You are looking at a list of appropriate items for a college freshman dorm.
Items that are not appropriate: rice cookers, waterbeds, microwaves, and mothers who are already planning a Columbia University grrlz weekend.
In whatever case, yesterday, Bossy and her son decided to hit the marketplace in search of a few of the necessary items:
Their first stop was a discount department store for a little shoe shopping:
The truth is Bossy’s son is very unspoiled, and for most of his life he’s only owned two pair of shoes at one time: a pair of sneakers and a pair of flip-flops.
But yesterday Bossy’s son was all about the brown leather loafers and the square-toed business casuals. And about that: Cole Haan? Do you know where your collection is?
Next Bossy and her son left the discount department store and went to the mall:
In the clothing store Express, Bossy’s son scored big when he found a pair of X2 jeans marked down from $59 to $29 with a 40% discount, which according to Bossy’s son is $29 minus half plus 10% of 30—in other words they pay you to take them out of the store:
The only thing left to do was try them on:
Next Bossy and her son prayed at the Temple of Auntie Anne’s, and then retired to a bench to check the mall map:
Bossy drove over 10,000 miles across 28 states in 5 weeks to meet her online community, but if her life depended on it she couldn’t figure out how to get from Foot Locker to Urban Outfitters.
Finally situated in Urban Outfitters, Bossy’s son eyed The Drinking Game, shot glasses, and this flask:
And then Bossy’s son met and married a mannequin:
After securing new shoes, new jeans, new sneakers, a belt, sunglasses, a few posters, and one very cute discount jacket, Bossy and her son began their trek back to the car:
And then Bossy and her trusty copilot navigated their way back home, away from the crowds and thoughts of a quickly approaching fall.
My heart just melted a little.
Hallie 🙂
Madness remembers Bossys College Road Trip .. and is it just PureMadness or does Bossys son look oh so much older now than he did then? What in the blazes is going on here?
Oh, and can anyone say HUNK!?!?!?
Oh, and if anyone is saying HUNK with Madness, please also say “Please Reduce My Bail, Your Honor”
I don’t really understand how Bossy has a child old enough to go to college, when she looks like she’s maybe 30 years old herself. This does not compute. Because I’m reasonably sure that when my oldest, who turns 8yrs old THIS WEEKEND (halp) goes to college I will not have the sense of mind to take pictures with mannequins, as I will be unable to grip a camera without letting go of my walker. Gah.
Things I am not looking forward to in about 15 years…
Great story Bossy… Son of Bossy is a lucky one!
How can Bossy’s son look so stylish in kooky hats and army jackets? If I wore those things I would look like a bag lady: a wrinkly, graying, insane bag lady.
I envy youth.
I don’t know if it’ll make you feel better or worse to know that we bought HRH’s Lightning McQueen kindergarten lunchbox the other day – with the matching thermos!
It can’t go by that fast. Can it?
I do I do! I remember that roadtrip!
By the way, nice post. Congrats Bossy’s Son, when’s the wedding???
My goodness. What a handsome one he is!
Wait…where are the comforters and extra long twin sized sheets?
He is just way too cute. And a real sport about you taking pictures. Of him. In public. Killer combo. Look out – you’re going to have prospective daughters-in-law coming out your ears.
was all that stuff on the list? it would have made my college experience much less stressful if i’d been told what shoes to bring.
My, my, my….that is the most handsome and seemingly charming (spending the day aping around with his mom? how sweet is that?) young man that I’ve ever laid eyes on. I hope that my Boy is that cool when he’s that age. And the hat? Where’d ya get that cool hat? Thanks for sharing with us!
Oh, I really miss the Bossy Road Trip. I loved you even more in person.
I love that they have thoughtfully reminded the new freshman to bring soap.
PS. Don’t feel like you need to buy every cute dorm accessory in advance. Buy the essentials and let him work out what he actually needs/really wants once he is settled in. You don’t want him to get there with lots of *stuff* and have most of it sit at the back of the closet all year until move-out. Also, you don’t really want fight the other (hundred or so) people trying to park in the only 5 spaces within walking distance to the dorm to carry it all in, do you?
Mary Alice went shopping with her son yesterday too as he prepares to leave. Only the Boot Camp list is a little more strict apparently than Bossy’s son’s Columbia U list.
The USCG list said definitely no shot glasses. no phones, no hair gel….you won’t need it, you’ll be bald when they finish with you.
