Maybe you think this is a cheap shot— or maybe you think this is a slam dunk— but the thing Bossy really wants to know for today’s Ten-Word Challenge is this: in exactly ten words, what are you truly thankful for?
And be sure to check back later today for the most varied thanks on the web.
The family. Also health, because Bossy’s old as a grandmother.
My & my family’s health !
Your health IS your wealth, a wise tea bag tag once said!
Thankful for healthy kids, family and Beyonce’s song Single Ladies.
My health, my doggies and random acts of kindess.
My family, their health, jobs and bills we can pay
Mom, Dad, Brother, S, M, C, R, T, Russ, & Chewie.
And Scully. Always Scully – for the 10 wonderful years we had together. God, I miss that dog like crazy.
Thankful Bossy’s house is large enough for 17 Thanksgiving guests.
(Oh wait, it’s not! Dear lord!)
Niece and nephew
My dog
A job, travel plans, friends, family, good health, & Buddhist thought.
my family and friends who are healthy and insanely funny
Also very thankful for President elect Barack Obama; Hallelujah, anyway.
God, kids, family, friends, dog, country, health, home, food, pictures.
I’m thankful I’m only having 8 for dinner instead of 25
My daughters, my parents, though they often drive me nuts!
My two sons, and discovering radical unschooling 10 years ago
good friends, family, two hounds, one cat, and steady paychecks.
Thankful that I get life right most of the time.
In this economy, I’m thankful I have a paying job.
that I can have sex anytime I want
Thankful for dogs, husband, and pain in the ass mother
‘enough’ money, sweet Bub, healthy family, job that challenges, health.
My family is my world. For them, I am thankful.
Jesus my savior, your savior, I am so thankful always.
Thankful for three person, three dogs, plenty of food holiday
I’m thankful for family, friends, health, (mostly) stable finances, Barack!
Thankful my husband wants marriage counseling instead of the alternative.
Gas prices are actually low enough to fill the tank.
Family. Love. Health. Laughter. Obama. A country’s return to greatness.
Healthy herd, secure job, living in the middle of nowhere.
So thankful my brother realized he needed (and got) help.
My family, friends who are my family, and Bossy too.
Spouse. Kids. Family. Friends. Love. Health. Job. Intelligence. Every day.
God, family,
TJ MAXX, freedom, fresh whipped cream humor growing
Family. Health. Mental health. Ability to pay bills. Laughter. Shoes.
My Savior Jesus Christ, My Family, My Health, My Job
My Family, Health, Home, Work, Friends, Blue skies and FREEDOM…
Seriously? That you can’t see farts. That would be embarrassing.
Parents who encouraged me to discover and embrace my godlessness.
Grand Children
Warm Sun on Skin!
Family. Friendship. My toddler. Good humor. A severance package. Hope.
time I spent with Mom before she died in June
For the job I dont like, but at least have
For Bossy’s feed back in my reader. What happened, Bossy?
For my hubs, son, health, and Starbucks tall vanilla lattes.
I will be living in a house within a month.
Will, Jack, Tabbi, Mom, Dad, Husband, Friends, Ben and Jerry!
My parents, my sisters, my husband, my house, my travels.
Wonderful hubby, perfect puppy, understanding family, friends who are friendly.
Family, health care, financial security Election results! I am blessed.
Thankful that wifey and I finally got to have our first “alone” vacation in 10 years, and that it was as unbelievably awesome as we had hoped it would be … and that we both didn’t become deathly ill with some kind of make-your-head-and-neck-throb-with-pain virus until the morning we had to fly home.
Chocolate. Family. Husband. Health. Job. Chocolate. Camera. Laptop. Television. Chocolate.
Bob, Cooper, health, happiness, shelter, food, clothing and red wine.
fat pants, self-cleaning ovens, and the red-eye edit feature.
My penultimate semester at college is close to being over.
Family, good health, friends, income, new President Elect Barack Obama!
After this past year, I’m thankful that I can walk!
Family, Friends, My job, Obama, Taco, My House, Portland, Life.
Thankful for just being here. I’ve Got everything I need.
Family, friends, cats, rock and roll, social media and wine.
Son, husband, parents, job, home, food, health care, dog, sunlight.
My family and that we live relatively safe and secure.
That whole not seeing farts thing is also a bonus.
i’m thankful he finally let me go. worst relationship ever.
Scott Billy John Lucy the rest of the family too
Bear, while not here for Thanksgiving, is alive and well.
So thankful that sanity is returning to the White House.
I am thankful that God is God and I’m not.
My health. My family. My friends. My job. and lycra.
parents, kids, hubby (most days), dog, friends, humor, cocktails, music
all the coastal nest peeps, their health, and enough money for a little nip every now and then.
(and maybe even a cig.for when I have more than one nip)
husband, girls, family, health, home, job, obama, coors light
My daughter. Her amazing strength, vision and spirit inspires me.
My family and my, two months old today, baby boy.
