Facebook is an addictive free social networking website that allows you to connect with other people by rejecting them as your Facebook friend.
Other features of Facebook include the ability to write messages on other people’s Facebook walls, where writing equals typing and walls equal pixilated ether.
Facebook also allows their users to upload photos. Lots of photos. But not just photos of you—photos of others… with you.
Bossy admits that at first she thought Facebook was only for insecure teenagers, but you know what? It is.
In other news, thanks to everyone who participated in yesterday’s Shutterfly certificate giveaway. Congratulations to Cassie and Cindy Z and Donna and Kathy—Bossy emailed you with details.
And thanks to all of you who helped Bossy think of a new tagline—and to those of you who suggested she keep the one she’s got.
There were many funny suggestions, and Bossy is going to share her ideas about that and more in the days ahead. And speaking of the days ahead, Bossy is thick with more upcoming giveaways, so stay close!
OMG Bossy, I am SO there with you re: Facebook. It is Webkinz for adults. Loaded with crack.
Someone turned me on to the green grass area, now I have animals eating my garden. Eff! Hey, do you have flair? Flair rocks!
I was peer pressured into facebook. Which is what happens when your a 38 year old mother of three. Peer pressure and random zits. Now, I ignore it completely because I am bad “friend” with no “status” and too busy poking eyeballs.
Ah yes, I was invited to be a relative’s friend on Facebook recently. I accepted, not wanting to hurt any feelings, and haven’t gone back since.
Hey, I have more friends on facebook than I ever had in High School. “The new facebooks are here! I’m somebody, I’m somebody!”
I think I need to get out more.
i need to put out there that parents of teens that decide to join facebook really need to stay the heck out of their teenagers social world.
don’t friend your kids, or their friends. don’t try to be the ‘cool parent’
honestly, think about it. did you want your mom or dad hanging out with your friends at that age?
I want you to know that I didn’t enter the shutterfly giveaway. I don’t like entering contests just to enter them–it messes up the odds for people who are really hoping to win.
I’m a good person like that.
I’m already an addict, and my drug of choice is blogging. No 7-Step Program in the universe could help me now, I’m too far gone.
However, if Bossy says Facebook is crack, then off I trot to smoke some.
FaceBook/Crack? No, no, and no! Ditto with Twitter. The Internet is supposed to enhance my life not usurp it.
Thanks Bossy! Congratulations to the other winners too!
I have been on facebook for awhile. I have a friend out of country and she was on it first, it’s fun to send stuff back and forth.
Facebook is the only social networking site that I could actually figure out how to use. That’s a HUGE plus in my book. I’ve love it, and while it is a great distraction, I’m thankfully not addicted to it. I can quit anytime I want! OK, not addicted all that much. I’ve steered clear of Scrabulous.
Can I poke you?
…Wow, I wouldn’t know Facebook if I fell into it…lol… ;o) Yeah, my drug of choice is blogging and I intend to keep it thataway thank you very much… ;o)
I am so addicted to Facebook and I am not an insecure teenager. It has boggle and scrabble and word twist and it gives me a good excuse to avoid any work that may need to get done but I don’t want to do, like mopping the floors.
Who wants to mop the floors???
I warned you
I tried MySpace, but, since I am not 14, I couldn’t figure out how to use it- so, I got sucked into Facebook with an invitation and, yup…still not 14 and still can’t figure out how to use most of the features, but I suppose i can live without Zombie bowling if I have to. Also, I am such a genius, that I accidentally sent friend invitations to my ENTIRE address book, which, does contain some friends, but mostly people that I barely know, but they went to college with my husband, or taught a class somewhere or their kid played soccer with my 6 years ago, so now I look EXTRA pathetic (on top of the regular amount of pathetic whic is 37yo checking her facebook account all the time)and keep getting responses like. “Ummm, I don’t mean to be rude, but do I KNOW you?”
BUT, I have successfully used it to reconnect with a few actual friends that I had lost contact with years ago, which makes me very happy…so for that, I’ll take pathetic!
Don’t have a give away while I am out of town, please. On second thought, I never win anyway so go ahead.
I am new to blogging and love it, but didn’t “feel it” with facebook or myspace. Maybe I will look at facebook again!
Happy Friday all!
Is Bossy implying that I am insecure? Wait, would that also mean that Bossy is implying that I am a teenager? If I have to be insecure to look youthful once again, I am taking it.
Oh, and despite being 32, I am completely addicted to CrackBook. What does that say about me? Oh, right. Insecure teenager. The almost-heimers make me forget there for a moment.
Be my friend!
{head hangs in shame} My name is Amanda and I am addicted to Facebook. {poke}
Almost 50 yr old Grandmother of 3 and Favorite Aunt to many.
I joined Facebook a yr ago so I could ‘see’ all my neices and nephews, whose parents are too busy to tell me what they are up to!
I have seen some very interesting sights, but I try to keep the Knowledge to myself!
I am not addicted and all I look at are the pictures, it’s mildly entertaining……..
