Cover Girl’s lash blast mascara. Bossy first heard about this mascara on a certain daytime talk show which Bossy is not here to promote, but it rhymes with Mope-rah.
It features a new, wider, stiffer wand– and Bossy is sorry but are we still talking about mascara? It goes on evenly and stays on all day, even after taking a nap, and even after crying while watching a Tim Russert tribute.
In the past, Bossy has alternated more upscale mascara brands with drugstore brands. For instance she tried several times to use the discount mascara that is all the rage and appears on many “best buy” lists, but for Bossy it’s never been anything but goopy and smudgy. She’s not here to promote that brand either, especially since she doesn’t like it, but it looks like this:
[…] soap, she simply applies and reapplies the washcloth until it is dark with the day’s lipstick and mascara and hi have you met Bossy the lazy […]