Bossy’s Dane isn’t just Great, she took her girls for a drag when, over the weekend, there was a sudden thaw and all the neighborhood was jogging by Bossy’s window and raking things from their garden beds and cleaning out their car and sitting on porch steps sipping coffee, and all the neighborhood wore t-shirts.
Bossy’s Dane isn’t just Great, she drags her girls into the sunshine.
Bossy’s Dane isn’t just Great, she knows how to make her girls smile.
and I’m all……..what’s that vest?
And what a great weekend it was.
I freakin love that dog (I’m a Dane owner myself).
Wow, you can see the grass in your neighborhood. We are still under 2 feet of snow up here in Boston even with the warmer temps. And Bossy’s Great Dane is just plain GRRRRRREEEEEAAAT!
Bossy’s Dane isn’t just great, she could do a Budweiser Clydesdale commercial.
Does the first hint of Spring make anyone else feel like they’ve taken a massive hit of some kind of endorphin-laced happy heroin? It’s 65 in Chicago today and I AM an ‘endorphin-laced, happy heroine!’ In the movie in my head…
That dog is GAWGEOUS!!
This is a wonderful picture! I can see it in a fun frame on a shelf in Bossy’s Daughter’s dorm room one day in the future…
This photo is begging for a caption. How about “Land O’ Leggs” !
Bossy is a gorgeous Georgia and her daughter’s is too. I like her UGGs, I have a pair just like them. They are so warm and cozy and comfortable. Just like a Great Dane. 😀
oops! daughter
Do I spy shorts on Bossy’s Daughter? That’s a serious case of Spring Fever!
that looks frighteningly like a ‘before’ photo with that little girl on the end of the pony’s leash. i’m pretty sure the after is the dane running and the girl flying behind.
bossy MUST not continue to taunt those of us without spring….
Looks like skateboards and harness would be in order. And fun.
Excuse me, but why is the flash set so strongly on you all from the right side, and what are those dark things on the sidewalk and grass that look like long-legged dog and massed female shapes? And that blue square in the upper right corner? I do not recognize those environmental conditions.
if I took a picture of me standing with my Rhodesian Ridgeback, Kinah, proportionally, we would look just like (but not as cool) Bossy and her “great” Great Dane. Cause Kinah could be her twin, but way smaller, and I am way shorter. Oh, and I have straight hair.
You realize spring was just toying with you right? Don’t want any false expectations. Of course I’m about to go for a run in 70 degree weather. WTH?
I think Stella should start wearing scarves as well. It could be her signature statement. Either that, or a saddle.
I loved days like that when I lived in the Midwest.
I wish Bossy’s Great Dane was in love with me because I am in love with him! Then maybe he could drag my ass off the couch and like into the shower or something. I think my next dog should be that huge.