While in New York City for Columbia’s Family Weekend, Bossy and her husband did their best to bugger off to allow their kids to spend time together alone — where bugger off equals shouting, “Don’t forget to hold hands and look both ways!“
Another beautiful picture of your 2 great kids. My daughter misses her brother very much. I think.
I will be going to see my #1 solo this weekend, combining my visit to Morningside Hts. with my xxth high school reunion in central N.J. I hope that 7 weeks of distance will result in a pleasant (maybe even happy?) visit with his almost 19 yr. old self.
Admit it, you ran along side the subway car until it disappeared into the tunnel.
Did you run back to the hotel with Mr. Bossy and “celebrate” (where “celebrate” equal hot, passionate sex?”
OMG the adoration in Miss Bossy’s eyes…adorable.
Another beautiful picture of your 2 great kids. My daughter misses her brother very much. I think.
I will be going to see my #1 solo this weekend, combining my visit to Morningside Hts. with my xxth high school reunion in central N.J. I hope that 7 weeks of distance will result in a pleasant (maybe even happy?) visit with his almost 19 yr. old self.
I really hope I can be a brave parent like Bossy.
But who will take such great pictures for me?
Once a mom, always a mom.
I’m re-inventing myself too.
Notice the jazzy 8 in my name!
just had to see it come up next to the big numeral.
I love this!
I tried this tactic, too. “Just go!” I said. “Have fun!” I said, shoving them onto the subway. “You’re almost school age — don’t be babies!”
Kidding. But I bet that’s still how it feels to send them off, a little bit, right? Sniff.
I love the… it’s not symmetry, but just the…. rightness of how she is looking at him and he is looking at you. Circle of life and all that.
I would totally love to know what Bossy’s son said to his sister to get that look/laugh… you may not want to know though 😉
So THIS is why I think everyone is beautiful in New York…