After fourteen seasons and twenty-two Emmys, the popular medical drama E.R. will air its final episode tonight, prompting Bossy to say, “Wait — E.R. is still on?”
It’s been many years since Bossy watched this show—but in case you’ve never seen it, here is everything you need to know:
He is a doctor, and his name is George Clooney. He dates a curly-headed girl named Carol, even though it’s not her head that’s curly, it’s her hair:
And then there’s this guy:
He’s Dr. John Carter, and at first he was snot-nosed from a wealthy family, but then he was snot-nosed from a heroin addiction, except no one knew he was a heroin addict even though his skin was slowly turning grey, and he was accidentally killing patients.
Dr. John Carter dated lots of girls, kind of like Bossy’s husband before he married Bossy. Other similarities between Bossy’s husband before Bossy and Dr. John Carter: they sort of look alike.
Next we have her:
She’s Dr. Kerry Weaver, even though Bossy thought her name was Cary until two seconds ago. What makes Cary Kerry a unique television character is the fact that she walks with the aid of a leg brace and crutch due to her physical disability. Unless the actress Laura Innes walks with the aid of a leg brace and crutch, in which case there is nothing unique about Dr. Kerry Weaver.
Which finally leads us to him:
He’s from Top Gun.
Every Thursday at 10 p.m. these doctors have been saving lives while flirting over patient deathbeds. The end.
We started watching ER again about a year ago and sort of got hooked on it all over. The Weaver years weren’t the best, but the past few months have been fun seeing how everyone has fared over time. It is time for it to move on, though.
Should I be proud, embarrassed, or something else when I say: I have never ever watched even a half-minute of this show? “Emergency” with Randolph Mantooth? Absolutely. ER? Not so much.
14 seasons? Really? I thought it only felt like it had been on forever. Will miss it, but in a semi-melancholy, miss you but don’t really need you to stay around much longer kind of way. Clear up that Thursday night spot for something new and exciting!
Remember way back at the very beginning of the show when Carter got it on with the slutty patient who jumped his bones in his jeep and gave him a little something-something that he needed antibiotics to get rid of? That was my cousin Liz. So I’m only one degree of separation from sucking face with Noah Wyle. Or at least that’s how I like to think of it.
Never watched ER myself. But I WOULD watch Bossy’s Husband.
I never watched ER, but I was aware that it was still on. Does that count?
Bossy’s Husband is much notter than J.C.
Thank God for E.R., because it made my husband idolize George Clooney’s character, thus motivating him to go to medical school and become an E.R. doc himself, instead of a livin’-with-his-parents/community-college-goin/waiter at a chain Mexican restaurant (which is what he was when I met him).
I broke up with ER a few years ago, then last year we got back together. I’ll probably sniffle a little at the last episode.
I am oddly sad that ER is ending. 15 years? Wow. I feel really old.
I watched it faithfully for the first 6 or 7 years, then I moved to a different time zone and it came on way too late. Lost touch over the years. And honestly, when “Friends” quit me, I never got back into watching television. So long “ER”!
Sigh. As much as it’s annoyed me the last couple of seasons, I’m really going to miss it. (And this isn’t the first time this post got me in the gut!)
I just found out that a kid (who is a grown-up now) I was in a local production of The Wizard of Oz with is on ER. We sat in a munchkin house together while it spun around on the stage during the tornado. Even after finding that out I never really watched the show…maybe he’ll be on something else after this that I will watch though.
I believe Bossy’s Husband and Noah Wiley might have been separated at birth.
I used to watch the re-runs of the early episodes but when George Clooney left so did I. Back in the day I was out all the time on Thursday nights watching my favorite band. Then I started loving CSI Las Vegas but now William Peterson is gone and it’s just not the same.
PS. Your husband is cuter!
That show put the ER in boringER than any other medical show on television. If I want medical drama, I’m watching Scrubs!
Great post though. You summarized the show perfectly! Except I prefer to remember “him” from Revenge of the Nerds instead of Top Gun.
And even tho, I haven’t watched it in YEARS, I feel compelled to watch tonight. Will I recognize people? Will I have any idea what is going on? Argh
I’ve only watched this show (very) occasionally since I was pregnant with our first child (couldn’t bear watching episodes where babies died or pregnant moms died or babies and their pregnant moms died). I am going to watch it tonight though. Carter is a cutie. Clooney is a cutie (what was his name on the show? Remember when he was on “Facts of Life”?) Kovach is a cutie. John Stamos is a cutie (don’t know his pretend dr. name either). I am not apologizing. I am watching the last episode, and I may even work up a tear or two…
I still have Greg House, and that’s really all that matters.
