It may surprise you to learn that Bossy recently changed her blog’s design, where surprise equals Tah-dah, Bossy finally stopped talking about her redesign!
And when Bossy changed her blog’s design, she also changed her blog’s host, and blah blah about host and server and domains blah, except this is what it means to Bossy: for the nearly three years Bossy has been blogging, which feels more like 26,280 hours, Bossy has been featuring lots of photos in her posts, where lots of photos equals Good gah if this woman could actually write she wouldn’t need to draw arrows across one thousand pictures.
And every time Bossy uses a photo in a blog post, that photo must be stored somewhere online because djjdjkle ekkroo0rk skkeo. Understand? And so for nearly three years Bossy was downloading and storing these blog post photos on TypePad, which was her blog host and Hi Bossy’s friend Bobo! Bossy knows you are the only one still reading, even if your eyes will stay crossed forever if you keep making that face.
Anyway. When Bossy changed her blog host to WordPress, she needed to find a new place to store all of those archived photos that appear in her posts AND BOSSY PROMISES IF YOU JUST KEEP READING SHE’LL BECOME HILARIOUS AND MAYBE EVEN DRAW AN ARROW OR TWO.
So Bossy decided to transfer her blog’s photos to Flickr where they will be stored, which includes every photo that ever appeared in 26,280 hours’ worth of blog posts.
Unless you are currently so appalled that you swallowed your molars, chances are you don’t know what’s so bad about transferring 26,280 hours’ worth of photos — and so now Bossy will show you how bad it is because who is Bossy if not helping you avoid more attractive tasks, like peeling the calluses from your heel.
Shall we begin?
First Bossy combs her way down the archives, locating the next post whose photos are currently showing up as question marks because they need to be transferred to Flickr:
So then Bossy sees the date of the post, and she goes into her desktop files to locate the post chronologically in her, anyone? Anyone? Files:
So then she opens up her Flickr page and prepares to select Upload Photos and Videos:
Next Bosy Bossy must tell Flickr where that photo is stored on her computer so it can be downloaded:
Once the photo is selected and downloaded, Bussy Bossy must open that photo in Flickr so she can copy and paste the photo’s new flickr URL into her post, where URL is the sound of the foam emerging from between Bossy’s clenched teeth:
Bossy then needs to open her post’s page so she can paste this new URL HTML vkkdkdkkska into her anyone? Anyone? Post:
Boosy Bossy is almost done, but first she needs to add a few tags to her archived blog post, because tags ckkdkkd jhwyierjmkd sjks:
For those of you keeping score at home, that’s seven steps—and usually Bossy’s posts contain way more than one photo because see previous paragraph about shortage of writing skills.
And this, dear Bobo and anyone else now deserving of a Readership Award, is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy about a detail in your life that makes you deserving of a Pity Party?
And make sure you check back later today for the Pity Partiest comments on the web!
Single hockey mom, also basketball, soccer, and high school senior!
Some day I’ll have time for a date…
Hair resembles Flock of Seagulls. The band, not the birds.
Father of two young’uns who rise before dawn EVERY DAY.
computer screen going dark. Too fat for favorite jeans. MENOPAUSAL!
Ingrown toenail is back. Surgery looms, which Bossy performs herself.
“Special” meeting at work yesterday. 12 of us laid off.
Nearly noon, and haven’t exercised. Why not skip again? Sigh.
Sorry, can’t play — SAD light is working too well!
Been sending ex-husband money to pay mortgage. He hasn’t paid. Foreclosure. Idiot. Guess that’s more than ten words.
Age 48. Eating disorder battle for 24 years. Currently losing.
After two weeks of taking care of my sick family I am now sick. I am reasonably sure no one is going to offer to take care of me.
I assume Bossy knows about the flickr uploader tool that can be downloaded? It would cut a couple of steps out of your very time consuming process. You just go to the subdirectory where your picture is living on your computer and drag and drop the picture into the uploader window. You can upload pictures as a big batch this way and then all you would have to do is spend some time sorting out the URL’s etc but at least the pictures would be in flickr already.
Dh, jaw surgery, 4 hours, do I have to stay?
(I’d rather shop during it (at least the first 2 hours) instead…)
15 year old bipolar asperger daughter. Pull my hair out!!!!!!!!!!!!
