Or you can watch the video here, full size.
Last spring, Bossy drove over 10,000 miles across 28 states in 5 weeks to meet her online community. She slept on sofas, in guest rooms, and three hotels; she met kids and dogs and a handful of cats and one turtle and some horses and cows.
She walked in cities, shat in truck stops, and broke bread with over two hundred creative, hilarious people she had never met but who are now like family.
She drank chocolate martinis and ate fried pickles, and married at least four men and one sports car.
Thank you Saturn. And thank you Philadelphia and D.C. and Richmond and Atlanta and Orlando and Tallahassee and New Orleans and Baton Rouge and Dallas and Oklahoma and Albuquerque and Scottsdale and San Diego and Laguna Beach and Los Angeles and Palo Alto and San Francisco and Eugene and Portland and Seattle and Boise and Denver and Kansas City and St. Louis and Madison and Chicago and Indianapolis and Detroit and Cleveland, with a special shout out to Rawlins Wyoming.
Your generosity of spirit and substance remains unparalleled. This video is for you.
Oh, and here’s the link to va-va Vote for Bossy for Best Humor blah blah Blog.
Excellent job, Bossy! That road trip gave me the warm fuzzies.
That was WAY BEYOND cool.
You rock, the BOSSY love from around the country rocks, and I am all about the little girls wearing their matching “i am bossy” t-shirts!
And yes, Detroit is full of 18-wheeler trucks.
Fabulous! I’d love to see a shorter version as a Saturn commercial during the Super Bowl (when your Eagles play whoevah). Say it will be so?!!!
I half expected the song to be that Alanis one where she’s thanking all those locations.
superfun video, BOSSY. The Gay Bears are pleased as punch to be in it! *smooches*
It was a blast. Chopped off fingertips, and all!
It was so exciting to see me in a picture where I look like I could possibly be taller than GoonSquadSarah. That doesn’t happen very often. But you’ve opened my eyes to how it can! I am going to call her right now and explain, “You sit on the floor, I sit on a sofa. It is the secret and Bossy revealed it to me.”
Thank you! Thank you for your enlightenment. You are my Guru. I eagerly await your next trip to DC so I can reach Nirvana. Or just listen to Nirvana with you.. That could work. I’m not picky about these things.
How awesome! I discovered Bossy just as she was taking that trip. Hows about you do another in a year or so? I am sure more of your readers would love to meet you!
That was fantastic, thanks! Seems like ages ago.
I am just so struck by Bossy’s beauty that I barely noticed anything else. You have fabulous hair, gorgeous eyes, amazing skin, terrific bone structure, and great style.
I’m not kidding.
Wow. That was a long trip.
What kind of car were you driving? (i kid, i kid)
I’m just bummed because I didn’t find your blog until after you passed through New Mexico.
Oh, that was fun. I’d like to relive your visit.
Incredible! That song is so fitting for the frantic trip.
Coming through Orlando again? Please?
Why you’re welcome! How ’bout next time all 200+ of us crash on YOUR couch to thank YOU? If Stella will scooch over to make room, of course!
Love it!!! this was the catalyst that started me blogging!
thanks to you!
Your welcome! We’d love to have you back!
Ihave never met another person who uses shat as past tense for shit! I knew I liked you!!!!
And once again I curse the devil’s minions in our IT department who have BLOCKED all access to YouTube. Bastards.
Super Cool!
You’re very welcome Bossy! It was quite a lot of fun that evening at the Chocolate Bar…first time I had met bloggers in person…I would totally do it again. Great video, and thanks for putting me in there!
Come baaaack.
Fun video! I enjoyed the trip from my desk. Envied the fun and friendships…didn’t envy the truck stops.
Very nice! I’m feeling all nostalgic now.
Thank you for this.
Oh yeah, now I want to do that trip all over again and sleep on MY sofa. My dude makes some mean cinnamon french toast and of course the best cappuccino around LA. So let us know when you’re back on the road!
Killer video – killer photos as always….
How cool! That was the series that turned me on to your blog! I loved it.
I feel bad I have been so bad about commenting! Love you too, bossy!
Loved seeing Orange County renamed Ocean County – it’s actually more appropriate since there are no more oranges in Orange County.
That was a great picture in the desert with the snow-covered mountains in the mirror. So cool!
Great recap! But wait, wasn’t there supposed to be a New England leg of that trip? Any chance Bossy is still considering a trip up north and east???
What is that delightfully zany subliminally sublime music? I thought it was a little monotonous… and then I couldn’t stop bouncing in my chair!
That was so much fun. COME BACK, BOSSY!!
Thank YOU! It was so much fun to be a part of it. There are bloggers I now read daily because you introduced us them to us.
Tell us about the music! I loved it.
How awesome! If you ever decide to roadtrip to Canada, let me know. (But I highly recommend not doing so in the winter.)
Next trip, you need to come up here to Maine. We have lobsters! Lots and lots and lots of them. Oh and then there’s always me. But hell, who am I to compete with a lobster.
Best car ad I’ve ever seen.
And delightful seeing the trip through Bossy-eyes. Or Bossy-camera-eyes. That was fun. Thanks. I live oh-so-close to Seattle but didn’t know you then.
That truly was WAY beyond cool…like almost everyone on here has already said, but I loved it! I’m right next to Dallas and wish I’d invited you to come over to Ft. Worth, or I’d known you host so we could have met.
It was so wonderful to see you…and especially because you were probably the least stinky on your first stop.
Miss you.
Correction: MOST of her online community.
Your coming here to LA was my first meet-up with other bloggers. Thank you for that!
In a world in which we connect less in person, it was lovely to meet you and to see you traveling on…to meet others.
