How To Butter Corn.
In other news, the winner of this weekend’s t-shirt giveaway is Jane. Not
this Jane, or even this Jane—but rather the Jane that received the email from Bossy. Congratulations!
In other other news, Bossy is a little behind on some of the projects she’s been posting about since the beginning of summer—for instance her blog redesign and her <reader collage.
Additional random things that remain on Bossy’s To-Do list:
- Come up with book concept
- Pitch book concept
- Pitch back-up book concept when first pitch fails
- Forget book concept. Replace batteries in remote control
- Organize bedroom closet
- Organize bedroom bureau
- Set fire to bedroom closet and bureau
- Hire accountant to get finances in order
- Remedy the bounced check used to pay the accountant
- Hang from rafters
- Dust rafters prior to hanging
Ahh…a tutorial I can actually follow…hmm, and a to-do list I can relate to!
Happy Monday!
Awesome! Sounds like you have everything under control getting the boy off to college! Well done.
Husband does this with his corn. I thought it was due to a total lack of manual dexterity with a knife. And I will be happy to read whatever book Bossy ends up writing. Print THAT out and send it with the proposals!
Reading your To Do List reminded me of my own litany of things to do this summer, which ends next week for me.
Does Bossy have to pay taxes on the use of the Saturns and Viking? Would it matter if Bossy hitchhiked across the country?
Reader collage! D’oh! I knew I kept forgetting something! Should have put it on my to-do list.
To-Do List
1) Make to-do list.
2) Send pic to Bossy.
Do you have a printer friendly version of that recipe? ;oþ
The To Do List seems designed for maximum distraction from things like boys going off to college……..
Brilliant! Why didn’t I think of that? My kid would love to do this when we have corn tonight!
Summer to-do lists never get done. It’s a fact of life.
Plus, there’s something about a first day of school and the crispness of Fall to make you want to actually accomplish things. Just enjoy the last days of summer. With corn.
Great way to butter corn. I have a child that prefers the drop the corn on the stick of butter, roll it, and leave bits of corn, corn silk and melted butter method.
I thought my husband was the only person on the planet that buttered corn this way………..good to know he isn’t alone!
You dust your rafters?
This is how I was raised to butter corn, and the last person got to eat the ooey-gooey, butter-soaked bread. It wasn’t until Jr. High or so that I learned that others think this is ridiculous and actually manually spread the butter on the corn with the knife (how boring!) We also throw a little salt and pepper on the buttered bread too, just to take it one step lazier.
My mother always melted a stick of butter. We then used a brush to paint the butter on the corn.
White bread AND corn? Dr. Atkins is rolling over in his grave.
But Bossy you assume I know how to get corn and bread. Can you have a tutorial on how to procure those things on a Monday. Cuz I really want that corn.
I always find it is best to start my to do list with a manicure and pedicure. Even if that list contains things like scrubbing floors.
I love corn on the cob, cooked, raw, doesnt matter, it’s so delicious!
We have a much easier way. Just take the stick of butter. Roll down the wrapper, that’s going to be your handle, the rolled down wrapper, now just take the butter stick and rub it on the corn. Easy, slick, and not messy. Plus ya don’t have to butter bread, rebutter it, or have the butter soaking in to the bread. It goes right on the corn.
Mmmmmmmmmm – and then you get to eat a piece of bread just soaking in melted butter. Almost better than the corn. Great to-do list. Riley ate mine.
You might want to reverse the order of the last two for ideal effectiveness.
So what do I do with the bread after I’ve buttered the corn? I mean you don’t expect me to actually eat it, right? Bread?
Bossy’s bread looks like a map of FLORIDA, with the knife pointing to Orlando, which could be a possible path of Potential Hurricane Fay.
I have batteries,ice,water,bread and peanut butter. But, no corn on the cob. It wasn’t on the Official Hurricane Preparedness List.
That’s genius!
I think your husband should reschedule his gig so that you guys can come down on November 1st.
Hot dog buns work best for this approach to buttering corn. And then for holding said buttered corn while eating. And then for eating after eating said corn.