Bring 2 wallet size family photos, letter paper, envelopes, stamps, an address book, 10 pairs of white underwear, and a religious medallion if you want it…cause son you’re gonna need it….or something like that.
Actually it was fairly simple. But a little heart wrenching.
Cheers, fellow Mama of an 18 year old boy/man.
I think bossy is so cool because of the whole drinking game and flask thing.
I had to steal mine. hmph.
When is bossy taking me to the mall?
Uh-Oh. You forgot to buy a microwave and a mini-fridge and a laundry hamper with wheels to haul to the laundry room and towels and X-long sheets. Be prepared to drop about $500 at the Big Box Blankets and Stuff store.
Then you have to go to the Big Box Warehouse store and buy a semesters worth of Gatorade and Goldfish Crackers and Orbit Gum and Granola Bars and Laundry Detergent.
Be prepared to drop about $200.
Been there, done that. I’m just sayin.
“…who in this instant looks just like his four-year-old self.” Gah! Stop it! Too sweet. He looks like a fine young man, mom.
We’ve done that shopping trip. MVP was a little peeved to find out they don’t make XL Twin sheets in a thread count higher than 250. Which is odd, because he’s not spoiled either. At least not in his own house.
Wow – the time is nigh – your baby is really going to college! I’m only five years behind ya (and I know it will fly by).
Bossy — you were practically next door to my house when you were at the mall!!! Seriously — it probably would have been easier to find my house than Urban Outfitters!
Glad you had a successful shopping trip. I wish your son much luck at college!
You should have taken my girl to the mall with you. She can size a new one up in about ten seconds and find everything, and I mean every.stinkin.thing. She’s uncanny that way.
Columbia grrlz weekend?!? Sweet!
Just looking at your son makes me feel old. So handsome and sweet. Shit, I wanna go back and date every cute guy I ever met…Dammit!
Your new daughter in law looks like the quiet type, and I like that. It gives ME more opportunity to talk.
Perhaps I’ll marry a mannequin.
Oh yes. From the moment you mentioned the Nordstrom Rack, I knew which mall you meant, and was just WAITING for the “we’re lost” photo to show up. And…there it is.
The first time I ever went to KOP, I literally found myself fainting of hunger because I could not find the food court. I mean, what other mall needs to give you *printed maps*?? It’s astonishing how little good they do, too.
My Kid enjoyed these mall pictures. She narrated them in song “mall-y, mall-y, I likey the mall-y….oh, I’m sooooo tired.”
I’m sure your big kid would have enjoyed it.
I had noooo idea you were old enough to have a son that old. I’m not just blowing smoke – I really didn’t. You and Mocha Momma, you chicks were obviously extremely fast assed in your teenage years.
He’s cute too! How old is he? Legal yet? I’m only 23…I’m just sayin’…
My son is 2 1/2 and I am already getting teared up thinking about him going to college.
Yeah, I’m not going to be a blubbering mass of goo at all.
Honestly, it is so precious that you took your son shopping and it looks like he actually enjoyed himself! I was not like that when I was 18—and I’m a girl!! Very sweet photo essay, Bossy.
Bossy’s son is so cute. And I mean that in a totally inappropriate creepy older woman sort of way.
No I don’t. But he is a cutie…
Oh how I don’t envy you. I don’t want that day to come. And your daughter is cracking me up w/ her comments!
Ohmagosh. If you engineered that post to be both heartwarming and clever, you’re brilliant. Otherwise it was a happy accident. And you’re still brillant.
When Bossy’s son moves out may I move in? Not that I am as cute or smart (Columbia!) or hip but you always look like you are having a blast
As the mom of two of future whisker-growers, can I say? sigh. and hope. and fear.
I am hoping that Bossy makes many trips to visit her son in college because I am really going to miss him!
Also, could Bossy please go back in time and tell my mom that I also need new shoes, new jeans, new sneakers, a belt, sunglasses, a few posters, and one very cute discount jacket before heading off to college?
OK, I “never” comment on your blog (faithful reader though I am) because, you know, you’re famous and all and everyone under the sun already has made smart comments, so…
But this post? This post took me back in a flash to that exact same mall visit (only we were 3,000 miles away here in CA) with my almost exact-same son (tall, gangly, patient with his mom’s idiosyncracies) ((although, must say, I never photographed him in a changing room so he does have that to be grateful for)) over ten years ago now.
Bossy, let me tell you…that day you drop him off at college? Every bit as wrenching as the first day of Kindergarten — which, I know, was really only yesterday, right?
