Kicking the tree to the curb.
Now, Bossy loves Christmas as much as the next secular Jew, but sister mercy, when it’s over she wants it over.
And when the tree is finally hauled from the house and the living room is restored, Bossy suddenly feels as though she’s built an addition on her house.
I love how big my living room looks when the tree gets taken down. This year I managed to get it to the curb about five minutes before the brush pick-up truck arrived. Yay! I didn’t have to look at it on the curb for a week.
Aw jeez. I guess it really is time to take that thing down. It’s still only around January 1 today, right?
Me too. Meeee too. Though seeing the tree on its side like that reminds me of a sad, beached whale.
TOTALLY know what you mean.
Aww, I hate it when we take the tree down. It feels like a loss. I’d leave it up till Valentine’s Day (or maybe Easter) if the thing would just stay soft and keep soaking up water. But once the branches start to close down and hide my ornaments, I know it’s time to undecorate. *Sigh.*
We just finished “taking down” Christmas. PHEW. I was feeling all anxious and crowded, like we needed an addition. Now with all the crap boxed up my house is new all over again! How the heck do I feel crowded in a fecking 2400sqft house? Too much crap! Praise little baby Jesus for Rubbermaid.
Oh, I love the taking down! We got ours out to the curb last Friday for recycling pick up. There is still a lot of holiday debris around the house, I’m never very efficient at putting that stuff away. I almost always find a stray santa dude in acorner sometime in spring, and I’ve been known to enjoy my coffee from the nice big Christmas mugs right up through July.
Gah, I’m with you on the Christmas tree. I don’t have a good place for a tree, and we stumble around it all of December. OUT, yon tree! My dirty little secret is that I love January more than December.
Last year we cut a cedar from my mom’s back yard and that baby stayed green until Easter.
A-freakin-men. It’s one of the things that gives the new year its sense of possibilities — the housecleaning you do as part of taking down all that crap. It always makes me feel better when it goes back to the basement.
I think it’s kind of sad because jeans and sweaters weather will be done in just a couple of months. I like to find a pine needle or two hiding near the floor board in July.
This is the point at which David-in-a-Tree sits back and smiles smugly. No messing with trees for him. Or me either, actually — I just have loads of lights all over, which are still lighting my mornings and nights.
Do still have to put away the putz — my giant nativity scene complete with Danger that the Wise Guys have to caravan past: beware the hippos, gators, lions, and other wildlife. Whimsy and reverence mixed together.
I want the house across the street from Bossy’s.
Bossy has kicked her tree out already? Why so early? It’s not February! We try to stretch our tree dollars as far as we can … sometimes we even have an Easter tree … if we have enough green spray paint.
That’s SOME tree: its bigger than your neighbor’s house!
Thought that room addition part was really funny…..since I ALWAYS feel the same way every year…..and I always forget I feel that way going into the room reduction/tree decorating~
I think we missed the last tree recycling pickup, so we may have to change our ornaments for Groundhog Day pretty soon…
~applause~ (and agreement)
And if you’re lucky you hit the Pier 1 Clearance (as in “no one bought a damn thing before the holidays” sale) and snag some new couch pillows in a totally different color and you have RE-DECORATED!
I spent December planning to put the tree up, felt guilty that we never did, now relieved that we don’t have to go through the hassle of taking it down.
Yay, procrastination! 🙂
Geez, I have to admit to once having a “Valentine’s” tree. We had cut it fresh, very near Christmas, and it was still so pretty and soft. We kept watering it, took off the Christmas decor and made homemade Valentines to hang on the branches. I will always remember that year!
Great minds think alike (though my accompanying remarks did differ. (But that’s mostly because I’m such a sap. Get it? Sap? See, it’s a pine tree and … oh, nevermind.)
There are about 30 nutcrackers in our dining room and they have GOT to go!
Just be grateful that no one (thank you sister Julie) started a “Snow Village” collection for you that now has to have its own table with a special board on top of it to make it bigger with extension cords connected to it for the lights (move piano to fit it in the living room), eight thousand styrofoam boxes that are dusty from the attic and make icky creaky noises when you open them, fake snow that you eventually find all over the place… Last year my Christmas gift to myself was that I never put it up!
Holy what the… Poor poor bobbie #22..
I smell a little ebay action…
I do love love to kick the tree to the curb, also, in fact..mine is still on the patio. Little daugher asked why its still out there, said we were taking it back out to the beach to “replant” it..where replant=burn in bonfire. Also where burn in bonfire=singe eyebrows and eyelashes off, because MAN OH MAN that damn thing is D.R.Y.!!!!
its a january tradition. They grow back in time for the spring, just like the tulips and daffodils..
Christmas was truly the season of miracles in my house this year; NO tree. As soon as I saw that the husband was on board I just steam-rolled the kids.