Yes, Bossy’s hometown team won the World Series last night, and yes, Bossy was up until midnight driving up and down vacated suburban streets beeping her car horn—but this post isn’t about that. It’s about the last time the Phillies won the World Series, in 1980.
Bossy was fourteen, and very into the Phillies team. Here are a couple of the reasons why:
It was a very exciting post-season, and the minute the Phillies clinched the 1980 National League championship, the city announced the method by which they would make tickets available for the upcoming World Series games, and this was the method: tickets would go on sale blisteringly early on a weekday morning at the stadium, first come first served.
Nevertheless, Bossy and her brother decided to rough these circumstances, except they did it on Bossy’s brother’s schedule, which went a little something like this: wake up when you’re good and ready to wake up. Prepare a pot of hot chocolate and a pile of toast. Dunk at will. Check the sofa cushions for loose change for the subway. Field a few phone calls. Grab your little sister who is skipping school, and head out the door.
Needless to say, by the time Bossy and her brother got to the baseball stadium there were lines around the block, and lines around the lines. But the atmosphere was festive, and so Bossy and her brother decided to lap the outside of the stadium anyway, just to people-watch.
Which is right about the time they heard a clatter and a rattle—and the next thing they knew, someone had thrown open a box office window directly in front of them. They not only purchased tickets for their family of four, but they secured the game they wanted: Game Six.
Fast forward a couple of weeks, and there stood Bossy’s family, in the very highest row of the baseball stadium, pounding on the tin roof with their fists as Tug McGraw struck out the batter, with the bases loaded, to win the World Series!
This moment was especially meaningful for Bossy because: Tug McGraw.
Bossy was completely in love with Tug McGraw. She was all-Tug, all the time, and everybody knew it. Enter Fern:
Fern is a friend of Bossy’s mom, and Fern is one of a kind. Or maybe she’s two-of-a-kind if you consider the character Brenda on the Rhoda Morgenstern show, because Fern resembles Brenda in many ways.
And Fern understood completely that Bossy was engaged to Tug McGraw. Bossy simply needed to iron out a few details, like meeting Tug McGraw. Which is why two months after the World Series win, Fern invited Bossy to attend a hospital fundraiser where Tug McGraw would be signing autographs.
Bossy dressed in her favorite nylon Bomber jacket, rubber bands cinched around the cuff of her jeans to reveal her high-top Chuck Taylors.
Bossy and Fern slipped into the end of a very long line, and watched as person after person stepped to the autograph table, where the routine was always the same: the person would sit beside Tug, looking straight ahead, and pose for a photo as Tug signed the card that would eventually hold the photo. Sit, pose, autograph. Sit, pose autograph.
Bossy was nervous, but she could see it would be over within a fraction of a second. Sit, pose, autograph.
Fern went first. Sit, pose, autograph. Then it was Bossy’s turn. She managed to inch her quivering legs toward the chair and she sat down. Staring straight ahead she prepared for her pose.
“What’s that?” said Tug, swiveling toward Bossy and pointing to something behind him. Wha? Sit, pose, autograph. Sit, pose, autograph—what was this break in Tug’s fundraiser routine, and why was it happening right when it was Bossy’s turn?
“What?” Bossy said, this time out loud, because she never was the type of girl to get the hang of Pardon?
“What’s that?” Tug repeated, pointing behind him, through the small space between their bodies.
Bossy turned to look, and as she did, Tug moved in and planted a sweet kiss right on Bossy’s smacker:
Now, Bossy knows what you’re thinking: if it was such an unexpected kiss, why does Bossy have her arm around Tug and why is Bossy’s mouth open and why is Tug McGraw kissing a 14-year-old girl when these days they arrest men for thinking less—and Bossy can’t explain even one of those things.
She only knows she later learned that her friend Fern told Tug she would donate a certain sum of money to the hospital foundation if Tug kissed Bossy. Because that’s the kind of friend Fern is—and that’s the kind of man Tug was.
Bossy misses you, Tug. The 2008 Phillies are smiling up at you.
I’m thinking it’s the bet STORY I’ll hear all day.
Bossy always makes my day!
I second what Linda said!
BEST story all day!!!!
Bossy must’ve been practicing LOTS with her pillow, because it looks like she really knew how to kiss.
My heart strings are still vibrating from how they were just SUPER TUGGED.
I agree with Linda: Best story period all day. Maybe even all week!