And jen, you are absolutely right! And if you do scrub floors afterward, well then you have to go BACK and get another manicure. And maybe even another pedicure if you were down on your hands and knees and bare feet doing the scrubbing.
We have a stick of butter we use just for corn. Just roll the hot corn around in the butter.
Maybe you should do a poll–who has actually accomplished what they put on their summer to-do list? The answer would make you feel much better about your list!
Tootsie is sorry but her mind went somewhere else during that tutorial. And by somewhere else she means: the gutter.
OH – and Martha Stewart type food tips too. Well, Martha wouldn’t do that, she’d have a servant butter the corn, and probably chew it for her too, but you get the idea. Maybe Rachel Ray.
Indeed a very clever way to butter an ear of corn. I am having some tonight for dinner so I think I will surprise my family with YOUR idea!
That’s our corn-buttering method here in MI.
Also – don’t forget to put on clean underwear before hanging from the rafters. Wouldn’t want to embarrass Bossy’s mom!
Boil corn…dump out water. Replace corn to warm pot. (
cut butter into little squares and place in warm pot w/ corn (i said pot again)…then shake it all around. Dump Salt in there while you are at it.
Use tongs to place on peoples plates cause it’s very buttery.
I need a book idea, too. Maybe a book on the many different ways to butter corn.
Mmmmm… Bread…
If the butter is cold and hard, we rub it directly on the corn, holding the end of the cube still in the paper wrapper. If it’s soft, we actually use a knife.
I’m pretty sure Jane cheated. I’m not sure how Jane cheated, but I’m pretty sure she did. So just go ahead and send her prize to me.
Whew. Reading about buttering corn was about the only to-do I can handle today. Thanks for helping me knock that off my list!
My to-do list is all about the stuff I am going to get done AFTER we deposit son at college on Sunday. Only 1 child in the house. Tons of extra time, right??
Oh, and I was raised to use bread as well. Mmmm…melted butter with salt and pepper soaked into the challah. Nothing better . . . after the freshly picked Jersey corn. Of course.
Now I’m hungry. I bought little dishes shaped like ears of corn. We put the butter in there and log roll it. To Do List? Still haven’t made one.
throw corn aside. eat ice cream. the end.
I’ll get RIGHT on those.
interesting way to butter corn…never would have thought of it on my own!
Of the items on your list, the most critical is the remote control batteries.
I replaced mine this weekend and I am a whole new woman.
I highly recommend it for preserving one’s nerves and one’s hand (from beating the clicker mercilessly in the hopes that the battery is just loose when it isn’t).
If you are going to have corn/butter/bread porn on your site, you really should warn us. I could have played along with you. *sigh*
Hmmm… dusting the rafters at that point seems like a waste of time to me.
That’s an awful lot of butter!
That is the way I was brought up to butter corn too. I’ve never seen anyone else do it like that besides my family. Do you eat your hamburger patty by sticking a fork in it and picking it up and eating all around the edge until it is gone too? If so we might be related. lol
Now I can’t wait to eat corn on the cob because I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT! I was always trying to get a little chunk of butter to slide where I wanted it to.
THIS is why I read blogs.
I can’t believe I’ve gone 35 years eating Pennsylvania corn and never heard of this.
I prefer:
Butter childs head. Grab ear of corn. Bash child around the head.
Exercise, stress reliever AND dinner.
Silly me, all this time I’ve been sticking butter on my mouth and then slathering the corn ear with my tongue.
I say forget the to-do list – I get *everything* (well almost) done on my mine, but I have NO FUN, and you have lots of fun…
I’m with Tootsie. I’m glad I’m not the only one.
Maybe I have a dirty mind, but this seems nasty. Especially done as a group around the table — circle jerking the corn!
I guess this makes it official: My family is the only one that uses one of these:
I recently hosted a dinner where I served corn on the cob and had two of these on the table. I might as well have sprouted a second head. I thought everyone buttered their corn this way, but I guess not!
When I was growing up we rolled the corn right on the stick of butter. That’s how you knew it was corn season – the indentation in the top of the butter stick.