For the last several weeks Bossy’s daughter has been participating in a youth theater workshop, and this past weekend she had a couple of performances of Sayonara from How To Eat Like A Child.
She looks so comfortable on stage. I would be on the stage floor in a fetal position sucking my thumb pretending there was no one watching me. Then I would have an asthma attack.
Seriously, you must be so proud! Don’t you love it when you see them taking flight? Look at her! So lovely. Bravo, bravo … we’re clapping for her, too.
Gotta love the girl!
I thought this poster said “How To Eat A Child”.
Bossy’s daughter is a shining star. My first thought was of her t-shirt from a few days ago. “I am pure potential.”
She’s a Superstar!
I hope my girls grow up to be as cool as bossy’s daughter.
She is so cool!
Does your heart try to burst out of your chest every time you see her on stage?
She looks so comfortable on stage. I would be on the stage floor in a fetal position sucking my thumb pretending there was no one watching me. Then I would have an asthma attack.
I too hope my two girls grow up to be like Bossy’s little star!!
Is Bossy’s daughter EVER far from a stage? Good thing that theatre is so close to your house!
I was so hoping this was a video! Post a video so we can watch her sing!
“How to Go To Bed” – I still haven’t learned this lesson.
Look at that passion!
and guess what? I just found that on youtube!
i wish i were still in drama. Bossy’s daughter is too cool!
Seriously, you must be so proud! Don’t you love it when you see them taking flight? Look at her! So lovely. Bravo, bravo … we’re clapping for her, too.
Can we see that on video please? I am sure she has SOME volume behind her!
Can I just send my 10 year old over and have Bossy raise her?