This is a photo from last weekend’s Middle School performance of Bugsy Malone. Although Bossy couldn’t tell you what that musical was about if you held a gun to her head, even after two performances which is like five total hours of Bugsy Malone Immersion, it warmed Bossy’s cold-blooded giggling in the school auditorium like a kid in church heart to see that many kids on stage, especially the numerous boys.
Bossy is thrilled that participating in musicals is a cool event in her neighborhood schools, just like it’s cool to be a part of the marching band and the debate team and the school newspaper and the football team and everything else the district has to offer.
Because disengaged is so Class of 1984.
Special bonus points if you can spot Bossy’s daughter.
Bossy’s daughter is a ray of sunshine. Where are my bonus points, please?
Right there, dead center, in the dramatic crouching tiger, throw me flowers position. And she deserves those flowers!!
I didn’t look anywhere except dead center. I knew that’s where she’d be. Looks like a great performance. I always loved going to the school plays.
Loving the costume !!
I see her. The girl in the middle of the red flapper skirts. She’s got Broadway all over her face.
Front and center! Easy!
The beautiful one in the middle of the three with the red flapper skirts.
Front & center with bells & whistles !
She certainly isn’t lurking in the wings! Hey – my son is playing Bronx Charlie next week, complete with spats!!
I love the enthusiasm on *all* of their faces. Girls singing and dancing with jazz hands – what could be better?!
awwww, “throw me flowers position”, so cute and true.
Bugsy Malone was a 6’2 shooting guard for the New Jersey Nets in 1998
It would be impossible NOT to spot the brightest ray of flapper skirt sunshine!
I read the plot in wikipedia and I still don’t get it! So I am not surprised that five hours of watching it didn’t help!
“The tongue-in-cheek movie stars children as the gangsters and their molls, toning down the subject matter sufficiently to receive a G rating. The plot concerns the manufacture of a brand of custard, which is used first in cream-topped pies (being hit with one in the face kills the character) then later in splurge guns that enable the dessert to be deployed on an unprecedented level. The musical centers on Fat Sam’s Grand Slam speakeasy.
Fat Sam engages the help of Bugsy Malone (likely named after Chicago gangster Bugs Moran), a smooth city slicker who has been occupied in sweet talking Blousey Brown, a would be girl singer. With Bugsy’s help Fat Sam escapes from a frame up, but he later learns that Dandy Dan’s mob have splurged nearly all his gang. They’ve also destroyed his sarsaparilla and grocery rackets- his whole empire’s gone.
There’s only one hope left, Fat Sam gets Bugsy to help him, meaning he has to break his date with Blousey, who he promised to take to Hollywood.
Meanwhile Bugsy and Leroy Smith, his newfound friend, witness a secret delivery of splurge guns at Dock 17. With a bunch of down and outs, they help themselves from the crates.
Finally Dandy Dan prepares for the showdown at Fat Sam’s. When his mob burst in, Bugsy and the guys fire splurge, pies, and flour bombs. Out of the splurging mayhem, Bugsy and Blousey escape to Hollywood and peace breaks out.”
The one over-acting just right of center?
Reminds me of my younger cousin’s productions where the ensemble would number in the dozens. The stage would creak.
Dead center where she should be!
Front and center — Bossys Daughter.
Looks like they are having a really wonderful time. We went to TCU’s opera series last Saturday night. That was fun, too.
Of course right there, slightly crouched down in the center!
looks like she had a great time!
Wow, what a huge ensemble! And of course, that is your daughter in the beauteous tap shoes (that do look just like character shoes), front & center. Great picture of her – -she is just glowing.
Our daughter’s drama club produced The Laramie Project last Saturday night. She wouldn’t tell us ahead of time which roles she had. It was an intense experience for all. I was a wee bit sorry her brother missed the show: NYC is too far away to come in for the weekend.
But he’ll be home in 24 hours. Yeah!
This is so funnnnnn! We had a play last week @ kids school (son tried out–didnt make it, can you believe it) Sister and I laughted at one part so hard, peed the wears..
her, not me. TOTAL BLAST..and I can spot that little sparkler anywhere..totally.
life is a cabaret!
Thank you, Patricia 14, for the plot. Which I don’t get, except it’s an opportunity to cram a lot of energetically sweet kids onstage for mayhem and did they really throw cream pies and flour bombs at the end of each show?
And now let’s go back and ponder Bossy’s “cold-blooded giggling … heart.” wha?
Uh, possibly the child dead center in the photographer’s view finder?
The big smiling tap shoes-wearing future diva in the FRONT?
I see her!! I see her!! She’s the absolutely adorable one with effervescent talent and moxie!!
My spider vein legs are so jealous of those dance hose! They would even make MY legs look good.
I see Bossy’s daughter. But, I almost didn’t recognize her skirt and shoes without a ring from a hot pot on the stage next to them.
Hers was the first face I spotted. She shines.
Front and center–where else would she be?!
Sigh. Unfortunately, disengaged was pretty class of 1982, too. And it seems to be all the rage in just about every Hawaii graduating class in the new millennium, or at least THIS part of it.
Disengaged is an understatement. 228 was too too great at flying out the door the minute the bell rang and never looking back. Bossy’s daughter is very engaging! She’s a star!
Ummm… Bossy’s daughter is a dorable and obvioulsy a star in the making…
One unrelated matter Bossy…Have you seen Ree’s latest post? Its about a lost great dane and people are looking for your input!!!!

my youngest was “Baby Face” in our local theater production a few years back and is currently practicing for the role of “Tommy” in The Music Man.
i second that motion bossy!
my 1984 yearbook bio: most likely to never join anything. ever.
i’m not only enjoying living vicariously through my kids but i’ve become a joiner myself proving it’s never too late. (ok. maybe it’s too late for me to play peewee ice hockey, sing in the middle school chorus, or score a part in the coopertown elem production of hamlet but i’ll be cheering from the sidelines!)
You go girl! Right in the middle with depth in expression and pose! Love that smile girly girl!
Bossy’s daughter is the one exhibiting the most moxie and joy.
how is it possible to miss Bossy’s daughters smile?
That girl stands out like a shiny star. I didn’t even have to search. She is such a doll!