But he’ll be fine. (And you will too) He’ll have a blast. And before you know it? More graduation pictures!
Proud Mom, you are, and deservedly so. That kid’s a keeper!
What? No trip to Bed, Bath and Beyond or Linens and Things? You need to have all the college dorm room necessities piled into a corner, I mean, dining room of your house. Nothing is more welcoming to guests than a big ‘ole rolled up rug and several big bags of pillows, comforter sets and towels that all smell like nasty potpourri.
while reading this post I quietly married bossy’s son (hi, cute new husband!) and then divorced him when I realized I was almost 40 and if he saw me at the mall he’d say, “pardon me, ma’am.”
lucky bossy’s son — starting out in life. the best of times.
ps I hate the mall
I think it’s very cool Son of Bossy wants to shop with Bossy. I hope the boy wants to shop with me when he is 18
ahh – I have just done one of those shopping trips but there is no way Engineering guy would allow pictures. I refuse to count down because my nest will be empty come September.
Mine’s going to a jr. college so he’s not moving out… not completely… just to the apartment over the garage. We had to do the Linens N Things tour which was fruitless. Back to internet shopping.
I love how Bossy’s son was totally into posing with the mannequin and also letting her take pictures!
I hope he had a good time, because that is the last time in his life anyone’s ever going to request he buy extra-long sheets.
Bossy’s son is a hottie.
That was awesome! And the 4 yr old part brought a tear to my eye!
Shopping for college was a stressful experience for me. Tell Bossy’s son that it’s okay to bawl when mom and dad leave him in that tiny dorm room. Miss Dub did.
P.S.; I’m starting to think you live near my future in-laws.
My favorite is the one of his feet in the dressing room. And is there just something about riding in the passenger seat that puts all men to sleep, or WHAT?
I vote this one the best evvvver. I am there at that grrlz weekend.
I hope I am a cool mom like you when my kids go off to college! That Bossy family is a rockin’ family of four!
Just wait till you go to visit and see the box of condoms sitting on his desk, sort of half hidden under some papers…whew!
They grow up way, way too fast.
Funny – my own Harrykid (now 23 already!) also has a thing for Nordstrom Rack – he can always find stuff he likes in one. Especially the shoes!
But oh lordy, I almost can’t type about this without weeping yet again. (Get a grip, Self! We’re at work.) Harrykid, at age 18, went off to college 2000 miles from home. As he and his dad drove off to deliver him to CMU (Pittsburgh) I cried so hard I scared us all. (I do NOT cry. Stoic and nearly without tear ducts, I tell you. But this? A Category 5 crying hurricane.)
For the whole next year, whenever anyone asked me how he was, I’d scare them because I’d tear up and not be able to even speak. They all thought, of course, something truly TRAGIC had befallen the kid. No, something truly TRAGIC had befallen me – the kid was (sort of) grown up.
Hang in there Ms. Bossy! (And stock up on kleenex, just in case.) And do keep taking those pictures! They aren’t as huggable as that boy looks like he’d be in real life, but it will still help when he’s off at school.
Ohmigosh, I’m in love (you knew it was coming 🙂 ). May I please have your son’s hand in marriage? I can’t be more than 4 years older than him.
Darn it all – now I want a garlic butter soft pretzel. Thanks a lot!
My 12 year old son and I just bonded on Chipotle for lunch. They’re fun to hang out with when they’re not being stinky farty boys!
Pam bets that Bossy and the Bossy family is going to miss that delicious fellow…
Where does one sign up for this Columbia grrlz weekend?
Miss Britt <<----- count me in
Quick! Let’s betrothe Son of Bossy to my daughter! True, she’s only 8 months old, but he can wait, right?
Tell him in 22 or so short years, he can have a much younger hot trophy wife who will also be very smart and best yet, his in-laws will be AWESOME!
So… are we on?
I have just experienced the exact same ordeal but in a small French town, which is open to the air and less convenient than a mall… but full of jeans and fancy shoes… My son is now equipped for higher education…
I just found your site today. You’ve got one heck of a gracious teenager to let you take all those pictures of him! You must be a miraculous mom!
and then they had to turn around and go right back the mall when they realized they hadn’t purchased even one single thing on the Appropriate Items to Bring to a Freshman Dorm list.
Okay, I think I might have a small crush on Bossy’s son. LOVE his taste in clothes- he’s def going to be a hit at college! 🙂
I remember! There were a lot of pictures of clocks with very early times on their faces and Bossy’s son flipping them off. Sigh. He’s growing up so fast.