I am sorry you had to stay in a hotel in Eugene. I don’t know you but I would have invited you to stay with us … a family of 8 – 2 adults, 2 teenagers, 2 little kids, and 2 animals. Unfortunately I wasn’t introduced to I am Bossy until you on your way out of town
Sorry we missed you in Portland, Bossy…but thanks for spreading some much-needed sunshine around here every day!
Ooooh…..and here I was, thinking, gosh darn that Bossy, she never seems to notice me commenting on her blog. No love. Well, I take it back. A road trip is a lotta love.
When Air France or KLM or whoever sponsors your next trip, I have a nice, fluffy guest sleeper sofa for you near the tulip fields, half an hour from Amsterdam ;).
I am beyond bummed that I was not blogging when you passed through San Diego and didn’t get to meet you. We’ll rectify that for the 2009 road trip.
Hey! There I am! In that video!
Great job on the thank you video. Our country is so beautiful it makes me cry.
I love how blogging connects people together—I love how I met bloggers in my community because I went to the Los Angeles Bossy meet-up! That makes me cry happy tears too.
Chocolate martinis get my vote!
When is BOSSY coming to Scotchland?
Awesome video! You should, like, write a blog or something!
That was so fun to watch! I have fond memories of meeting you and the Seattle Posse!
Thanks Bossy!
WHAT a great video! You’re so freakin’ cool.
On behalf of the San Diego Blog Bitches–THANK YOU! And my cake is so excited to have made the video.
Dallas misses you!! Great music by the way…
Fabulous! I’m still mad I missed you both in Florida AND Oregon… but my wedding was kind of the priority at the time. Silly me…
I feel like I have totally done the road trip with you… minus the truck stops of course. THanks for editing those out. You must’ve been exhausted – both doing the road trip AND putting that slide show together! Great memento…
Bossy, I have to admit, I am voted out. I have been there ten times and I love ya, but that vote-a-day thing is ludicrous. But then I’m an Aussie and there’s lots we don’t ‘get’!!!

PS Is the next road trip Down Under? Well next plane-and-road trip…
I’m sure it took Bossy almost this long to recover! Would love to see you up in this part of the country – a mini-road trip. But no less awesome!
You’re very welcome! It was great to see you again.
I LOVED this slideshow. My only complaint is that it was so fast, I would have liked to study some of the pictures. Thank you so much for putting this together.
EX-cellent!!! Excellent, indeed! I followed the trip this summer, stop by drive by stop, but…I never realized how *completely* photogenic Bossy is!! You Rock Photos, girl!!!
(As one who is, woefully, totally unphotogenic – (badbad profile) I am Officially Impressed.
And by the Trip, too *attempts to wrench her attention away from herself*
P.S. The music is great. I know I am Officially Owe-ld, but what IS that?? I rly like it!!
That looks like it was such an amazing trip. And ditto what everyone said about the song – I loved it. So are you coming to Pittsburgh this year?
That was cool!
Best 4 minutes of my day!
I feel nostalgic and sorta famous in that “I Touched Bossy’s Hair And Awkwardly Showed My Ass To Strangers” kind of way. That’s a far more common feeling than you may think.
I think I have a little crush on Bossy.
I’m really jealous for several reason:
a) Car sponsorship.
b) Came to see Vuboq, and not Nanny Garcia (or the chirrens Garcia, I should add)
c) curls are way better than mine. In all 28 states.
And how crazy long did you spend planning that trip????
I am not one for details, but I do need to make a slight correction: “…married at least 20 husbands and became pregnant by a Saturn.”
Oh Bossy, please please please please will you do it again? PLEASE??
Because I was too shy to go out and meet a bunch of strangers and Bossy last time you went through Orange County California, even though I was very warmly welcomed. This time – NO WAY would I be too shy. I would be there. I would buy you wine! I would let you crash on my sofa. Hell, you can HAVE my sofa!
Huzzah! Thank YOU, for coming. It was awesome, awesome.
What an honor.
(Awesome music choice, too.)
wwhhhaaa??! I am the Charlie Brown of fun … drats! I missed you and you came to OKLAHOMA where the buffalo roam. and. I. missed. it. I didn’t know Bossy then. I was in debt WITHOUT Bossy. Egads.
Philadelphia thanks YOU!
I heart Rawlins, Wy too. It’s my stop on the way to and from friends in Denver. Next time you do this, stop in Salt Lake City. I have a guest room, a couple of cats and a 2 year old grandson at my house!
With this many invitations, Bossy could sponge off friends and be gone from home for a VERY long time.
What a totally excellent memoir of Bossy’s Excellent Road Trip! Will Bossy be doing road trip 2009? I think Denver may be on the list, if so.
capitalizing the F in Fabulous. Lovely.
What is that song!? It’s WONDERFUL! (And the pix were faboo too!
So much fun to watch, and such a relief that bossy didn’t harm herself of her lovely vehicles due to her photographing whilst driving habit, that I will overlook the fact that you omitted the tater tot-a-athon we called the bossy’s road trip send-off.
Good job. I’m not surprised that took ages.
You do know there’s a sofa in Whitstable, Kent with your name on it if every you do a European road trip, don’t you?
WOW. That must have taken forever to make! I love love love it.
It was such a pleasure meeting you.
Must know the name of that song!!!
Hope to meet you on your next trip to DC.
loved the video. Fabulous!
Loved seeing it all over again!
But you were in ORANGE County – not Ocean County.
Still kicking myself that I didn’t go to San Francisco to meet you, but I had a feeling there might be a future chance. I hear people are working on you to go to the Chesapeake Bay meet-up in July?
Wonderful photos and slideshow, Miss Bossy.