[should all of the !!! equal their own word? If so, I’m one word over.]
Snowing out. I have an appointment. My feet are cold.
I gotta go with Gia. The flickr uploader tool (it’s a small program you download onto your computer) is really easy and saves time. Just go to
Reading more than ten words because people can’t follow rules.
client’s email down, newsletter late, husband not speaking. Dear God.
work, kids, sports, homework, school, cleaning house, laundry= i’m tired
45 minutes, w/ Cable Company, still not right, 3rd call!!!!
no complaints. feeling sorta guilty. when will karma strike back?
I’m saddled with someone else’s debt and not enough income.
No holiday or time off this year. Woe is me.
Big project, finals, sore throat, I would rather just sleep!
Getting fat. Divorce attorney. Non-paying clients. Damnit.
Personal property taxes, mortgage, Christmas, loan on a sinking boat.
Hubby in Nigeria has not been paid in three months.
Husband in Pakistan. Living with Gmaw. Sucky job. No money.
Been down that road too long. No pity desired here.
Can’t say at this minute I need a pity party.
(but maybe by the time I hit submit I will)
Read posts. Count my blessings. Sending good thoughts to all.
Boss fired. I get his job + mine, not his salary.
True! Two separate credit scams hit account yesterday. Hold me.
This post= Emily fearing when she buys a digital camera, starts photo blogging significantly, becomes a Flickr whore, then moving over all photos to flickr then updating her OWN blog. Oh, the fun! But yes, isn’t WordPress a happy tool? It makes for much smiling in comparison to others. (Livejournal? Typepad? Blogger? I am looking at you!)
PartaaaaY? Any excuse to party, ‘cept pity, works for me. =)
OK, that’s 10 … but I WILL send wine to get you through this yuck transition… and I concur, d/load the flickr tool to save a couple steps.
My neighbor makes changes to my house without my permission.
i have to edit 3 million photos to put up new updated posts. i know it’s more than 10 words. i haven’t put in a new post since wed because because of the photo editiing.
Weirdly enough, no complaints today. Not really Crabby after all?
cannot read bossy archives all day. must work. boooo hiss.
My husband and I had an awful fight last night.
Can’t do pity party when many others have it worse.
Can’t sleep. Fat. Broke. Trying to put a smile on.
After years home with children, finding job search frustratingly difficult. .
In bed ALL Thanksgiving weekend. Then sick time Monday too.
But my college age nephew’s story beat mine:
Threw up 4x in uncle’s car. ers = Thanksgiving. Lost weight.
Dad is dying. Temporarily moved in with parents.
Danged computer screener. It changed my nephew’s Thanksgiving meal from “crackers” to “ers.” Poor kid.
Husband wants divorce. Son’s teacher frustrating, irrational. Depressed. *Happy* holidays???
Four days, five papers, two finals? Fuck you, Columbia U?
Red toe. Green toe. Blue toe. Better than no toe.
Getting pink hair extensions, currently high point of the year.
Back to YOUR pity party, Bossy: I appreciate many photos.
Have had many tragedies; am just learning to count blessings.
Car stolen, car insurance co mean, still work at 5am.
um, who is the great getzby? from columbia, during finals?
Work is boring. Five year budget projection is no fun.
I’m trying to be more positive and it’s soooooo haaaaard!
Sixty xmas cards staring me down, as of yet unwritten.
TERMITES and no funds to kill them dead dead dead.
statcounter = exboyfriend’s exgirlfriend clicked on every post on my blog.
37.5 weeks pregnant, cervix indestructible, 3 other kids, Christmas is coming.
dog ate dress shoes, bought new pair, now have blisters.
Oh, that sounds dreadful. I’m so sorry. Why’d you switch?
Cosigner for $96,000 college loans for bankrupt son. I win.
75,000 words later, post NaNoWriMo depression. Forgot how to blog….
I see dumb people! (only needed 4)
Awful to be trapped at home all day – Crohn’s Disease.
Six years commuting 3 hours/day = 4,500 hours on train
No oral sex from an underage hooker in several years.
Rich person in rich country = too blessed to bitch. Sorry.
reading intense medical abstracts trying to diagnose my vestibular self.
Husband says I was sitting WITH the “hot mom.” Ouch.
loaded kids in car, lost keys, dog escaped while looking.