…Aww, this is a sweet post Bossy. Gosh, my heart ached at thinking what you must be feeling right now. Your son seems to be an incredible human being, who will turn into a fine addition to society, not to mention a wonderful future husband for some lucky girl…lol… ;o)
…You did good mom, you did good…
…Looks like a good time was had by you two and I laughed out loud at the dressing room shot…lol…
…Blessings… :o)
Oh Bossy. I am inappropriately crushing on your poor son.
Oh Bossy. I am inappropriately crushing on your poor son.
I don’t know if it’s the lack of sleep, lack of food or impending 3 hour time change, but that photo of Bossy’s son’s sock feet at the bottom of that change room nearly made me fall off my chair here. Bossy’s son is such a sport!
Bossy, your son is a hottie. If I was just 15 years younger! Oh wait, then I’d have to live thru my 20s again. Bah. Nevermind. Love this post though; Bossy’s son is lucky to have you.
i give your kid credit because there was no way in hell i was: a) shopping with my mom at that age, or: b) actually posing for pics out somewhere with mom (“stop, this is corny!”) but then again, my mom was nowhere as cool as you.
great post. the pics made it, too! thanks for sharing.
OMG. I thought you had maybe a toddler aged kid. WOW! Just goes to show that a shoe obsession must be good for the soul.
PS-How did your teen not turn you into a sagging hag like me? Does one live through the teen years? Without too much medication I mean? I have a 14 year old and a 10 year old (girls) and my teeth are about ground down.
It is such a beautiful bond between you and your son. I remember coming home after graduation and the locks were changed.
That’s all well and good Bossy and son, but I didn’t see any photos of either of you purchasing “SHOWER SHOES” and “EXTRA LONG FREAK SHEETS” or a “SHOWER CADDY” like the list says…hmmm….breaking the rules all ready….
You do know that you just made thousands of moms’ hearts melt…
I’m trying to figure out how to come back in a future life as Bossy’s son’s girlfriend. Or something.
Have fun with that…I guess you’ve got another road trip ahead of you, huh? Only this time you’ll be leaving your heart behind in a dorm. How are you feeling about all this?
I want to go shopping with Bossy’s son. He looks like gads of fun!
That was so cool!
Bossy’s man-child must be quite a guy to have Bossy flash photo her way through his every outing! I loved his mannequin style!
I had to really feel for Bossy when I looked at the pic wherein he looks like his four year old self! Those are magical mom moments… Thanks for sharing the shopping fun!
P.S. sorry but I can’t seem to minimize my exclamation points…. or my elipses !
We are buying similar items around here, but Bossy’s son is a good sport. My daughter wouldn’t be caught dead posing with a mannequin-she’s not that interested in enriching my posts. I’m holding out hope for my son.
I hope to God/Buddah/Allah that I have the relationship with my son that you so clearly have with yours some day. Mine is now 4 1/2 and it makes me want to barf to think I will be taking him college clothes shopping some day. You have a priceless relationship with your kids, has Bossy ever thought of giving parenting advice? 🙂
How can you keep getting better and better at what it is that you do do, as they say.
Great stuff.
He is *such* a four year old. A little teeny tiny four-year-old
I think it’s so awesome that your son not only included you in this college prep, but let you take all those pix! You’re gonna treasure these pictures and the bits of memories they captured.
I was enjoying this post until I got to the part where Bossy’s son looked like his 4-year-old self. Then I lost it.
Wait – where are the boxes full of Cup O Noodle? Those, and one of those electric kettles to boil water got me through many a long night of studying.
dont forget a can opener.
Gah. My son is all of 13 and I’m dying here. I can’t imagine colllege, but I’m pretty sure that it’s going to smack me in the face sooner than I can imagine.
Seriously, I need to stop leaving comments about how much I love Bossy’s son. It’s getting pretty weird.
This actually makes me want to do the same shopping trip with my mother… and I will be next summer. This scares me. A lot.
Right there with ya Bossy except it’s my daughter who’s leaving in 3 1/2 ONLY CHILD! Gaaaah!! We’ve completed the Ikea, Target, BB&B circuit and I daresay we got it all (even down to the cute paperclips). I’m gonna miss her like crazy.
I love King of Prussia. And not just for the Cheesecake Factory. That place is so huge you need two days to get through it all.
Kind of like Disney World, but way better.
Oh, I must be getting my period b/c the picture you captioned, “. . .who in just this instant looks like his four-year-old self” made me cry.
