The other morning, which is too dark to be morning, Bossy drove her daughter to school and then walked in the empty house and this fire was waiting for her, a spontaneous ignition.
Bossy doesn’t know any of those biblical stories, but if she did, she’d be all, “Give unto ye this eternal flame to roast the five loaves and two fishes to feed five-thousand men. Tossed with olive oil, of course.“
and a little lemon.
Lord Bossy, you crack me up!..or is it Lord, Bossy, you crack me up? Or…..Lord Bossy you, crack me up!
Spontaneous? Scary!
Next you’ll end up spontaneously pregnant?
Wow! Bossy has mastered quite the biblical turn of phrase. Have any of your outdoor shrubs combusted lately?
Run, Bossy! Run to your bathroom and see if there is an image of The Blessed Virgin on your bathroom window…..or imbedded in your toast.
It looks like someone else enjoyed a comfy fire … and, then left a mess for you to clean up. Have fun with that.
Unless the log was not consumed, and a voice spoke to you telling you to remove your shoes (a divine voice, not your internal mother monitor), I’m afraid this was just a run-of-the-mill fire.
An Immaculate Combustion!
ha ha…spontaneously pregnant…
The men are to be tossed with olive oil? SWEET!
O ye of little faith…
#3 Kristi:
“Next you’ll end up spontaneously pregnant?”
Sooooooo funny! Almost made my coffee come out my nose!
And I’m linking #10/Rosie’s image of olive oiled men.
Damn typos.
I’m LIKING the image.
Nothing to link to. Although, since I accidently brought up the subject, I did just find this:
Is the olive oil Extra-Virgin? Because that would also be a little Biblical.
I love men tossed in olive oil. They taste better that way. What?
Bossy has in fact been spontaneously pregnant before, where spontaneous = while driving a Saturn across country.
It could definitely happen again, with or without the Saturn.