#42 here, can’t complain, now. I just got hired! Yippee!
Son, age 13, who does not believe mornings really exist.
Bugaboo doesn’t sleep worth a darn. Time for sleep aids.
i am 37 and 1/2 weeks pregnant. sick of it.
I work with health care insurance companies all day long.
Pregnant daughter still wants a BIG wedding, natch. Oy vay!
Moving. Fourth time, six years. Tumor in spine. Surgery. Scared.
meds working, no pity party needed. check on me later.
Ummm, hello? Christmas, tax season and client computer conversion underway.
Husband decides to buy some stock – buyer’s remorse ensues immediately.
Suck it up, Great Getzby. You dreamed of this.
Keeping 20 first graders busy means 14 inches of papers to grade.
Swollen ankles, no clean underwear or pants, still in nightgown.
new cat bites, OG scoops poop, life does suck.
PS – I have been a web developer by day since 1995 – I woulda helped ya out regarding the blag drama.
Frustrated at computer “because djjdjkle ekkroo0rk skkeo. Understand?” I don’t.
Husband’s stroke 9/01 – unable to speak, miss hearing his voice.
#48 Cheri:
I have “NO-MO’-TOE”. Better than infection I had. Careful, Bossy!
no pity here, got mac, got flickr uploadr, drag, drop
brains leaking out my ears
makes a big mess
Could leave my job I love for more money elsewhere
retirement plans on hold…401K way down, best laid plans
law student. paper due tomorrow. sinus infection. 12 more pages.
Urinary Tract Infection. 22 weeks pregnant. Super low amniotic fluid.
You’re lucky I can still comment with an exploded head
today my 27 year old baby had gall bladder removed 🙁
i can never find that other sock. WHERE’D IT GO?
Company’s online timesheet software won’t ever let me submit mine.
iPhoto so slow but much faster than Flckr process. Geez.
And I love it when you complain. It’s very satisfying.
indexing a 40-page tree booklet – latin, common names inconsistent
I am an addict and its not just a joke.
Husbands b*tch gave birth this weekend … 2 weeks before supposed “due date” … which now increases the possibility of this being HIS baby exponentially.
Mom died. Grandma died. Dad is stage D prostate cancer.
Sears bricked – no delivery today – instead 12/23 called me today!
Pre-lit tree no longer. Can’t afford new. Must re-string lights.
I had to plunge a stranger’s poop yesterday at work.
Masses of mowing, mountains of ironing, hordes of visitors…CHRISTMAS!
Ummmm. Just read some previous comments. Don’t waste you pity on me… BTW am going to mention (inspired by those above) I did a post about courage today at my place…
I should have mentioned your courage BOSSY in hanging in there to do this convoluted picture pullover. Salute!
mom in hospital, son throwing up, fish dead, got period.
PS, Mom is home now. Hope Bossy’s dad is doing better too.
I had a baby without any drugs given to me.
I will now lie awake “tags, wha???? How??? #$%%^&@@!”
My mom’s cancer has spread to her liver. I’m scared.
Sending good thoughts to all who are sad, worried, ill, and needing comfort.
hired to make world’s longest valance. remade 4 fooking times.
(and will most likely be seam ripping AGAIN and resewing AGAIN)
One third of my assets are gone, so’s my bourbon.
Cat has paralyzing spinal injury, needs physical therapy – I’ll learn.
Sending good thoughts and prayers to those of you out there who are scared and worried…
Co-dependent to alcholic. Recently canceled pity party. Getting stronger daily.
Husband out of town. Four kids, one newborn. Snowy driveway.
don’t need your pity. got enough of my own, thanks
found out $3000 in car repairs. car only worth $2500.
Flu. Both ends. Ugh.
Self-employment income arrives in drips and drabs, bills remain constant.
Baby vomit, baby drool, I am covered in baby poo.
**Ok, I’m only covered in drool, but it was fun too say. 🙂
No serious problems here except computer-induced chronic back pain.
Missing Bossy’s old blog. Now all posts delayed. Wah-wah.
Not having central heating on coldest night of the year.
7th graders. Independent 17 month-old. Recently unemployed husband. Sigh.
Not gonna do it, wouldn’t be prudent.Waste of time.
Husband cheats and leaves. Start therapeutic podcast. He then sues.
purple hermes birkin bag