Bossy and her friend The Artist Formerly Known As Pool Urchin want to wish you a very happy 2009.
Baby New Year.
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Very Random Thoughts On This 2009 Thing.
Very Random Thoughts On This 2009 Thing.
Happy New Year’s Bossy!
Happy New Year BOSSY! xoxo
Is that a new hairdo ? We didn’t hear the story bout that one . Very cute .
Happy New Year !
Happy New Year! The urchin has grown a lot since the summer!
I feel a very Reginald Kenneth Dwight vibe, here.
I love the totally apathetic look. Her expression is how I feel about going into the new year.
Those shades are sooooo this year. What a cool urchin.
I know that boy and the light reflected in his shades!
And happy 2009 to you and yours too. And how grateful I am that I don’t have to visit Bossy via dial-up most of the time. It just took about 2 hours to get to see Urchinette. But worth it.
that is a fantastic photo. i hope it’s already printed, framed and on its way to the pool urchin’s mother.
I was thinking that this photo was bringing a certain J. Lennon back to life… in a very Elton kinda way!!
Happy New Year Bossy and readers. (It’s already January 2 here Down Under. In case you are wondering, January 1 was a pretty good day.)

Happy New Year Bossy and fam!
A very Happy New Year to Bossy and family and hoping that 2009 brings much joy to all who visit here.
Happy 2009, G!
Happy New Year, babe! Gorgeous photo.
Oh! Oh! The Elton Look is back in fashion at last! Time to dig out the mega-high boots and fluffy scarf, yay!
Happy New Year to you and yours! Get Bossy with it.
Happy New Year Bossy and her clan!!
The pic is perfect and very reminiscent of John Lennon!
Happy New Years!!
oops disregard my earlier comment- at quick (and without contacts)glance I thought it was Bossy’s beautiful daughter. Now I see it is someone entirely not Bossy’s daughter.
Still cute though and totally groovy man.
Happy new year Georgia. Wishing you few hair disasters and many other successes. xo
His hair is fabulous.
i love it! what a sweetie.
Way cool! Happy New Year!