Born one of six children to a Methodist pastor, Gwen Ifill is the managing editor of PBS’s Washington Week, and a senior correspondent for the News Hour With Bossy’s Husband Jim Lehrer.
She is also the moderator of tonight’s Vice Presidential debate between senior Senator Joe Biden with his thirty-six years of experience chairing things like the Foreign Relations Committee, and that lady who’s holed up in the basement of McCain’s Arizona ranch memorizing the names of Supreme Court cases.
Gwen Ifill‘s impartiality has lately been questioned since she is currently writing a book entitled, The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama, which is an overview of the black political landscape since the Civil Rights Movement.
But McCain himself backed the selection of Gwen Ifill for the debate, stating he was confident she would be objective, while Gwen defends her ability to remain impartial since she has not yet written the chapter on Barack Obama.
And Bossy can totally relate, because Bossy has not yet written her chapter on Barack O’Boyfriend either—although when she does write her chapter on Obama, Bossy hopes it’s a chapter written on Obama’s back. While he lies face down. On Bossy’s bed.
Don’t miss the debate—tonight at 9pm EST.
Must see t.v. on Thursday nights has returned.
I bet her Obama-titled book sales go THROUGH THE ROOF once Obama gets elected.
Oh wait, I think I wasn’t supposed to mention that until AFTER the debate. Oopsie!
I’m popping popcorn for this one. I CAN’T WAIT!
I can’t wait for the debate! It’s like Christmas morning over here
I’m tired already. But looking forward to your boyfriend’s running mate making a jackass of himself tonight, too. I hear he’s been doing that a lot.
Perhaps you’d like to go visit my new favorite blog (besides yours, of course)
Mudflats is enjoyable too:
You should only visit after you are thoroughly done enjoying Bossy’s site of course!
I love your portraits — so evocative. I’m so torn about tonight, though. Shall I bake for next week’s fundraiser, or watch the debate? Decisions, decisions…
Oh, well, ya, so, dontcha know, I’ll be watching this too, you betcha!
I hope that SARAH PALIN kicks joebidens ASS tonight. Of course, this might be a challenge, but I am sooooo rootin for that girl!!
Go Sarah, Go Sarah, Go Sarah!!!
coastal nest
Palin’s going to rock the house. Go Sarah!
Hey Bossy –
You just lost a long time reader.
I can’t wait for this. Palin is going to flop like the giant flopper that she is. And then, in 33 days, we’ll have Barack O’Boyfriend and his running mate win the White House!
Debate party at my house tonight.
I’m counting down the hours…
I have mixed feeling about watching this debate. I already know who I am going to vote for and I think that watching will just make me want to gouge my eyes out with a spoon. Altho I should watch because for the next few days it will be all that “they” talk about and I should be informed.
Then its decided….must listen to Bossy. She knows best, after all.
…Myself, I think McLame should’ve chose Tina Fey as VP. Because if McLame does make it to the White House and then kicks the bucket I’d much rather have Tina Fey runnin’ our country than Sara-I-Don’t-Know-My-Butt-From-A-Hole-In-The-Ground-Palin… I’m just sayin’ is all… ;o)
…Blessings… :o)
So you’re saying Bossy is a top?
Gwen is half the reason to watch. She’s fantastic.
When using massage oil to write a chapter it is wise to do it on rubber sheets.
Wow, Bossy. I thought the post was racy but the comments are playing out like two topless wrestlers in a tub of instant Jell-o™. I feel uncomfortable, but I can’t get the images out of my head. Shocked that there are such passionate Palin supporters.
You are absolutely right, Bossy! Keep on keeping it real and don’t worry about losing a few Jonah McFalin heads. They are a disgrace to this country!
Passionate Bossy supporters, too. Its all good peeps. This is why we live and breath in America..Just because bossy loves Barry, it dosent mean I wont be readin my favorite Blogwhore–EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY DAY OF MY LIFE!!
Dont hate me because im republican, people.
just vote–
again, its me- out at the beach.
coastal nest
Oh no you didn’t, Bossy! While he lays face down on Bossy’s bed, such a bad girl! Doesn’t sound like a bad idea, though!
Wait, are you cheating on Bossy’s husband, Jim Lehrer, with Barrack O’Boyfriend? You naughty, naughty girl.
Bossy has more than one friend named ‘amy. Bossy is very close friends with bigamy, polygamy, and serial monogamy.
I think it’s silly to abandon one of your favorite people/blogger/bossy’s… all because of politics..
I love me some Sarah Palin..but I also love Bossy!
Whew, it’s getting warm in here!
hey, it’s all good if you can see Russia from your house, right?
I can alomst see Detroit! Hhhmmmm…and still, I’m not qualified to be VP. That doesn’t seem right…
Poor Bossy must be devastated by losing “a long-time reader”. What a horrifying shock, and what interesting timing for “a long-time-reader” to choose to break up with Bossy. It’s not as if this is the first time Bossy has stood upon her podium, cheering for the Dems, or spoken of her love for Barack O’Boyfriend, or suggested that others become involved in the election process.
But maybe Bossy’s “a long-time reader” is using the description “long-time” to mean “for the last fifteen days”.
