrry soothing and comfortable after so many days away! Ahhhh the sight of the unfinished spackling must have been reassuring that your future still has meaning! Unfinished reading? Unfinished packing? These are the joys of homecoming! Leave it all undisturbed… and go for a walk with the dog!
Welcome Home!
I’d like to know more about the John Deere bag. 😉
S t e p h e r
Maybe your next trip can be sponsered by select comfort bed (the sleep number)my number is 40
Do Bossy and Bossy’s Husband sleep in separate single beds? How very 1950’s of you.
I was going to mention Select Comfort, too. (My number is 50!)
Forget Select Comfort… try Southern Comfort
Welcome back. I knew DelCo seemed a bit sunnier these days.
…Um, so basically you’re like the rest of us! lol… After your lil’ road trip you’re probably pretty happy to be starin’ up at the partially spackled ceiling… :o)
…And where did you get the cool John Deere bag?
…Thanks Bossy for comin’ over and visiting my blog… ;o)
…I got it…You got the John Deere bag over at Pioneer Woman’s place didn’t you? You must tell, whassup with Bossy and John Deere… :o)
A sky light above the bed, how do you sleep until noon?
Whatever you’re doing in bed, if you’re noticing the ceiling while you’re there doing it – you’re doing it wrong!
And I can’t believe they can get a tractor in that bag! No way!
Oh, and even though that other bag is bigger, I don’t believe that they can get a navy in it, either.
Spackling is a word?
kinda makes you wish you were back in that cloud bed in texas huh?
*sigh* there’s no place like home
I’m noticing Bossy doesn’t have a Temperpedic NASA space age foam mattress and pillow. Audubon Ron does and his wife has her own also because they have separate suites. Audubon Ron sleeps great and doesn’t see the plaster without his glasses because he’s blind in one and can’t see out of the other.
I always wondered, how do you know if mattress is comfy in space in a weightless environment? That’s one of those questions you never ask in the bed store.
Come listen to my Rosewood Series.
I think you defo need a bigger bed! BN is nice and everything but I couldn’t sleep that close to him.. he’d snore me to death 🙂
First, I had to revive myself after you commented on my blog today. And once I was breathing again, come back her and THANK YOU, O GREAT ONE!
And finally, they say the bedroom is supposed to be a place of peace and tranquility so that you sleep well. But where the heck else am I supposed to put all my shit??
It’s always hard to come home after a road trip (ESPECIALLY a long one) and try to resettle yourself into your normal, boring life. I always tell people that I need a vacation after my vacation!
Throw the magazines away (MAGAZINE POLICE are a figment of your imagination and WILL NOT come knocking at your door!) Stash those plastic bags in a closet far far away. Take a picture of the bed with Bossy’s husband IN IT.
(And skylights LIKE to have a variety of textures surrounding them!)
Thank you for making me feel better about my own mismatched (and dusty) furniture, the unsettling color red my husband insisted upon, and my curtains, which are now smeared with a child’s poo after yesterday’s potty training disaster.
OOPS…big goof here, back to say thanks mucho bueno macho for visiting me…you know how to make a persons day.
Since we are going to be Alltop neighbors, I thought I’d drop by and say hi.
Since I am on top of you, and you will be staring at my butt all the time, I promise to do more lunges this week. (But I’m not going to stop eating chocolate.)
Your Queen size bed looks like a twin?
Why aren’t you taking pictures of your MAMA with that lens?
Those New Yorkers come way too fast to keep up. I think it’s a conspiracy to make the rest of us feel bad about ourselves…
I used to have a pile of unread magazines next to my bed. Now however, the pile is shoved UNDER my bed. This is my idea of “cleaning” when we have open houses.
Thank Christ for bedskirts…
I have an opinion on what bossy should spend her “stimulus” money on – a non-lumpy mattress.
Also, put bossy’s son and husband to work on that ceiling pronto!
I’d be bossin’ somebody into buyin’ me a new mattress and spacklin’ up my skylight.
That is what I call strategic planning. If you don’t unpack, you are that much closer to packing for the next trip.
that last picture reminds me i need to go order my old navy swim suit. biddy in a swimsuit? gag…
oh, and feel free to work your bossy magic and make these into buttons:
Blogger, please! That ain’t nuthin’! You need to work the PR: that? there? On purpose! We LIKE it that way.
the bossy bedroom is available here, if you’re interested.
Blogger, please! That ain’t nuthin’! You need to work the PR: that? there? On purpose! We LIKE it that way.
Me thinks that bed looks sooo comfy!!
Especially after my rough week, including today, when I became a panhandler at the mall.
I just need a good, long nap!
Hope you are resting up too.
Bossy needs to get back in the lumpy bed, read 3 pages on one of the magazines, and sleep for the rest of the day.
John Deere? I love it.
I totally have a mocking magazine pile on my side table. And I feel like my laundry that needs to be put away mates and gives birth to new laundry as I sleep.
Glad to have you back, and hope your trip was as much fun as it looked like from here.
I had to cancel my subscription to that exact magazine. I think they put all that stuff crammed into each issue just to make me feel inadequate.
Wow…and spackling is one of my FAVORITE things!!! Seriously.
New Yorker is WAY too much pressure. You might want to try people, where the articles are “no longer than the average person can read during the average crap.”
Movie reference anyone?
John Deere! A friend just got a new mattress and I checked it out. I think I’ve been sleeping on a rock slab and didn’t know it!
Bet the bed felt good though 🙂
Yeah, but I bet it’s still damn good to be home.