Welcome to the Daily Poverty Party, Bossy’s new feature about climbing out of debt. The idea began with these boots.
One day this past summer when Bossy was camping in Vermont, it rained. The fact that it rained separated that day from the rest of the camping trip exactly not at all, except on this particular rainy day, Bossy and her family drove to the nearest city.
Customarily when camping, Bossy and her family spend very little money due to the lack of proximity to things like Thai food or shoe stores—but on this particular day in rainy Vermont, Bossy fell head-first into both; but it’s the shoe store she wants to talk about.
Bossy loves shoes, but she loves lurves loffs boots. She tried on the boots pictured above and she walked three miles back and forth across the stretch of berber carpet near the display rack. She tried the boots in brown, she tried them in black, she tried them in brown again. She tried them a size up and a size down to be certain.
Alas, after rocking the baby and placing it back in its incubator box, Bossy left the shoe store, explaining to the salesperson that she didn’t have enough money. But an hour later, circumstance delivered her back to the same storefront, where circumstance equals dragging her daughter by the hair across four city blocks in the rain.
“Ew,” said her daughter peeking through the plate glass nursery window, but Bossy would not be dissuaded. She went back into the store and stayed with the baby boots through all of visiting hours, sometimes marching back and forth in front of the cashier, and sometimes collapsing in heaps, eyeing up the price tag.
Enter a cute girl and her cute boyfriend, which according to Bossy is already one advantage too many. Faster than Bossy could lap the hosiery aisle, the cute girl had tried on Bossy’s boots in a smaller size and purchased them. With nary a second thought.
Which is when Bossy decided to buy a pair as well. It seemed only fair since the girl had driven Bossy to use words such as nary, and because Bossy was a way better boot mommy than the hasty, spoiled girl.
And Bossy has enjoyed her boots and worn them often, but the purchase has weighed on her. Not enough to sell them off, mind you, but enough to want to be held accountable against these types of purchases in the future.
You see: Bossy and her family are broke and in debt. Many times in the past Bossy has grown serious about limiting her purchases to cash, and keeping a running record of transaction amounts throughout the day, and other tricks learned on Oprah. But that dedication only lasts a few weeks before Bossy caves-in to convenience. And boots.
But every indication suggests that right now is the time to truly reign-in spending and whittle down debt, where indication equals the breadline Bossy is standing in due to the collapsed economy.
So every day nearly every day over the next year, Bossy will use this space to report her spending and missteps, along with cheap recipes, savings tips, and suggested tricks and goals.
But Bossy can’t do it alone—she needs her council of readers to share your pitfalls and successes—it will be a daily poverty party!
If you have a blog and you’d like to climb out of debt with Bossy, email her today for the nifty Poverty Party badge. Bossy will keep a running blogroll of participators so it will be easy to visit the other sites to trade information and moral support.
Who’s in?
Check below for the list of blogs already participating in the Poverty Party. And don’t forget to comb the comment section for links to entertaining Poverty posts across the web.
Now that I’ve made my fortune in ad revenue, now approaching two dollars (I want my two dollars) I feel the need to be fiscally responsible.
what the heck. I’m in.
Bossy, you know I don’t have a blog, but I want to help you climb outta debt. If those baby booties be a size 9, I’ll gladly purchase them!!
Will you except Visa, MC, or American Express?
ok. I’ve been looking for spending therapy. Let’s agree that the flat screen tv I’m planning on installing to lure my family here for Thanksgiving is a done deal, and I’m in.
I’m in!
We just cut 66% from our household budget. Then we had to go acquire winter clothes for a family of four. Ouch.
I never knew Bossy and I had so much in common, what with the being broke and being in debt and being really bad at turning down an impulse buy.
I’m in!
I did it three years ago and if I can do it, you can too! Of course, it didn’t hurt that my local Loehmann’s closed about the same time…
ME! I’m in! Not only do we want to get rid of debt (just a car payment and a mortgage at the moment) but we need cashola to pay for private therapy for my son, ’cause the insurance companies do not cover it. This oughta be fun.
this will be a fun post where fun means I don’t have to do anything but read it.
Since I’m in the midst of an Unemployment Crisis for One, scary debt seems right around the corner. I’m all for sharing savings tips (as long as we can still splurge on booze!).
