Party food.
Although it may very well be the death of her. Bossy had out of town guests this weekend, and there was a constant flow of munchies available on every horizontal surface. Bossy has never assembled so much cheese on that many crackers or plunged that much celery in that much dip.
Did you say cheese?
NICE serving disehs there….
Is that a bowlful of your best friends? Mmmm… food! My favorite!
I loves teh cheese. No crackers for another four days, though.
Cute Little Pitcherylikething!
I love olives, but I love them even more when they are swimming in a glass full of gin.
Don’t mind me, I’ll just hang out next to that bowl of cashews.
I ate my hard-boiled egg. I ate my Doritos. I ate my marzipan. Now I want Bossy’s food.
Bossy’s Easter-Seder will be the death of me.
Man alive, you serves good snacks! And ambience!