Today Bossy wants to talk about stretching your purchases. She has written about this soap before, but what she failed to mention is that Bossy rarely uses anything full strength.
Most pre-packaged things are stronger than necessary and we tend to use more of it than we need–and a few of the things that come to mind are liquid soaps and detergents and stuff like that.
In the above example, Bossy hangs on to the depleted bottle until she purchases a new one, and then she fills it halfway with liquid soap and halfway with water–so now one purchased bottle lasts twice as long!
And even as she types this, Bossy’s husband and son and daughter are all, “We do not do that“, but anyway, this is what Bossy wants to begin to do. How’s that, Bossy’s husband and son and daughter?
Very clever.
Not a bad idea to stretch the Duane Reade-brand liquid soap I have to keep buying for our bathroom, especially since it seems like I’m the only one who cares whether or not there’s, ya know, SOAP TO WASH YOUR HANDS in the BATHROOM.
I’m also a big believer in re-using waterbottles. Also, theft? From the dining hall? Not exactly a virtue you can expound here but hey, if you want to save money… steal! Ha.
Better yet, get the big refill bottles when they are on sale and refill the cute bottles over and over.
You’re doing a great job Bossy
I have often diluted my soap products to get more “bank for my buck,” as it were. I have also purchased the 2x concentrate products when they are on sale so I don’t use as much. What about shower soap?
I once read that you could take those little residual soaps (the ones too small for your hand and too “icky” for your loofah) and keep them in a ziploc until you have gathered several. Then you can somehow combine them / melt them or something and make a big bar again. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
And lastly, I have started attacking the Christmas gifts this year. Read on my poverty pals…..
good thought! don’t forget things like sponges & dryer sheets can be cut in half. they work perfectly well in a smaller size …just like humans.
oh, but don’t cut those in half! ewwwwwww. gross.
Bossy can do the same thing with Dr. Bronner’s soap–it comes in refreshing peppermint and almond and lavender fragrances. It’s all natural too.
I do that with shampoo !
P.S. what do you mean Bossy’s son is home? Why is that?
JK (#5) is my new hero. I never thought about cutting a dryer sheet in half!
And the Method lavender soap I use will get diluted as soon as I get home!
hi bossy! i’ve been reading your site for a couple of weeks now and love it!
i’ve found it can be a good idea to buy a refillable soap dispenser and put your soap into that (or keep a good old bottle and keep refilling it), because some brands of soap seem to come with dispensers that squirt out way more than you need.
Half a pump push will do the same. That’s what I do and it’s a lot less messy.
You don’t *have to* push the pump all the way down. Really, try it, just a gentle tap on the top
Another Dr. Bronner’s fan. If you get the dispensers that make foam, just put in less than a quarter of Dr. B’s mint (cleanliness) and lavender (smell) plus water. Been doing it for years, and we’re a pretty healthy house.
Here’s how I cut back on my handsoap expense this month:
I usually spring for the $6 method soaps with the fashionable and BEAUTIFUL dispensers, but they get ‘spensive. So I’ve been buying the cheaper (but uglier) soap and pouring it in.
I’ll have to try your new trick in one of the ugly bottles, though, in case I find “runny” soap offensive. I wouldn’t want to send Bossy an invoice in the mail for a new Method soap. I kid, I kid.
And you know what else, babycakes…
Anything that you can’t mix with water, say, like, moisturizer, etc., just turn upside down and you can get an extra week or two out of it.
And the Great Getzby musta aced his tests, and caught up on work, and he must be stuck inside cause he’s commenting on soap saving. Next he’ll be chimming in on what kind of puppy should be in the White House.
Oh, those pesky family members…always insisting on a modicum of truthiness in our posts. Or maybe they’re just a tad embarrassed by our transparency.
I found two beautiful hand thrown soap dishes at a garage sale for a quarter each, They inspired me to go back to using bar soap. Way cheaper + I get to use my pretty soap dishes now.
I wrote about making your own laundry soap yesterday.
I’m all for buying the big refill bottle. Watering it down, not so much. Here’s my latest…
Do you have tubes of lotion, hair gel, I don’t know what all (not toothpaste) that have reached the “empty” stage where all you get are annoying little splatters? Cut the bottom off the tube and you’ll be surprised how much is still in there. Just use a little clippie or something to close the cut open bottom.
And if you were really suave, you would “decant” into a glass jar with a liquor spout. Oh, how very luxurious and “RICH” one would feel. (Totally get it boss. Same here.)
Great idea. We use the kind that has the aerator in it and comes out as a cleaning foam and you can buy refills for those but you pay a ton for the super watery soap OR you an buy the same big-jug volume of gel and fill 1/3 of the dispensor with that and the rest water and swirl…voila!
I just wish you could buy huge volumes of those yummy holiday scented ones… getting board with the orange antibacterial.
oops, wrong bored. Derf.
Oh yes, in the Kim household where cash seems to reside where Bigfoot is, I do this and it actually works, especially if you get the kind of dishsoap/hand soap, whatever that foams when it comes out…works like a charm.
I found a stash of bar soaps (no idea why I was collecting them, or for how long), and picked up a pretty soap dish for $1 at Ross…those bars last forever.
There is the extra cleaning you have to do cuz the dish gets kinda scummy after a bit, but I do it when I’m washing my hands, so it’s not really a hassle.
The extra bonus – when you get in the shower, and realize you’re out of shower soap – you just have to hop out and grab the bar by the sink!
The comments here are great, and while I do some of them – there are great ideas that I haven’t thought of.
What I do:
Cut scrubbies for pots/tubs/front/door into smaller pieces that fit the job. I also use 1/2 dryer sheet because there’s no need for more.
1/2 fill liquid soap in foaming soap containers (Never thought to put Dr. Bronner in there – going to do that tomorrow).
I have a ginseng moisturizer that I love the smell of, but it’s expensive. I mix it w/ Baby oil in my had and moisturize w/ that. I think that the oil helps the scent stay longer – the bonus is that my legs/knees/elbows aren’t rough at all.
Who said trans fats are bad? I don’t eat it, but Crisco is better than Aquaphor – I’m not kidding.
Also, an uncoated aspirin ($2 for the big generic bottle at the drugstore) crushed with a little bit of water makes a great quick exfoliating masque for your skin.