This place card.
Bossy’s friend Martha made these place cards the night of the murder.
It’s just a cork with a slit in the top to accommodate the name card. Simple but sweet, especially if you have corks lying around, and sister mercy does Martha have corks lying around.
simple, but fancy
my gf makes cork wreaths, which gives me an excuse to drink more wine. she’s an enabler
Well, me too…now that I’ve had that eighth glass of wine and all.
I noticed these on the table during the murder post and I was already plotting to steal the idea.
LOVE THIS! Only wish I ever had an occasion to have placecards!
and her handwriting is so elegant and beautiful too…my penmanship suffers after all those corks….
It’s so much harder with screw tops.
Bossy’s Friend Martha could get all Martha Stewarty with her corks. Display them in a large clear vase, or hot-glue them in a parquet-type pattern in a large picture frame and use it as a bulletin board. If the frame is white, she could paint vines and grapes on it.
Bossy said “lying around.” She said it TWICE.
My Bossy crush is complete, *sigh.*
How do they not fall over?