No blog but I’m in. Economic crisis is weighing heavy on a three kids in college/one income house.
Mr Sunshine State and I are also broke, putting a kid through college, sharing one car and one computer, eating cheerios for dinner and screening calls from all the local hospitals we owe money.
Hell, I’m already blogging about it.
I’d like the pretty badge, along with instructions how to get it on my page.
Ohhhhhh, Bossy. I was just thinking of doing this, but I was going to start a whole new anonymous blog to do it. I carry a *lot* of shame about money stuff, or lack of money stuff. I’ll have to think about it… maybe I’ll start anonymously. Hmmm….
Can I start both my diet and my budget on Monday?
Good morning! Maybe! Is the Frye boot store still in Burlington? I desperately wanted a pair of those boots before I graduated from the State U. upstreet many, many years ago. But I felt too guilty about spending the $$ on them. I still have a hard time spending money on myself. Which is good, because most of my money is going to tuition for 2 kids, and American Airlines.
I’m in, p.j.
Those ARE Frye boots aren’t they? Oooooh how I want them. Perhaps if I join you I can dwindle the debt and justify the Frye’s.
Sounds like a plan. I’m in.
Oh, my, do I EVER need to climb out of debt.
Except I keep justifying putting myself in more debt, because, duh, any amount of credit card debt I could rack up will NEVER equal my student loans, which I have no way of paying for now anyway, so what’s the point? Bring on the boots and purses!
It’s flawed logic, I know. Maybe I need to join Bossy’s club.
Count me in! I too have my drive to climb out of debt crippled by my looooove for cute shoes and purses.
I would have sent an email, but I’m a Yahoo, not gmail, girl.
I’m in with my goals blog, 40×40, which is being redesigned in time for my 39th birthday on Oct. 22.
Oh, I’m SOOO in!
Yeah, I am in…..debt, that is. So, yeah, I am in to the Poverty Party too. Things aren’t looking up so I might as well commiserate.
We just spent the last year paying off 25,000 and are finally debt free except our house. It was a long hard journey, but worth all the sacrafice. Good luck to you!!
um, does Bossy have an actual email address that doesn’t involve those of us who do not have gmail having to sign up for gmail, or can Bossy perhaps utilize our email addresses that we leave when writing comments to perhaps send the nifty badge to us?
Do I have to say it? OK I will – You know I am in.
I am in. How did I miss this sidebar thing since Sept 19th? But Yah. I am there. Changing..one dime at a time.
I agree with cog- I, apparently, am not cool enough to directly contact Her Bossiness….
Hmmm… Being ‘in’ on this admits that there is a problem… I mean, I’m down to making my own hommous and haven’t bought new shoes in 6 months but… problem?
OK.. Sounds like a great plan!!
I do need some help though….I can’t figure out if I’m broke because I’m poor, or if I’m poor because I’m, broke…..
oh, yeah, has Bossy seen that street on tv where it is raining shoes? And everyone has a brand new car to collect them? That is real ………isn’t it?
Have lots of tips to share about being poor, most of which do NOT involve chickens roosting in the kitchen cupboards.
Let’s all take a Prosperity Pledge instead!
Screw the badge, I want the boots!
Is WRH being dissed by bossy’s blogroll?
Never mind! I found it!
Now…about those boots.
I’m dyin’ here; tears are rolling down my cheeks.
I was just talking with someone about getting out of debt, and then TA DA! I would love to join!
OK, I’m in…
I just spent a ridiculous amount of money on highlights that came out great, and a haircut that came out HORRIBLE. Like, I’m sure that people are laughing and pointing at me, that horrible. Do you want to hear how much it cost me to have a haircut that looks like my hair was fed into a woodchipper? TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY DOLLARS. Thank Fing God the highlights at least came out good, or I’d be beating that stylist senseless right about now.
I need to start having my husband cut my hair at home. I swear, it would come out better. And save me a lot of coin.
Please count me in, Bossy. No more crazy spending for me, either. Let’s do this thing.
So committed — so poor? — that I have already started. Not fishing for a link her — HELL YES, I AM! I’M NOT PROUD, I’M POOR! — but just letting you know, gently, that I have posted a poverty post.
Have a pleasant tomorrow.
