The start to any party at our house is a good hose-down of all the mismatched plastic chairs, scrubbing the picnic table, and hosing the dirt and oak leaves out of the picnic coolers! Have a great party!
SOON, he will be opening his paycheck envelopes from having a Great university degree and giving you a percentage of his earnings!! RIGHT? Isn’t that how it works??? RIGHT? OF COURSE RIGHT..??
Thinking Bossy is running around looney trying not to think of baby boy all grown up and OCDing on cleanliness when no one will give a crap! Congratulations and for God’s sake have fun!!
Oh how I remember the first high school graduation party at our house in 2002. Out came the tables (borrowed) and chairs (borrowed) from our church. The lights to decorate the outdoors and music and a ceiling fan. Such preparation!
Oh no- you don’t want chairs. Chairs mean that guests sit. And when they sit, they drink. And when they drink, that could lead to sleeping over, which might make them want to move in.
Make ’em stand, Bossy. Don’t go there with the seating.
Who is sitiing on the table? Where will the table-sitters put their food? Me thinks you have problem with the seating arrangements. Take a deep breath and lay off the wine. Then, and only then will you see that there is a design flaw! It’s goning to be a hell of a party.
Invariably, people will use those lower chairs as stepping stones to the upper level. And then the whole thing comes crashing down in a rainshower of splintered plastic, teeth, hair and eyeballs.
Most people find it easier to sit in chairs when all four of their legs are on the ground. But then, most people are not as adventurous as they should be.
looks like the best seat in the house! albeit a little dirty…but hey what’s a dirty bum between party guests!
I’ve been thinking about you. Such a busy time. Congrats to your son!
Also, the sun filtering through those plastic chairs brings a tear to my eye.
Looks like it’s going to be a great day for a party!
Musical chairs! My favorite!
Pretty soon, I bet those chairs wont be the only ones dancing on the tables.
Have fun, celebrate!
Bossy would love my new cooler for her party
Oh, that’s right! I’ve seen so many graduation parties here, there and everywhere this weekend.
Congrats to your very handsome son!! (And, to you, for a job well done.)
Uuh, I don’t think you’re done yet. CONGRATS!
The start to any party at our house is a good hose-down of all the mismatched plastic chairs, scrubbing the picnic table, and hosing the dirt and oak leaves out of the picnic coolers! Have a great party!
hard to prep between bursts of sobbing, I would guess… graduation. these kids have some nerve growing up!
SOON, he will be opening his paycheck envelopes from having a Great university degree and giving you a percentage of his earnings!! RIGHT? Isn’t that how it works??? RIGHT? OF COURSE RIGHT..??
I hope everyone is wearing white!
Good times, good times.
How does Bossy expect guests to dance on the tables with chairs stacked in the way?
I am glimpsing my future–3 weeks from now.
Lots of chairs to wash.
Have fun!
Thinking Bossy is running around looney trying not to think of baby boy all grown up and OCDing on cleanliness when no one will give a crap! Congratulations and for God’s sake have fun!!
Oh how I remember the first high school graduation party at our house in 2002. Out came the tables (borrowed) and chairs (borrowed) from our church. The lights to decorate the outdoors and music and a ceiling fan. Such preparation!
You have chosen an intricate seating arrangement. Does it involve place cards?
Wot, no food? If you needed snack suggestions, you should just have asked us! Sheesh!
BOSSY’s Google ads has “Find your foreign bride today!” They’ve got BOSSY’s son’s future all planned out…
You’re well on your way to a great event. At least Ricky Lake didn’t make an appearance!
Oh no- you don’t want chairs. Chairs mean that guests sit. And when they sit, they drink. And when they drink, that could lead to sleeping over, which might make them want to move in.
Make ’em stand, Bossy. Don’t go there with the seating.
Look how BOSSY can post a picture of chairs and people comment. BOSSY’s got skillz.
Who is sitiing on the table? Where will the table-sitters put their food? Me thinks you have problem with the seating arrangements. Take a deep breath and lay off the wine. Then, and only then will you see that there is a design flaw! It’s goning to be a hell of a party.
Plastic chair party fort?
I’ve done this before and it does not work.
Invariably, people will use those lower chairs as stepping stones to the upper level. And then the whole thing comes crashing down in a rainshower of splintered plastic, teeth, hair and eyeballs.
Most people find it easier to sit in chairs when all four of their legs are on the ground. But then, most people are not as adventurous as they should be.
Definitely the best way to arrange seating. It’s very entertaining for the host at least.
I am so curious to see the “after party” pictures, and find our where those chairs ended up.