You are looking at a small slice of nirvana. It is a prefabricated house situated in a park of similar houses, located a ten-minute drive from an upscale oceanfront—and it belongs to Bossy’s brother.
This is Bossy’s brother, and he is currently demonstrating why he decided to buy a vacation home and how he could afford that vacation home: for the second year in a row, he has been hired to play five nights a week at a resort on the sand.
Bossy just returned from four days spent with her brother and she has the following report about how it works:
Bossy’s brother sets up shop on the deck at the base of the hotel, which is adjacent to the tiki bar and pool.
The hotel isn’t fancy, but what it lacks in sophisticated style, it makes up for in beach towels hung from every surface.
Bossy’s brother has a varied song list, and he can tackle complex tune arrangements by utilizing a looping machine. This means he can lay down his own rhythm track live and then play along on top of it for a fuller sound. This never ceases to wow the crowd.
The first thing Bossy does when she goes to hear her brother play is order a drink special from the tiki bar, and that drink special usually consists of a cherry with lots of rum around it. And then Bossy finds a seat under one of the canvas umbrellas and settles back so she can better absorb B.B. King, the Police, Eric Clapton, the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Green Day, and the mom who was shouting at her kids.
Whenever Bossy’s brother begins to play, a magical thing happens: strangers turn into friends.
It usually begins with smiles and shared song requests, shouted out across the din of kids wrestling in the baby pool.
And within no time, people are scooting around chairs and springing for another round of drinks.
There is something about the power of music to melt the barriers between the generations:
Everyone is charmed by Bossy’s brother and his guitar. Even management:
OK, maybe Bossy’s brother didn’t charm everybody:
AND…It’s just ASSUMED that BOSSY can use the vacation house anytime she wants….and WILL NOT Get stuck painting at the last minute like some OTHER people made her do?????
He makes enough to buy a second home? Nice!
wow! nice house. i love it. i think i need one. or at least access to one whenever i want!
oh…if you haven’t come by my blog for your youyou i would love to do you. oh wait…that didn’t sound quite right!
But what was the mom yelling at her kids? What did she say? I need details so I can completely enjoy your experience!
I’m going with Seagull…it’s not like it has shown up on every picture across the country or anything.
Next thing you know he’ll be trashing rooms at the Four Seasons and requesting big crystal bowls of white M&Ms for his entourage.
It is very good news that Bossy’s daughter is not in jail. what with the amount of rum Bossy consumed it might have been a long time before Bossy was able to get Bossy’s daughter out.
And seagull. Lens dust doesn’t fly.
Bossy’s potential new husband looks like a hotel management type. That could be a good thing when it comes to scoring room discounts. And maybe bar discounts.
I think it MUST be a seagull, since it only shows up where there’s sky.
My mom and dad are BLUES CRUISERS, and I can attest to the fact that good music + rum = very friendly behavior.
Look at Bossy’s brother (and rum) bringin’ love to the world. I’m glad your phantom seagull followed you home from your roadtrip.
I really love your style. You’re one of my favorite spots to visit. Wish you twittered so I can get bits of your brain throughout the day. Thanks for the giggles.
Where oh where is he performing?
Not only does the music melt the generation barrier, that shirtless hunk may have the power to melt my underthings. Please don’t tell me he’s under 18. I’d like to keep my mind out of jail.
Oh…can I come next time?
We recently purchased a second home by the beach. Except that it’s in Indiana and there aren’t any beaches here, and it’s a garage- but at least I have to walk to get to it. Sometimes I even wear a bathing suit. .. until the neighbors complain.
I would like to be a resort listening to your brother play! It sounds like tons of fun and I would even talk to strangers if the occasion calls for it!
Bossy’s brother needs to watch out for that guy on the stairs with the sunglasses. He looks peeved that bro is gettin’ all the chicks at da pool.
Bossy, what size of hat did you wear to hide your hair? Maybe the guy with the phone is an ‘Emergency-Worker-in-Disaster-Hair-Repair’?? Did you check him out? About the hair, I mean! xoxo the fan
Sounds like a GREAT place to just unwind and get away. I love things like that.
I can tell by the shadow menacing closer and closer to the yelling mom that Little Bunny Foo-Foo is about to bop the mom on the head.
I also can read your fortune in the items I see in your ice, FYI. But I don’t see dead people. That would be peculiar!
Sounds like my kind of place. We go to Galveston 5 weekends out of the four every month. There are many places with tiki bars and Bossy brothers playing most excellent tunes.
Management does look like a fun guy. Dorky cell phone clip notwithstanding.
Can you tell us eastcoasters where he’s playing?
Nice gig! I miss going to places like that along the beaches in SO CA. I usually sat at the bar so I can score all the cherries I wanted.
I’m also impressed beyond the moon over Bossy’s brother’s very neat landscaping skills. He keeps a good bed….flower bed.