HA! That photo is priceless! As soon as I saw it – you; all eyes closed – open mouthed – knees quivering…
I laughed so loud I woke up the neighbors. Sorry guys.
When I was 14 – I was in love with Bill Buckner… But yea we never mashed or anything…
Awesome story. Priceless photo.
Well worth the jump!! Thanks Bossy!
…light of my life….fire of my loins….
One of the sweetest Bossy stories ever. This is why I keep coming over here every morning.
That picture? Tender.
Ah….a laugh and a cry! Fantastic story (as always)! Thank you Fussy. :O)
Awesome story – even better photo!! When I was a kid, I had two complete sets of baseball cards of my favorite teams – Phillies and the Kansas City Royals (why they were my favorites, I have NO IDEA – I knew relatively little about baseball; I think I liked the Royals because their uniforms were such a pretty blue!!)
I would die to have a steamy picture like that of me kissing anyone famous. Even Kermit.
And then Bossy was glad she put rubber bands around her ankles so the pee wouldn’t drip out!
So lucky. So, so lucky. The closest I ever got was running into him every day at the Wallingford Wawa when he bought his morning coffee and he held the door for me when I was super preggers. Sheesh.
Awesome!!! LOVE the picture! (Geez, is it getting hot in here??)
WOW! That gave me goosebumps! You must’ve been on Cloud 9 for the rest of… 1980.
Is that condoms on Fern napping?!
That is an AWESOME story. And I believe it. Unlike the story that that bitch a year ahead of me in high school made out with Benji Madden, which I’m sure she thought everyone would believe just because she had a picture of them standing cheek to cheek, smiling at the camera. Kind of like a fan picture. Or something.
Best. Story. EVER. Love it! (And because I am a nice person, I will kindly neglect to mention that this event happened when BOSSY’s current husband was negative three years and 26 days old.)
PS – I used to be in love with Von Hayes. You win, BOSSY.
That was such a great story! Very unexpected, special and heartwarming…
P.S. Bossy’ brother was way cute!
So are you a fan of Tug’s son, Tim?
OMG, my brain was NOT plugged in!!! Either that or I was so overwhelmed at the pure emotion in your post that I INADVERTENTLY, PURELY MISTAKENLY called you by the wrong blogger name. How could I? Please, please forgive me….Bossy!
That’s a great story and a grrrreat picture. Sometimes it was good living way back then when no one thought it odd for a grown man to kiss a 14 year old, wasn’t it?
That photo is BEYOND AWESOME. (I hope John Cusack skips this post, though…)
Oh my God, Bossy. That is a terrific story and the photo is priceless.
Dear Bossy,
This is the sweetest World Series story I have ever read! Thank you for writing it down for us to read. Watch out though, this could be a Very Special Episode on the Hallmark Channel. (hold out for millions)
PS: My 16-year old self in 1980 thinks your 14-year-old self in 1980 is pretty cute.
Your 14 year old make out face is too good for words!
So am I to understand that this picture was spontaneous or did you pose for it AFTER the first kiss?
Either way, I suppose 1980 was a different time; a time when grown men could mack young girls unmolested.
Damn this new millennium!
jeebus, bossy, AWESOME story!
::green with envy::
I saw tug at the last game at veterans stadium; in 3 months, he would be gone. but I think the ashes tim mcgraw sprinkled on the pitchers mound monday night helped us win it all.
somewhere tugger is slapping his glove against his thigh and lifting a drink to the 2008 phillies!
awwww what a sweet love story!
Now THAT is a story. And what a photo! Love it.
Hoooooooooly cannolis!
This may not seem relevent and in fact, it isn’t, but just let me have my moment, okay?!
I’m okay with my daughter’s first name. It was not my choice though. It’s the ONLY name that I could get my husband to agree with. Thank goodness I controlled the middle name (she has two: Estelle and Anderson, my maiden name). Anyhow, my point, and I don’t really have one, is that every so often I come across a name that I wished I’d named my daughter.
To that ever-growing list, I just added “Fern”. (I know other Fern’s, but it didn’t strike me as ever-so lovely until now.)
Okay, dear diary, talk to you tomorrow.
Oh, wait.
I’m laughing so hard am choking on the fun size Kitkat that is so not in my diet.
That is awesome, Bossy. Tug is huge to Phillies fans.
(But forgive me if the only open-mouth kissing I’d like to do is with my short-n-stocky Panamanian frijole, Phillies Catcher, Carlos Ruiz.)
Um, yummy.
great story!