— Laurie @ Foolery
please can i come to the poverty party?! i’m scared oprah will send suze orman to our house. ok, it’s not that bed yet, but if my dream i had last night comes true we are screwwwwwed. our mortgage jumped to $6,000/month.
Annie Hall
I reccommend the book Not Buying It. It chronicles a woman’s year that she spent not buying anything she didn’t NEED. Great read.
Oh heck…I’ve been debating about whether or not to blog abou tthis very issue. Privacy vs. making other people feel less alone: WHAT TO DO? Answer: join Bossy’s party!
I’m in.
No blog, but I will be lurking – eh – checking in from time to time! Even though I usually don’t care for boots with zippers, I like these! And the “new” blog looks nice, too!
You will inspire a nation.
I’m in.
Seein’ how I just ordered a pair of boots transferred from one store to a nearby store so I can go pick them up, I’m just going to clap my hands over my ears and shout, “LALALALALALALALALALALALALA…”
I’m in.
I dug us out of 17,000 in Debit. Yahh!
Now we have a house (Yahh!) but the debit is starting to return (boo!) because there’s stuff that needs to be done to it. Our emergency saving are nil. I ok with not spending for a few weeks then I fall down. I want to get up and stay up.
I’m in – it took 4 years, but I wiped out all my outstanding debt and have been saving for the first time ever.
It is VERY liberating.
Count me in. I am more than willing to share any number of my 1,001 ways to use generic cream of mushroom soup around the house (#378: tub caulk) and also, I keep vowing to be more of a joiner on the ‘net, and less of a lurker.
i am totally going to join. but just right after i go to the shoe store and buy those exact same boots.
If you can figure out a way to give up the shoes (I have a sweet pair of red Frye’s almost exactly like your brown ones), I’m all in.
Don’t hate me, but I was taught by my dad decades ago to never carry debt. So I don’t. On the rare occasion that I make a purchase that I can’t pay off immediately, I put it on a credit card, then remove that card from the wallet so it cannot have any other purchases added to it. The card stays out of circulation until the balance is paid.
Which is why most of my clothes are older than Bossy’s daughter. And it only takes a mini-van to move me into a new apartment. I’m happy to join, but my methods involve A LOT of austerity.
No blog, but can I share in comments? First, breedemandweep had a lovely post about being dead broke and buying red shoes and she got a few nasty commenters going on and on about her profligate ways. Check it out. Second, I love love love that book Your Money or Your Life. I lived on $1K/month (paying $600 rent) in New York City for 3 years, 1996-1999, using that book. Even back pre-dot-com, $1K/month was chicken feed. Third, boots. Sometimes a kick-ass, expensive pair of boots make your ratty jeans and old maternity tops look, well, intentionally shabby chic. Amortize them over a year, cost per wearing, subtract the fancy clothes you don’t have to buy because they’re so cool, and they’re a bargain compared to the Shoe Pavilion crap that self-destroys after three wearings. This is what I learned in NY.
I am soooo tempted to join bossy. We’ve been working on our debt for about six months, and getting almost nowhere. We don’t have car payments, or luxury items. We have cc debt, mostly as a result of building onto our house six years ago. I just don’t know that I have much to say about it. Let me think about it…
I am extremely thrifty being I was gifted with the depression era gene.
And i’m full of advice for those who see bright shiny things and MUUSST BUUUYYYY.
Carp. I need this. Please sign me up as a participant. A sad participant…who bought almost those SAME BOOTS (no zippers) last spring. Oh…shoes. If only you weren’t so delicious!
It’s certainly nice to hear that there are others who are “broke and in debt.” There are times when it feels like it is only our family who can’t even justify the occasional take-out pizza.
The result is a case of pissed off depression at how two full-time working parents can still be struggling every month.
But joining the party would require even more sacrifice and hard work, neither of which I have the energy to summon today. I’ll be back. Maybe…..
but can you post a link to the boots? some of us broke folk still have shoe compulsion issues!
First, I covet your boots, but as I am but a poor teacher who brought nothing to my marriage but my saucy personality and thousands of dollars in student loans, I will be working and in debt until I am dead.
I will not have pretty boots, but I will visit yours (virtually) from time to time, if you don’t mind.
Second, as I am in hock to two universities for the education that gave me the experience and qualification to educate future doctors and lawyers who will make far more money than me, I will take your challenge and play along.