For the first three years or so, I loved this show, planned things around being home to watch it. I don’t think I’ve watched in over ten years, though.
We were so watching this show the first 2 or 3 yrs, then after Clooney left, and they started getting all deep and preachy, we lost the mojo. I really thought the show had ended a couple of years ago – Some shows really do outlive their usefulness.
My relationship with E.R. looks like this: “…er..?”
Because I was busy being young and all “I’m so not status quo” and then I had a kid who became a toddler and that was my last fourteen years. But Eeyore? NOT E.R…oh, yeah, I watched that!
Wow, I used to watch so faithfully. The past two seasons I really haven’t, because…eh. I may have to watch tonight though. I missed the episode where George Clooney came back!, here I come.
Remember when Anthony Edwards had hair? One of his very first movies was called “Gotcha!” and if anyone besides me has ever seen it or heard of it, I’d be really surprised. I loved it though. It was probably pretty soon after Fast Times At Ridgemont High. You should see it. It’s awesome.
Good to see I haven’t missed anything in the last decade since I watched this show last. I’m with Bossy, this show is still on? Funny that it’s airing its last episode since it held on to its original loyal fan base for so long….
#18…………….Doug Ross
I loved ER early and then found other things to do. I will watch tonight, cuz I could use a good cry!
Oh, i had another thought. Maybe reality entertainment killed the weekly drama series. Think about it…
Awwww ~ I feel brilliant when I posted about ER at the same time Bossy talked about them. But it was for the TV review site, so of course we were talking about ER!!
They had me at The Clooney and lost me when they lost him.
Sounds like I’m in good company here. Never got into watching ER so am clueless about all but the (good-looking) faces. Nonetheless, it’s odd to have the Moving Tear-Jerking Every-Actor-I-Don’t-Know-Will-Be-Back Final Episode on tonight, and I won’t watch it because — meh? Why start now?
I have a few shows I watch regularly, so I restrain myself when an appealing new program starts up that might suck me in forever. Heroes. Lost. And (sadly) Boston Legal which, now that it’s over, I want to get on Netflix cause that one’s a hoot.
I will miss ER. I have watched it off an on (mostly on) since it started. I was so excited when Dr. Ross and Nurse Hathaway came back a couple episodes ago. I am sure I will shed many tears tonight. But my DVR will be happy. One less show to record weekly.
Stopped watching when Dr. George Clooney left. I had a huge crush on him (pretty much still do). The top gun guy is from Santa Barbara, where I live.
I have watched ER every Thursday since its first season, and after my son was born with health problems I actually started understanding all the stuff they were saying in the trauma rooms, which was pretty cool. Not the part about my son having health problems, because that would make me kind of sick and twisted.
I was a huge fan – until the helicopter fell out of the sky and crushed the evil er doc… end of doctor, end of my watching the show.
Even with the Cloonster on it, I’ve never watched ER. I was a St. Elsewhere girl, and I never needed another medical drama after that one.
Plus, there are endless episodes of Law and Order to keep me occupied…
ER has been one of my favorite shows for almost the entire 14 years it has been on. I hate the thoughts of tonight being the final episode. I’m sure a syndicated TV channel will pick it up and show the reruns but for some reason … they just aren’t the same.
Hmmm, your recap is thorough and prodound, but disturbingly Caucasian.
Yeah, I admit it, I have ALWAYS watched ER. I’ve pared down my TV to about 6 shows each week, so now it will be five.
When it was first promoted I misunderstood the title — “Er? Who calls a show Er?” I’m pretty smart.
yes that’s right. prodound.
I can’t believe so many of your readers have never watched ER. I’ve seen every episode, I believe. Of course I’ve never seen one episode of Friends, but that’s neither here nor there. I think ER is the best medical drama that’s ever been on TV, although the past couple of years it hasn’t been as good. Too many good actors left all at once. Why not sick it out for the last season??? I will miss it.
Yes. Bossy’s husband is/was shaggier and cuter. But does look remarkably similar!
I have NEVER ever watched an episode of ER. Except the one I think where they taped it live?? ! Like some sort of massive hospital skit?!? Did you see that one?? I think it’s worth finding in the archives and having Bossy analyze it. I actually think it’s when Clooney was still saving lives on that show… you remember??
And don’t you hate it when I tell you what I would like to see Bossy analyze??