Gustav’s restaurant: turkey, stuffing, pie, wine. No dishes. No judgement.
Happy, healthy, sweet child, loyal, healthy husband, dogs, family, job
Words and words and words, written by wonderful bloggers everyday.
My husband, son, family, our health and gas under $2.
Smelling! Tasting!! (after none – three years).
Extraordinary laundry-doing husband.
Thank God that LIFE is the coolest organic process EVER!
Oops. You said 10 words. Damn. Sorry about comment #50; I’m deliriously ill.
I’m grateful Bossy’s comment space remembers me now! Less typing.
Life, husband, son, doggies, early mornings to myself, our health.
job, cats, health, knitting, books, music, knitting group members, BOSSY!
My husband’s cooking, toddler’s kisses & healthy baby due in April
Family, Friends, Health, Food, Wine, Laughs, Mylo, Barack and Change!!!
Last Thanksgiving, Dad had cancer. This Thanksgiving he’s cancer-free!
I’m thankful for peppermint scented lubricant. It’s for my penis.
God, husband, family, friends, health, music, books, chocolate, and job.
Thanks for health, family, love, like, Obama, dog, and BOSSY!
My health and the health of my wife and kids.
Not very original, I know.
Every day is a new day (with glorious sleep inbetween).
I’m thankful for every moment with my beautiful baby boy.
How could Bossy forget her Barack O’Boyfriend?
Selling: three words.
Our two kitties and big black dog, all cuddle bugs.
Hubby of 28 years, our son, and his new house
x, stella artois
theother23 and
valium for me
My: family, friends, puppies, kitty, health, job, education, and hope
The family. Because Farty’s going to be a grandfather. Again.
Hubby, son, parents, siblings, dog, friends, chocolate, wine, underwire bras.
That all three of them love me no matter what.
That I haven’t went completely insane over being dumped recently.
Crazy boys, employed, loving husband, families we like, Starbucks, wine,
Love, kids, husband, parents, health, food, shelter, friends, health, life.
Husband, husband’s job, our boys, parents, sunshine, gluten-free cookies.

Happy Thanksgiving Bossy and Family!
Oops. doubled up on health. Ok, I’m thankful for it twice.
I’m thankful to finally have baby out of my tummy.
For our Pool. Temps of 35 degrees (C). Splish splash! Here!!!
2. Livin’ in a country with a MOVIE NAMED AFTER IT!
(Featuring the Sexiest Man alive… I know that claim makes it more than ten words. But worth every penalty point Bossy awards!)
My dogs, my wife, and my ice cold six pack.
My splendid family. Clean air, fresh water, health, jazz, winecheesebread.
Obama too
Our daughter. Thank you, county government, for finding us worthy!
God, family, smiles, trees, flowers, birds, velvet, Internet, and Bossy.
my baby who is about to make her world debut
chocolate family bread toast marmite daughters husband toasted cheese chocolate …
Security: cozy home, solid marriage, healthy kids, my husband’s job.
30 wonderful married years, 4 new family babies this Xmas.
Thankful to have turkey, not brain surgery on this 11/27.
(One year brain surgery mark is on Thanksgiving. How ironically appropriate, huh?)
Friends who guide along life’s paths. Sometimes nudging. Sometimes ass-kicking.
My son, Jeb, my husband, Todd, and our lives together!
My kids, friends, health, job, talent, apartment and gas prices!
Obama, my children, Coulter’s broken jaw, new job, Jack Bauer
Faith, family, friends, health, job, home, food, pets, optimism, love.
clean, safe place to sleep; indoor plumbing; taste; eyeballs; Obamas.
My husband is still alive and I love my life.
Sad to stop after four kids. Then: the surprise fifth.
Jose Cuervo, you are a friend of mine.
That I can stay home and enjoy my kids.
I wrote about what I’m thankful for at
daughter, daughter’s health, my health, enough to live on.
I’m thankful for being able to be, do, and love.
Having to work during the holidays, separated from family, sucks.
Internet porn sites are still affordable! Um. And my family.
Champagne, My Dr. B, Obama, Sex, chocolate, My Kids and Pumpkin Pie
my children, great new job, finally found the love of my life -and that my son is still with us after being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes exactly a year ago.
I’ve got to post again and second the indoor plumbing.
Honestly? Here we go:
kids to keep me going, same with chocolate and Internet.
Son smart enough to pass 2nd grade without doing homework.
My insanely great daughter and partner. Job security. Obama too.
i’m thankful for bossy’s excellent road trip. because this has been maybe one of my worst weeks ever. and i wouldn’t have gotten through it without one of the women that i met because of bossy’s excellent road trip. so thanks. i needed her this week, like no one’s business. and she? was totally there when i needed someone to understand. and yes, more than ten words. 1, 2, 3,,,50, 51, 52, 10. but thanks. seriously. happy thanksgiving.
I’m very thankful to NOT be in Iraq this year.
The Constitution, educated people for company, and internet, transportation, life.