I have no web site but a whole heckuva lotta debt. so i’m in.
But i will refer to it as “becoming debtfree and sitting on a fat nest egg so i feel safe” rather than “avoiding poverty.” According to the universe – if you’re focusing on just having enough, thats all you’ll get. To really live the life you were meant to lead, you have to want more.
A bunch of mumbo jumbo? Maybe. But i’m willing to give it a shot, focus on being positive and not be greedy
Oh, and i once worked with a guy who had a bunch of kids and he always said that he was ok with knowing he’d never be a millionaire because he was “rich in the flesh”. and from what i’ve seen of bossy’s kids – you are rich in the flesh indeed.
OK, so I said I’d start this thing having spent a fortune on gloves I don’t need. So I went back to return them. And walked out with a second pair of gloves I don’t need. I did however make my own pasta from scratch – fresh herb fettucine for two, cost one egg, pinch of oregano and one cup of flour vs. £1.50 for shop-bought fresh pasta. Clearly we’re going to have to eat a lot of this to pay for my gloves but there you go, it’s a start.
Hey BOSSY. Just a thought…I may link mine as “Daily WEALTH Party”…because everytime I say “Poverty”…Poverty is attracted to me. I’d want to think about my cost saving measures as BRINGING good things to me…not poverty…Just a thought.
You are loved.
Love the idea! I don’t have a blog, but I’ll be reading.
P.S. So far, it’s not working. All this post inspired was a visit to Zappos.com to shop for boots. :o)
Awesome idea!
Is it too late to join? I just sent ya an email.
I’ll definitely be in, bossy. My student loans are KILLING me. And with maternity leave coming up and perhaps not a full steady income, I’m pretty freaked out.
I’m ready to party… Have you graduated to the sleepless stage yet? The 3:00 AM Hour of Satan, Stare at the Ceiling, Aching Tummy routine?
Oh Bossy … Your boots = my camera equipment. I’m in!
(From behind the green curtain: Pay no attention to the recent photographic purchases on this blog!)
No more takeout for this family. Lenses come before Takeout even in the dictionary!
Here’s a link to my party menu. (BTW: It’s potluck!)
Waaaahh. Thanks alot Bossy for reminding me how much it all sucks.
I’m so in.
Those ARE some really good-looking boots. I can see that you are an excellent boot-mommy.
We’re 2/3 of the way through our debt now… but do houses count? We’re hoping to buy one next year, and that’ll be a massive debt.
I will have to seriously consider attending this party. Student loans, mortgage, car payment, HOA dues (going up!) etc. etc. on one income is getting me down. Though it didn’t stop me from buying an iPod Touch. Yes, I think this party may be just what I need!
Okay dearest, as a seminary student, I am all about the Poverty Party.
Bossy, I’d love to be part of this Poverty Party. I could definitely dedicated one day a week to money saving stories, tips, and recipes. I may be too late to join this party, but if the invite still stands, I’m in! It’s a great idea.
I splurged today and bough a pair of red flats at Savers, The Thrift Department Store…regularly $7.99, marked down %50. I did it for you, Bossy…because I need cute shoes for this party!!
I’m in …. new to all things Bossy, but I’m in.
–>I’m in on Bossy’s Poverty Party.
We are not buying any non-perishable food til we clean out the cupboard first. Why did I ever buy so many bags of dried beans?
Halfway through my post today, I have what I think is an AMAZING (and amazingly CHEAP) party/hostess/entertaining idea. It’s basically the cost of a t-shirt for a memorable evening for many! Please check it out!
Halfway through my post today, I have what I think is an AMAZING (and amazingly CHEAP) party/hostess/entertaining idea. It’s basically the cost of a t-shirt for a memorable evening for many! Please check it out!
I love the Poverty Party idea! I joined yesterday and can hardly wait to go through the archives and learn more ways to save, etc.
Awesome concept. Esp. since I too am a great boot mommy- My boot-kids are called UGGS and I’m currently obsessed w/a pair I can’t afford. Drool. That’s all I’m doing.
Aw geeze…I’m in.
I didn’t know there were that many of us boot obsessed. I sort of thought it was genetic and just my sister and me.
Huh. I’m a year late too.
I’d like to find out more? I’d love to find out more details.
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