OMG, that rocked. They should have shared your story when they were talking about Tim throwing out the first pitch in honor of Tug and all that crap about reversing numbers and years since wins and all that. Your story was better than that!
I know you’ve already had 36 comments but I just read this two hours late. That is the bestest post ever! What a super duper photo. The story of Fern paying for a kiss and then you’re sooooo ready for it. Priceless!
oh, Bossy, that was a great story! Keep ’em comin’, I love your longer stories over the small stuff… this is the first thing I’ve really loved since your redesign (just being honest) but it was worth the wait! Viva la Bossy!
I, too, was once in love with Tug McGraw. He was a MET at the time! I was 11. You gotta believe! Go Mets!
Um, that was cute AND gross at the same time. 14-year old open mouth kisses with older men make me a little queasy.
And Steve Carlton looks kinda creepy on that baseball card.
That picture is seventeen kinds of awesome. How have you held back on telling this story for so long? It’s gotta be near the top of your best stories list!
Wow. Now if you could only get Barack O’Boyfriend to kiss you for a certain, undisclosed donation…*THAT’D* be a great story.
Great story.
I didn’t know Bossy’s brother was a member of the Bay City Rollers.
Clearly you owed Fern your first born son. And now Fern’s son goes to Columbia.
Grrrrrreat tale! I’m so glad the Phillies are THE WINNERS! And you totally rock to tell a baseball LOVE STORY. I get so tired of all those durn stats and whatnot. Absolutely brilliant!
Why is it that we were okay with being able to kiss like that when we were 14, but we’ll freak out if our daughters do?
Bossy what a CUTE story!!! That totally made my day
I’m so glad your team won, cause those Rays beat MY team, the Chi Sox
WOW! That was the best Phillies story!
Wow Wow Wow! The raptured look on your face is worth a thousand words!
What I wouldn’t give to get a kiss like that from Tug’s son, Tim. *sigh*
Do you see Tug holding up the indext finger in that picture? What he’s saying to his 14-year-old fiancee is:
“Now I said JUST ONE kiss, Bossy. One.”
That’s why his mouth is open, he was talking.
The reason BOSSY’S mouth was open was because she was having no parts of a husband-to-be telling her what to do.
Bossy is saying, “Just shut up and come here.”
Bossy has the best life and the best stories ever.
Yep. Great story! If I ever got to meet Simon LeBon at 14, I would have been incapable of breath.
First the Phillies, then Obama. You’re having a pretty good autumn.
Simply the best!
Thanks for telling it so well!
1.. So does this photo hang right above Bossy’s bed? And what does Bossy’s current at-home husband think about that?
2. It looks like Garry Maddox (back at the very top) holds his baseball hat mashed precariously onto his oh-so-puffy ‘Fro with a little stretchy band behind his ears, like on a birthday hat. Now there’s a look to be nostalgic about!
Totally awesome story. Totally worth the ‘read more’ link.
Look how cute you were!
What a great story!!! Thanks for sharing, Bossy. I’m so glad you had all the pictures to go with it too.
Oh BOSSY… that was priceless. I was in love with Viv Richards (a West Indian cricketer) when I was 14 years old. Alas I never met him. I did meet some of the Australian cricket team however, some of whom DID ask me out!!! My mother had a fit. (In their defence, I looked a lot older than 14).
But that open mouth BOSSY… I hope Tug coped the next second when contact was made… cause THAT’s the part of the story I want to hear about!!!
PS Your comments finally remembers me… *rejoicing*
Ewww! Bossy kissed Tim McGraw’s dad!!
OH MY GOD! – that is awesome. I love Fern
I am SO in love with this story, Bossy. You’re probably the most interesting person ever.
First time commenter! (waits for the applause to die down)
AWESOME story! I was 8 when the Phillies won the World Series in 1980 and I LOVED Tug.
How amazing that there was a camera to hand to capture BOSSY kissing her first husband. Awesome.
Ya gotta believe….and I do!!
Oh my gosh! That is the best story EVER and you’ve got to get it to Tim McGraw. I’d drive the 15 miles over to Tim’s house for you right now, but I’m staking out our local Starbucks because Nicole & Keith totally need me to be Sunday Rose’s nanny…and Nicole’s BFF!
If you can’t get to Tim & Faith’s farm, check out Gerry House on 98.7 FM in Nashville.
Gerry can get it to Tim, and all of Tug’s fans here in Nashville!
