This uninspired product shot brought to you by all of the sleep Bossy didn’t get last night, as she tossed and turned in cotton waves, thinking about nothing and everything in particular.
Where were we? Right.
Fisherman’s Friend menthol cough suppressant lozenges. A couple of days ago Bossy thought she was coming down with a scratchy throat, just like she thought she was coming down with a fever, when really all along she was probably just coming down (from the holidays.)
So Bossy’s husband was all, “Take one of these Fisherman’s Friend lozenges now, and then take another in a few minutes, and your scratchy throat will disappear.”
And it did. He was even sweet enough to leave Bossy with the entire packet! And he encouraged her to pop a lozenge as often as necessary, even though Bossy now reads the directions on the back of the product and finds no support for his style of dosage, and instead learns that you should never exceed the recommended amount of one per hour.
Surely, Bossy’s husband, there are less mentholated ways to kill her?
Perhaps Bossy’s morning breath just needed a little help from a (fisherman’s) friend?
No? Bossy’s husband is more subtle than Bush Babe’s Mr Incredible then?
My husband swears by these also… and he’s also pushing them on me whenever I complain of a cold coming on. But now I see why! Just like sometimes he wonders if I am trying to kill him with cholesterol (sp?).
I gargle with unfiltered apple cider vinegar at the first sign of a sore throat, and that bad boy is vanished!
Never tried them but I will be sure to grab a bag soon enough.
But, really, how much menthol can Bossy have before she starts to have ill effects???
A mentholated death sounds particularly cruel.
Apparently, I have an irrational fear of cough drops and menthol and (I literally just sneezed five times!) colds.
Damn it.
Um, hello? Bossy’s husband and bossy? Like, it totally says FISHERMANS friends…not bossy’s friend…you have to be a fisherman for these to work. OTHERWISE, they won’t. So that is your problem…i’d try that vinegar thing mentioned above. or i’ve heard of a garlic thing. then there is the wrap your feet in warm towels thing, and the first full moon of a winter’s eve thing……but maybe they are all like the Fisherman’s Friend…who knows….
I sooo did not sleep last night. But I didn’t not have any Fisherman’s Friend to keep me company…
Bossy, my Dad’s method when we were growing up was to give us a shot of whiskey and send us straight to bed. Worked every time!
A Fisherman’s Friend chased by a glass of iced water = heaven when you have a sore throat. Or even when you don’t.
LOL, you could just chalk it up to an early warning sign. Bossy should be careful if he starts in with the Sudafed and advises you to pop a pill (or down a shot if you get the liquid) whenever you want… that’s some wicked stuff.
I’ve never tried the menthol version, but a few years back a friend gave me one of the original lozenges to try and after 3 seconds in my mouth I couldn’t spit it far enough away. Yuck times infinity.
After you ate these, you caught a delicious bass. (Napolean Dynamite, anyone? anyone? Is this thing on?)
Ack! What David said. Seriously. Barf.
First I thought they were those *gag* Slippery Elm*gag* things.
Does Bossy’s husband sing? Does Bossy’s husband still remember playing in venues where people could smoke?
I’d listen to Bossy’s resident Scratchy Throat Specialist.