Happy Thursday.
Is that really Bossy’s husband, and not Bossy’s son?
Thanks, Bossy, you have saved me countless hours of mindless TV watching! Well, technically, you have freed me to watch other mindless shows instead of dvr’ing reruns of this one.
For reasons obvious to me and anyone else who knows me intimately (my husband had a brain tumor), I had to stop watching ER the season Dr. Mark Green had a brain tumor. Just too close to home.
Apparently I’m one of the only people on the planet who has been faithful to ER all this time? (Minus the 2 years I was out of the country but that doesn’t count). I like the new cast of doctors, and i loved the old cast of doctors. I started thinking about how many of them have died on the show and I think I’ll end up being a touch weepy tonight!!
Plus: George Clooney. rawr. And I want Carol Hathaway’s hair. But mostly George Clooney, rawr.
I have watched ER from the beginning, even stuck with it through the not-so-good years, but the last 2 seasons have been much better. Think it has something to do with John Stamos. I’m loving him (now that he is beyond his not-so-good hair years).
I’d better only have a 1/2 glass of wine tonight, otherwise hubby and I will play out our almost-nightly TV conversation. Him: “What happened? I was nodding.” Me: “I don’t know. I fell asleep.”
YES – he IS From Top Gun! That’s when I watched ER – way back when I was still in my 30s. Then I figured out that after I got done watching it I was all wound up and my shoulders were touching my ears from all the tension and stress, so I quit.
My favorite episode, though, was the one where they were playing “Battleflag” while someone was shooting up the ER and that one blonde doctor died and Dr Carter’s hand got all messed up. Remember that one? Sure you do.
flirting over deathbeds? sounds like “Grey’s Anatomy”…
I was pleasantly surprised to tun into ER a few weeks ago for the first time in a decade and recognize all the characters. I laughed. I cried. It was magical.
ok, george and his girlfriend went to seattle, been there ever since, john carter just came back for the very last few episodes, he’s been in africa…no idea where kerry weaver is but she’s no longer on the show…and the guy from top gun is dead…it’s pretty obvious you haven’t watched in a LONG time…
I was pleasantly surprised to see ER a on because i haven’t seen it for a long.Also for the first time in my life i recognize all the characters.
Sorry i messed up. I was pleasantly surprised to see ER a on because i haven’t seen it for a long time.Also for the first time in my life i recognize all the characters.
Those were the good old days.
I adore er… from the very beginning. But it’s on too late Down Under, so only get to catch up about once a month.
You crack me up with your overviews… never can look at the last dude without thinking “Goose, you great stuuuuud!!”

I used to be a dedicated ER watcher…don’t you dare ring my phone or doorbell when ER’s on, I used to say…but along with what I suspect to be the vast majority of the population, I stopped watching it when the story lines became so far fetched and repetitious.
I say Good Riddance to ER, make way for something fresh and possibly, maybe, just a tad bit entertaining.
Oh I was such an addict. I NEVER went out on Thursdays until I got a VCR. (remember those? that is how old ER is.) It was MY show and loved them all. Then Dr. Green died and I gave it up. Cold turkey, like Crack. Last night I went back in one last time. Very nostalgic.
#22: I remember “Gotcha!” Funny movie! Let’s also not forget that classic “The Sure Thing” with Bossy’s husband, John Cusack. Yes, Anthony Edwards hung out with Bossy’s husband. Amazing how many people Bossy is one degree of separation from.
Oh my gosh, I LOVE The Sure Thing. Again, Anthony Edwards with Hair. I am embarrassed to admit that I know his character’s name was Lance. I have that one on DVD. I saw it in the $5 bin at Walmart one day (which must have been a very strange day, since I never set foot in that store), and I grabbed it. That is my favorite John Cusack movie ever. Gib! Walter Gibson! “Consider outer space…”
Like you, I didn’t realize it was still on. I read about the series finale and taped it, but 5 minutes into it, I deleted it.
I think I suck…
I was friends with Paul McCrane (aka evil Dr. Romano) in HS – stopped watching the show when they killed him off (by heliocopter-drop; could that be called helio-cide?)
I was faithful til the end.
Good-bye ER.
Well, you kind of left out the part about Kerry Weaver being a lesbian whose partner (who was a firefighter) used a sperm donor to get pregnant with “their” son, whom she adopted and so he had 2 mothers, but then her partner died, and she became embroiled in a bitter custody battle with her partner’s parents because biological trumps adoptive.