You are looking at Bossy’s jeans. Actually you are looking at Bossy’s jeans before they were her jeans, but rather belonged to the person whose flowery blue sock you see in the lower right corner which shockingly didn’t dissuade Bossy from bidding on these here jeans.
Bossy has a life philosophy, and it’s this: why reinvent the wheel? Case in point, Bossy has a few favorite things, and so when those things wear out she looks to replace those things with like things and, hi, perhaps now you understand why Bossy’s daughter threatens to phone Stacy and Clinton on a daily basis?
Here’s what Bossy does: she begins to watch eBay for those items she knows she likes. She enters the exact brand and size and then relaxes into many many auctions, holding tight her belief she shouldn’t pay a lot for an item because that would defeat the purpose.
These jeans were inexpensive with reasonable shipping, which means the whole thing arrived on her doorstep less than $15 later. Bossy thinks the reduced price is directly proportionate to the percentage of denim fabric left on the Blue Cult factory floor in order to create Those Ridiculous Holes.
But still, under $15. Thems thrift store prices.
But the Ridiculous Holes are what make them kewl, as the kids say. I heart eBay, too, and have also nabbed cute designer jeans for under $20 at consignment stores.
Does Bossy have consignment stores near her? And if not, shouldn’t she move somewhere, oh, like MN, where there are consignment stores? Just a thought…
those jeans are hot.
I have actually been dissuaded from buying things when I see a bare foot in the corner of the picture. The sock makes me nervous, but the bare foot makes me vomit in my mouth a little bit.
Imagine what they’d go for on ebay with you in them.
I work in a lawfirm 3 days a week and for the rest of the time I am one casual babe (not really a babe, more like a harried mom). Who wants to waste their life shopping?
I buy so much of my clothes on eBay or in second-hand shops, I can’t bear to pay to retail.
Why not get name brand clothes for cheap cheap?
Good Going Bossy !! You’re educating the world here!
I think you did a great job. I refuse to pay full price for anything.
I have no problem with used clothing, except for pants. Dunno why, but I cannot do it.
Shirts and sweaters, though — bring ’em on!
Well, maybe a LITTLE more than thrift store prices (those would probably be about five bucks at the Salvation Army), but the savings in time not looking through every.single.pair.of.pants on the rack is worth the extra ten dollars.
What Kristin said. 🙂
Nice find. I always end up with a loved pair of jeans that are no longer made. I should totally check out ebay for them.
Oh! Be still my heart! The thought of the lovely Bossy going toe-to-toe with Stacy and Clinton! And I bet Nick would be THRILLED to further Bossy’s relationship with the curl within!
I know I sound like somebody’s mother – and, well, I am – but…………………………………………………………………………….YOU PAID MONEY FOR THOSE???
Get out to those thrift stores Bossy! Not only will you pay less but it is actually an enjoyable time. Friend and I go once a week, we call it not only a sport (thrill of the hunt) but cheapo entertainment 🙂
I think my big toe might fit in those jeans.
But you are still buying stuff?!!!! Stop it now and wear what is in the closet. You need a job…what happened at Starbucks? Come on, don’t make me drive all the way up to Pa to have a talk!
$15 for used Jeans? Babe, that’s not thrift store prices that’s foofy “vintage” store prices. If I pay more than $6 on thrift store jeans I feel gyped. Many cities have Goodwill Outlets – in Austin’s the Jeans are $3 and everything else is $2. Jeans at actual thrift stores are about $7.
When Bossy’s faboo jeans get dirty she can come on over to and learn how to make some custom, designer laundry detergent packaged in the latest in cranberry juice bottles and kitty litter buckets.