The rest of Bossy’s community will surely feel the loss of such a kind and open-minded person.
Maybe the winner of Bossy’s Scott’s Paper contest will spare a few Scotties Tissues. That would be nice.
I’ll just be glad when this garbage is all over.
Muhahahahaha…David!!! That’s hilarious!!!
Is there Cliff Notes for political VP debates??
I hear SP is a master-debater!!
Sorry, I can’t help myself.
Obama-Biden 2008!!!!
Yay, Bossy!!
I’m a republican, but am afraid I’m gearing up to cringe tonight. Not a real big fan of Palin. But being a native Delawarean, I can tell you Biden has been lying for 30+ years. I don’t doubt he is somewhat intelligent and he has experience, but his track record of lying, bad temper and arrogance is well known. But he is still voted into office because Delaware is a democratic state. Then again, my description pretty much fits all politicians!
What? Barack laying in your bed??? I don’t know Bossy~ I don’t know between Barack and John Cusack I’m beginning to wonder what’s wrong with your eyes!
From what I’ve seen Bossy’s Dear Husband offers waaaaay more than either Barack O’Boyfriend or John C. in looks department…
P.S. It’s exciting during this election to see non-White Men Over Sixty playing such central roles. Beyond that, Sarah Palin is like a balloon filled with hot air and political platitudes. Too bad the woman chosen couldn’t have been a more substanitive contender. I think she is exactly what John McCain wanted, and THAT’S the BIGGEST insight on that man.
i don’t hold your political beliefs against you, but you seriously think he’s hot? oh, wait, is that why you wanted him face down?
wow, a lot of Palin supporters read your blog bossy. I feel a bit dirty sharing virtual space with them. I’m sorry, but I’m just being honest! Did you people actually WATCH the palin/couric interview or did you just have your hands covering your ears while singing “la la la la” because I wish I could have done that, but I’m just too gosh darned concerned about the fate of our nation. It’s no longer “yes we can”’s “yes we MUST.”
Loves me some Gwen…in fact, I replayed her coverage of Millenium 2000 last week (I like fireworks and happy dancing people, okay?). I know she’ll stay on track and keep things as professional as…well…they can be.
^ “It’s no longer ‘yes we can’…it’s ‘yes we MUST.'” Truer words were never spoken!
Yes, Gwen Ifill, a black journalist, is writing a book about black politicians, and she’s somehow biased. Gwen Ifill is one of the most Washington-insiderest Insiders there is, and all of a sudden the Republicans have a problem with her.
But not with Tom Brokaw, now that he’s promised to bend over backwards to be “fair” (that is, not call out the Republicans too hard)
And not with Bob Scheiffer, who golfs with the Bushes, and whose *brother* is a Bush-appointed ambassador. (No, really, you can look it up, Sheiffer’s the one who looked at Kerry on a Sunday show a few weeks ago and gasped “Are you questioning John McCain’s *integrity*????”
No, those moderators are totally unbiased and fair, but we’re shocked (shocked!) that Gwen Ifilll is writing a book about a subject she’s familar with.
Palin’s gonna say a whole lotta nothin’. People eat that sh*t up.
You’re so good at those portraits, B.
Hey, can we keep the hatin’ down at the back please?
Ok, thanks. Now what was that about Barack O’Bossy?
I’ll step in for Wendy, I’m soon-to-be a long-time reader and my name is Windy.
I cannot wait for tonight. I’ve never been more excited to watch a debacle – I mean, debate!
Simmer down, everyone. Simmer down. I predict both VP candidates will offer plenty to mock and cringe at tonight. It’s the American way!
That Gwen is a shark!
(She went to Simmons’ College. It’s their mascot.)
I love those rooting for Sarah Palin. When the smartest explanation she could give Katie Couric for the “I know foriegn policy because you can see Russia” remark was “whatever” should show that public speaking is not her thing. Then again, maybe we should elect Alicia Silverstone. Her whatever’s had more style.
So, what should my drinking phrases be for tonight’s debate? If I hear the word Alaska or hockey mom, I drink. If I hear the word pageant, I drink…you with me?
I love Bossy and I love Sarah Palin….and I don’t know why anyone would feel dirty commenting on the same blog as a Republican.
I love the American way of respecting different points of view other than my own. That’s why I will never, ever leave Bossy….unless she decides to never exercise her right to vote!
I definitely find the image of Barak O Boyfriend all oiled up with Bossy (and John Cussak and Jim Lehrer) WAY more racey than dumb ol’ Sarah Palin. Ya’ll are leaving for that?!
I thought we settled this before? You can have Cusack, I get Barack.
Don’t push me Bossy. I can take you.
right this very minute I’m making Baked Alaska in honor of tonights festivities.
If Gwen were writing a book with a chapter on John McCain her impartiality would have been called into question in an even louder voice. Because, you know, squeaky wheel, and something tells me Bossy might have been one of those wheels.
But I loves me some Bossy, regardless.
Are you kidding? She doesn’t even know the names of the Supreme Court justices. She’s probably reading up on Finders v. Keepers and Smelt It vs. Dealt It.
I enjoy visualizing the governor as a little plastic doll toting a shotgun, and have drawn her thus. remember the ones with strings in the back you could pull? But the tape is garbled…