Has Bossy thought of hiring him to ummm you know, trim stuff in the back yard? Just around the clothes line. 🙂
Bossy’s brother should go on a peace kick like Bob Marley–since he’s bridging barriers and all that. He could change the world, and Bossy could be the one to write about it.
Phone clip man looks just like Murray from Flight of the Conchords. I want to marry him too.
OMG! The guy on the stairs (next to phone-wearing manager) glaring at Bossy’s brother is none other than actor Jeffrey Jones, who played truant officer “Edddd Rooney” in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.” All Long Islanders are deeply impressed that Bossy’s guitar-playin’ bro’ attracts the formerly famous.(Long Islanders are less impressed that a 55-year-old writer uses “OMG!” to open a posted comment, when he should actually be WORKING!)
See, I knew it. That right there is another 6-8 reasons to have Huge Unrequited Pretend Crush on Bossy’s brother (as if those blue blue blue eyes weren’t enough). Crud. Please don’t tell him.
I paid for a condo on the beach in cash, but they kicked me out after 10 days. Said something about “you only paid for 10 days”. Ridiculous!
I am jealous of Bossy’s brother.
As for your “seagull,” my hypothesis is that the blur is in fact a spec of dust on your sensor, not your lens. A gentle blast of compressed air should solve this problem…VERY gentle.
The reason it shows up only in the sky is because it blends in with other objects in your other shots, it is most likely still there.
Hasn’t that seagull migrated east since last we saw it?
Gotta love the live music. Cheers the soul, and brings people together. Wish I was there.
I love that you use the word “goony.”
Love the “beach-towel-on-the-railing” decor. Very colorful… just right for summer.
Live music by the pool is (almost) always genius. Despite what your daughter thinks. 🙂
Ummm, cherry with a lot of rum around it? Waiter!
You know those goony walky talkies generally come in pairs. I wonder if that means there’s a Mrs. Goony phone clip and she sends him out into the world EVERY DAY with that horrible woman-repelling accesory intentionally? I’m sure Bossy could take her. Free him from the clip!
Sounds fabulous. Your brother is living a dream I think.
Yelling mom looks like Ricki Lake. Me thinks she is Ricki Lake on a Joisey shore bender!
That wasn’t Ocean City, MD, by chance, was it?
I think the only reason Bossy’s daughter isn’t charmed is that she has access to the charm often. Maybe she’s built up immunity.
I, on the other hand, am charmed even through my computer.
I love your stories!
Scott-O-Rama thinks the management person (the non-marriage material one) looks a lot like Steve Ballmer with a toupee.
Scott-O-Rama is not copying Bossy’s use of the third person. Rather he has been hanging out on Plurk too much. It has affected his ability to think in the first person.
Oh, no! I think the woman shouting at her kids is my sister. Well, maybe not … but, close enough!
That is SO not Jeffrey Jones there on the stairs.
Thanks for the little vacation. In my head. How lovely.
Seagull=stalker, definitely.
btw, there’s a little something for BOSSY over on my blog.
Yes, Please Bossy, where oh where can we find this experience on the east coast? I am hoping to hit OCNJ this year…
Seagull? Lens dust? NEITHER!
Bossy, you caught a GHOST on camera! It’s likely that it’s a woman who fell off the balcony … and you caught it!
Hehehe. I have too much free time. 😛
Who knew playing hotels was so lucrative… lovin’ the beach digs.
We are so far from a beach here, I need to google one up every so often to remind myself what it looks like… *sigh*
And if that speck is a seagull, then someone needs to wash it Pronto! In bleach. Just don’t call the RCPCA or Peta (or whatever you call it over there)?
Next girls weekend spot? Maybe Bossy’s brother should get a shot at her hair!
JUST as I was about to chastise Bossy for yet one more unnecessary boyfriend or husband, her remark about the clipped-on cell phone made me realize that we are both on the same page.
Bossy cannot EVER heart a man with a cell phone clipped to his person, especially so blatantly.
When you talk to that guy about his gooney phone clip, also mention the cream-colored, metallic-looking belt he’s wearing. Eeeks.
I am loving this report. And all of bossy’s photos.
i can be there by 5 and please save some rum for me…please…
I knew I should have learned to play the guitar! You can’t drag a piano to an outdoor tiki bar very easily. And even if I could, all I can play is Chopsticks.
The crowd is either A) very charmed by Bossy’s brother or B) very charmed by the booze they are consuming while being charmed by Bossy’s brother. Either way, I wish I were there!
Ok, brother of Bossy is cute. Mgt dude kinda cute too, even if nerdy. House? CUTE! Daughter of Bossy in beach jail? PRICELESS.
Fun, good, wonderful, happy, happy, happy! I like it all, a lot.
Very nice vacation home, and I really see how you love your time do a video so we can hear him as well.
Dorothy from grammology
remember to hug gram
Powerful music that melts shirts off of really hot mens too! Bossy’s Brother has my vote!