By some blogworld miracle, I have happened upon your incredible story which makes me relive for a moment my 1975 crush on Bucky Dent of the Chicago White Sox. RIght on with your storytelling Bossy – thanks for the memories…
I’m LOVING that Tug went for it! These days … uh … not so much. And the fact that you have photographic evidence to prove it makes it so, so sweet.
Oh mah holy hell. Bossy! Kissin’ Tug McGraw…..
completely fantastic. There’s nothing else to say.
Wow. I hate sports, and was so not interested in clicking “read more.” But then I thought, OK, it’s Bossy, and Bossy is always interesting.
Someone already referenced this, but Lo. Lee. Ta. You trollop!
Best post ever!!!
oh and btw, to Bossy’s design team, how come the RSS doesn’t get the other features anymore?
What a fantastic story! I definitely don’t need my money back. In fact, do you want a couple bucks? I am no longer afraid of the “keep reading” button.
bossy, you are so right,that story was beyond worth it. LOVE it.
Now you just need to get apitcure of you kissing Hamels.
Bossy needs her own made for TV movie. Your life is fabulous.
PS. I was born in 1980. Just a fun lil fact for ya. And congrats to the Phillies. What a wonderful feeling that must be. I live in Cincinnati. Need I say more? We can’t get even one of our teams to win even one ball game. Geesh.
I know you were 14, but it would be great if that was your first kiss. Not that it’s not great already. I have no story that even comes close to matching that one.
You look like a professional….er, you know what I mean!! You’ve got the hand drape, the casual pose belying your passionate expression, the mouth slightly ajar – the whole package! How wonderful this moment was caught on film. Good on ya, Bossy!
It was worth the click thru just to find out your name is GEORGIA!
Love love love the open mouth.
Oh, how sweet!! I love Rhoda, I mean Fern. I’m so glad I clicked… though I do, anyway. You didn’t have to talk me into it!
Worth EVERY penny..very glad I clicked over.
Bossy made out w/ Tim McGraw’s dad!!
NO… I know it wasn’t making out.. cuz you were 14!!….
…Wow Miss Bossy, you’re somethin’ else! And I mean that in every way of good! Great story!
…Somehow I gotta feelin’ that Tug has never forgot about you either… ;o)
That was the best Phillies stor of all times!
…Oh and I love the new look Bossy! Very cool, very retro, very boss-saaay! :o)
loving baseball and loving love it’s impossible to top that story! (we adopted philly as our NL team when our two oldest started school there.) awesome!
Bossy not only has great stories, she’s got the photos to prove it!
that’s hot.
young and loose.
i would have liked to be friends with the teenage bossy.
This story (with the pictures!) just made me so happy.
One of my favorite co-workers emailed me from China to tell me that The Phillies had won the World Series. With lots of exclamation! points! to add authenticity.
Great story and love the pics! Me and my hubby had our first date at a phillies game 10 years ago so we celebrated our 10th anniversary early.
After the phillies won the world series, my hubby surprised me with a gorgeous pair of diamond earrings from as an early anniversary present which,for me, was better than the Phillies winning! Go Phillies!
Bossy, I loved your story. Tug McGraw was such a cutie–I had a semi-crush on him, too. But I really want to thank you for the link to the Tug McGraw Foundation. I bought six of the YGB45 bracelets for my immediate family. My mom died of brain cancer in 1985, and rarely a day goes by that I don’t think of her. So thank you for steering me that way. The children and their spouses are getting those bracelets in their stockings. Or maybe sooner, if I can’t help myself.
Wicked cool! Tug all the way. Fern is quite possibly your fairy godmother, y’know that?
Wicked cool! I love that you can still relish the past a bit and not in a pathetic goofy way like me.
For instance, I am sitting here reading blogs in my prom dress. No lie.
I think that’s quote possibly the best story I’ll hear all YEAR, and I can’t believe it took me a few days to read it when i could have been telling everyone I know to come read it, too. No worries, I’ll correct that. HILARIOUS!
Brought tears to my eyes, from laughter, from joy, from pride in the Phils.
Oh, Bossy – I was a Phillies fan then, too. I really wanted to be one of the Phillies Ball Girls! Remember them?
You are a lucky girl to have actually kissed Tug McGraw. WOW, I mean really – WOW. And what a good Fern Friend too!
now how were we both at game 6 AND sitting next to each other in french class and i didn’t know that story? or did i and i just don’t remember? i still maintain that night was one of the best of my life. but now i feel a little cheated, i was allllll about bob boone but i didn’t get to first base with him!