We have two winners of yesterday’s Build-A-Bear giveaway: Chuck Foxtrot and Angel in Kentucky. Congratulations!
Thanks to all of you who summarized your favorite movie in ten words—it was an embarrassment of riches, and Bossy utilized a Random Integer Generator to select the winners among what easily represents the Greatest Comments on the Web. Here are just a few of Bossy’s favorite movie summaries:
Kansan Girl accidentally kills two. Goes home with dog anyway. – Arli
Four weddings. One funeral. Grant, you hack. Movie still funny. – Dawn
Frankly my dear, Rhett loves Scarlett loves Ashley loves Melanie. – Eden
Cher dyes hair, goes to opera, sleeps with Nicholas Cage. – the domestic goddess
He’s proud, she’s prejudiced, they fight and then kiss. Hot. – Alison
Brad Pitt. Then Brad Pitt shirtless. Then Brad Pitt naked. – Momish
Next order of business:
You are looking at Bossy’s house for the next ten days. It’s the footprint of a Viking 2485ST Pop-up trailer, which Bossy and her family will be taking to Vermont when they go camping, courtesy of Viking.
Bossy and her family couldn’t be more excited about spreading out in a floor plan larger than their back porch, especially since their camping experience is usually all:
And speaking of close quarters:
In order to get to their Vermont camping destination, Bossy and her family typically have to endure the 11-hour drive in the Bossy Mobile, which is packed to the rafters with tents and chairs and stoves and food and sneakers and bug spray and gin.
But this year, Saturn is providing Bossy and her family with one of these:
In order to properly document her trip, Bossy has added a new feature to her left sidebar, and that feature is called Snapshots from Camping:
Every day, Bossy will post a new whatchamacallit. Snapshot. A snapshot she took while whatchamacallit. Camping.
As a matter of fact, this new feature is already underway, as Bossy and her family spend the next 72-hours preparing for their departure. Come along for the ride— it will be fun entertaining!
Have a great trip! I am looking forward to reading all about it!
My husband is alll about getting popup camper right now. In the ten years we’ve been married we’ve camped exactly ZERO times.
Camp = four-letter word. Have fun, though.
You were right whenever ago when you said that Bossy’s husband is never an unhappy camper. Look at that grin in the sardine shot!
Ooooh – the Bossy Mobile is the same as the Von Mobile, ‘cept mine is green. Gotta say you can fit A LOT in the ole CR-V.
BOSSY is just soaking up all these comps, and she deserves them more than a little bit.
You might be the luckiest woman alive! Have a wonderful trip! Go Saturn and Viking!
Hope you have a great time! I would say I wish I could go with you, but I hate camping. Too much camping in my childhood = never camping again… unless there is a Marriott key for me.
p.s. you have a beautiful family
Jenn’s family hearts bikes too. But most of them want theirs to go down mountains really fast. Except Jenn.
Have a great time camping in your pop-up with “optional refer.” Sounds like an Excellent Bossy Camping Trip to me.
thank goodness for the extra-wide entrance huh? don’t need to worry about how many marshmallows you eat
Sounds like great fun! Have a good trip and drink plenty of gin as camping overnight causes much need for alcoholic beverages.
Bossy, at the risk of sounding a little indie, you’re getting way too commercial.
Can I come?
How does gin go with marshmallows? AM ANXIOUS TO KNOW.
Bossy’s daughter looks like Hermione from Harry Potter (especially in the picture from yesterday). You guys make some really pretty kids.
wha? So does this mean you’re a celebrity now? You have fancy pop-up trailers and Saturn cars at your whim? I am so jealous, and wondering how I can get the Ritz Carlton to sponsor my next vay-kay.
…Congrat’s ‘Chuck Foxtrot’ & ‘Angel in Kentucky’! Way to go you two! :oD
…That Saturn, they’re something else! :o) They’ve really come a long way and really, if it weren’t for the fact that I drive a “never say die” Toyota, I’d be looking real hard at Saturn… Way to go Saturn & Viking!
…Bossy, you ROCK! lol… ;o)
…Bless you as you head off into the wild and untamed wilderness…
BOSSY’s Husband did not strike me as the mail order bride type.
sweet. I need that car to do our road trip next week… 2 days of driving up, 2 days of driving back with 2 tall adults, 2 kidlets, 1 small dog and a VW GOLF. Good times.
Toasted Marshmallows + Keebler Fudge Stripe Cookies = Camping Nirvana
You’re so lucky! I wanna go camping! (yes, I’m whining)
I do not like to camp but would change my mind with those at my disposal. Have a great trip!
Bossy, tell Caroline that gin pairs well with JUST ABOUT ANYTHING. In the name of all that is good, DO NOT FORGET THE GIN!