I jumped on the FaceCrack bandwagon too. I accepted friend requests from people I knew in high school even though I was all, “Bitch, please! You totally ignored me back then!”
However, if all my new “friends” commented on my blog every day I’d be pretty happy.
I won’t allow myself to get sucked into Facebook. I’m already bleeding time from my little blog problem.
Still, I’m kind of rooting for the Facebook people to win the social networking site holy ward. Because MySpace makes me weep for the future of America.
Er, that would be holy WAR. Not ward. WAR.
Thank you and goodnight.
I am new to Bossy. I am intrigued by the way Bossy refers to herself in the third person. Sue is thinking it might be something she has to try.
I am a TOTAL facebook junkie!!! I don’t do any of the gamey stuff or poking, but it’s been the only thing so far I’ve been able to consistently use to stay in touch with folks (I was horrible at writing letters, phone calls, even email didn’t help me much). I’ve re-connected with long-lost friends around the country that I NEVER would have found otherwise, then I get to instantly see all sorts of cute pictures of their kids!! It’s GREAT fun!
I must admit, I do love the Crackbook. Waste a good portion of my day there in fact.
*raises hand*
Me! Me!
FaceCrack addict here. Just discovered it and can’t get enough of stalking, err, discovering, old friends.
Pixilated ether. That is one terrific turn of phrase.
Facebook ate my soul for about a week when I first signed up, and then about another month when I realized there was a Harry Potter House Cup application with a game where you could shoot magic and plates with live kittens on them… but I’m better now.
Facebook is almost ALMOST as addictive as bossy….but not quite.
I went a full six months barely touching the whole Myspace / Facebook things but when I decided to move to another country I thought it would be a swell way to stalk my friends who can’t afford to all me here. (Which is was.) Now I am totally addicted to updating my status. I just love to let people know when I am doing mundane things!!
But then…I guess that’s why I started blogging!
Wait – you get to poke eyeballs? If only I wasn’t busy blogging, sigh.
I hardly ever remember that I even have Faceplant unless someone sends me an annoying invite for some irritating application, or my oldest brat in college sends me a message via it…because why call when you can send your mom a message via something she hardly ever uses.
Just the same, I added Bossy. Just because!
I’ve seen Bossy. There is nothing thick about Bossy at all. Except maybe her beautiful hair.
So far, having short bursts of typewritten conversation with friends I haven’t seen since college is outweighing having cows thrown at me. The simple workaround to all the invites is to accept them and then un-check all the boxes so that your page isn’t a mile long with craplications.
So far, having short bursts of typewritten conversation with friends I haven’t seen since college is outweighing having cows thrown at me and the neighbor’s dog in my flowers (Yeah, addicted to GreenPatch too, didn’t even see that one comin). The simple workaround to all the invites is to accept them and then un-check all the boxes so that your page isn’t a mile long with craplications.
Thanks bossy!
Holy crap. It is very likely and a bit unfortunate that you may have received a friend request from me…today…
we are always on the same wavelength, It’s eerie. I literally just deleted my Facebook account this morning! I had 70 friends and only knew 10 of them personally. That’s what Twitter is for!
What?! You mean the 2 hours I spent “adding” cute little cyber pins to my cyber cork board last night was a waste of time????
I joined Facebook because my brother thought it would be a good way for our siblings (we are five) to keep in touch. This has been a flop since none of the other sibs joined. This is because they have a life. I have exactly two friends and one is my brother. I might have to increase my friends by 50% by requesting Bossy to be my friend!
I need a 12 step program from Facebook!
I feel like I am hiding it cause when my husband walks into the room I do have to hide the Facebook screen.Just like a crack addict…or my teenager not letting me see what she’s typing on line. HELP!
or just friend me.
Got on FB to patrol (spy on) the kiddos and their friends. I’m hopelessly addicted now.
I’ve been on Facebook some but I’m just not that into it. What’s with sending flowers and stuff all the time? Adding flair?! It’s SO high school.
I’m on facebook, I drop in every now and again but I seem to have missed the addictive part. Probably just as well given the amount of blogs I simply must read on a daily basis.
I got on it when encouraged to as my grad class reunites next summer. Been interesting catching up with everyone. So much that I think I have decided not to go
I got into Facebook right away…it was Twitter that originally gave me some angst. but I love it now.
I get a bit confused on facebook sometimes, feel like a deer in headlights. I’m all “What? Poke? Nudge? Greenie? Wall? Is this in English?”
But I have found quite a few classmates and buddies, quickly and with ease, so I guess it’s all good. Gonna have to set the timer and respect the ding when it comes, or else it could be quite a crack binge whenever I hit the ‘book.
Oh my g. About Facebook…I asked you to be my friend but think instead you ignored me. This takes me right back to 6th grade when a whole group of the popular girls made fun of me while I was putting on some lip gloss…oh, the agony!
I keep going to MyFace and no-one’s ever there.
I joined the facebook to keep in touch with my family (we are many and scattered about the US). It kind of got out of hand from there.