I never thought of going to the mall (which I hate with a passion!) as a moving experience, but you’ve made it so. I’m glad I didn’t have to go with you, but glad you shared it here.
That’s one very lucky mannequin.
I think I just aged 100 years, too. This will be me next fall. Gulp! It was almost too much to take!
Four weeks ago me 23 year old daughter wedded. Me cried. me still have seperation anxiety. me pray for you :^( Take care and take ‘er easy,
Gasp! Now, why did we have to go to California to meet in person when I too live about 30 minutes from that Nordstrom’s outlet?
This entry made me thank god my daughter is TWO. How you are managing the college thing, I have NO IDEA.
Coo-coo cachoo, Mrs. Robinson! He’s adorable!
When you enjoy the company of your son in his late teens, you know your assignment as a mom has been a success. I’ve got 3, with my oldest almost 20, and he is one of my favorite people! We “get” each other.
Treasure these last days of summer, but I have a feeling this won’t be the last we see of the adventures of Bossy and young son. I think they “get” each other!
I did the kindergarten version of that today. Killed me.
So nice. He will be hard to part with, but you MUST DO IT. GAAA!
Life is hard.
Your son must be a great sport!
I am SO impressed by your son, Bossy! My beloved h.s. grad will also be attending Columbia and another college in the neighborhood, in a joint degree program.
However, my kid is apparently going with the stuff he has (about 75 t-shirts, sneakers, flip-flops, 3-yr. old Naots, and a pair of dress shoes, 3 pairs of jeans, 6 pairs of shorts, a suit, a couple of dress shirts & ties and one sweater, his i-pod, a laundry bag, and a winter jacket)because he refuses to even look at a list (the Bed, Bath & Beyond online list would furnish a small apartment!) or take an inventory.
He is supposed to be in his dorm room in 4 weeks and 12 hours. It is 987 miles away from his bedroom. He won’t discuss how we are going to get there.
I am refusing to get upset, or push any more. I will work in my garden tomorrow and mind my own business.
Thanks for a great post, Bossy!
I can’t take it. Don’t do this again. Mine are 16.5 and 14 and I don’t want it I can’t take it.
The lookin’ like his 4 year old self thingy. Really please you’re killing me.
I can’t take it.
Okay. Must drink wine and take 1/2 Ambien.
Bossy made SHOPPING fun. Like, at a mall. And not even shopping for me, but for like OTHER people. And I was totally entertained.
We just flew him to college and took him shopping there. Less packing. But shopping at KMart in Manhattan is a lot more arduous than shopping at KMart in California – you have to take everything back to the dorm in a cab! Or two cabs!
B – the four year old and the heart attack photos put me in mind of a lyric from the song, “Suds in the Bucket” – the dad of the girl in the song wants to know how “18 years can just get up and walk away” – good luck!
Coo-coo cachoo, Mrs. Robinson! He’s adorable!
Bossy’s son is quite the looker, so says my eighteen year old daughter who herself is heading off to college this fall. But we won’t talk about that, I am in denial as long as humanely possible.
I hope I don’t run across Bossy’s son when he comes to New York because I WILL have to abduct him.
Those mannequin shots. Pure gold.
Bossy’s son is very handsome! Has that sensitive/sexy vibe going. And yes, I am way too old to have said that.
Hi Bossy,
just started keeping track of you, and I really love the style of your blog. I was wondering about your family, do they read the blog? Do they get annoyed with all the pics, or do you take them under the radar?
I was amused by Getzby’s photo under the PETITES sign.
I’m easily distracted by minutiae and shiny things.
Oh, how very sweet. I want my daughter to grow up and meet a boy like your son.
Bossy’s son is so good and patient. Rita hopes desperately the little angel will teach her to take photos when she is ready to go to college.
Or at least shoe shop.
Oh I am envious of you taking your son to buy shoes off the rack…my kid’s worn a size 15 for two years now and he’s only 16!-
Speaking from experience, buy all the dorm crap before you head to college….the stores are all picked clean when you get there. And send cookies…lots!
Ah, but did you hit the condom store?
I’ll have you know I have hooked both my mother and my niece on your blog. That’s a wide and diverse demographic my friend. A 58 year old housewife from Texas and 19 year old first year college student from New York. The draw for my niece is you son, among other things.
Bossy’s son is awfully cooperative. The Suburban Kamikaze’s son would not pose for a single one of those pictures, not even for a second, not for all of the shoes and pretzels in the world.
How is this accomplished?