I LOVE Saturn! I will never go with another car!
Have a fabulous time and I can’t wait to read and see the adventures.
I have to decline the offer this year. If you can get Southwind to comp you a motorhome next year, I could probably arrange my schedule….
Whaaa? You didn’t invite me?
Oh! FUN!
I spent half of my childhood in a popup trailer. In PA, NJ, MA, NY, Canada, FL, SC, NC, GA, you name it… in other words, all over the freaking place. It was dang fun. And way more room than a tent. Although still slightly sardinish.
Give Vermont a big kiss for me, okay? And tell her I love her. Oh, and have fun in a nonsquished environment!
Make sure you wave when you drive through the central part of Vermont!
I will wave as you [sort of] drive by. You won’t be internet-less will you? Blogless? That camper must have a wireless internet connection all set up, right?
I am so glad to be not camping.
Aw, normally I don’t like sardines but I think I just changed my mind.
Sounds like fun and good times are ahead (considering the 11 hour gin fest). I don’t even have a king size bed in my home, so I am muy jealous of that alone! Looking forward to reading your daily adventures.
you know….you could feel free to hit me up in VT and maybe I’ll turn you to the awesomely fantastic dark side of a dirty G&T with green olives….oh the humanity.
Or I could just cook you guys some dinner with enough to take home to your Beloved—unless she is coming with you and then that would definitely make some interesting camp stories….
I could just see the headline now….
Small horse was spotted in, what is usually closed during driving, a pop up camper some where along the 89-91 corridor……
Can’t wait to read it.
While perusing the floor plan, I noticed Viking features an EZ lube axle. Sounds dirty.
Bossy has a beautiful sardine family.
I like the optional outside shower. Is there an optional suite at the Four Seasons? I could go camping if that were available.
I count four cute sardines.
Any possibility of photos involving the optional outdoor shower? In a totally wholesome context, of course.
You have no idea how much this makes me miss camping with my family.
And how much it makes me want to buy a REALLY big car.
How do I go about getting some unsuspecting auto manufacturer to “loan” me a car, which I can then drive to a lovely camping spot where an unsuspecting motor home manufacturer will then “loan” me accommodations?
Joe is jealous, and is obviously blowing all the WRONG people.
I love that it comes with optional reefer.
Oh, maybe I misread that.
Nice. Low-Profile Entry for those Low-Profile Entrances you’ll be making after the Optional Reefer Madness.
What kind of girl does Viking think you are, hmmm?
Haven’t been camping since ’89 when I was convinced Cujo was in the woods at 3 am. Pretty sure I dated him not long after that. He seemed slightly softened. So you should be ok.
Kris says have fun.
I haven’t been camping since I was frightened by a couple of raccoons raiding the trashcans and then I got claustrophobic becasuse the tent was 6 inches from my face.
Hubby only wants to camp in a campground with comfy beds, a mini-bar and breakfast buffet.
Say Hello to the Green Mountains for me.
A Viking that uses words like king size, slide-out, e-z entry and low profile?
Bossy’s husband can have the Saturn because I expect Bossy’s new husband will be the Viking.
Am I the only one who first thought that the abbreviation for optional refrigerator said optional REEFER?
I heart all the dirty-minded people that follow Bossy.
We LIVED in a tent trailer for a year while building our home. In Central Oregon. Over the winter. A foot of snow on the ground for a month. Cozy. Made some great memories!
Will Bossy be having a meet ‘n greet for the the New England fans???
I hate Chuck Foxtrot and Angel in Kentucky.
Vermont? You are coming to Vermont? And I am going to be on an island in New Hampshire? Dang! Don’t know where you are heading, but if you are on I91, get off at Exit 1 and drive through my wonderful town (Brattleboro). You can get back on the Interstate at Exit 3.
Um, did I miss the winning 10-word movie descriptions? I just saw the runners up…which were pretty funny, so I’ll bet the winners ROCK. Right?
Inquiring minds and all…
very cool…
Can’t wait!
Maybe you’ll run into Matthew McConaughey in one of those KOA Kampgrounds!
Ooh, lucky you! That will be fun.
We’re embarking on an auto tour of the deep South ourselves, without the RV, though.
Have fun camping.
Oh. I’m pretty sure Chuck Foxtrot and Angel in Kentucky cheated.
Growing up, I spent every summer camping in Bethel, VT on the White River with my Nana. Those are still some of my favorite memories.
I can’t wait to hear all about it! Are you going to the Ben & Jerry’s factory? Yum! – or Cabot Creamery, Chocolates of Vermont. I could eat my way clear across that state – and be fat & happy in Vermont.
Have fun!
You are the Queen of Comps. Enjoy the sweet ride and have a blast in the camper. Which is about three times the size of our first apartment in New York.