Wait. If you have a silent heart attack you might feel it. Or you might not. And it might show up on a test. Or it might not. So they might catch it. Or they might not. Which means you won’t know anymore info after going to the doctor than you do right now.
Yeah, I just emailed this story to my mom, who is fainting in the parking lot of Costco. She may or may not read it, just like she may or may not have heart disease. Le sigh.
One of the things that makes me stressed out? CNN reports on how we’re ALL GOING TO DIE, AND WE WON’T EVEN SEE IT COMING. Gah. Now I remember why I don’t watch the news.
I can so relate to bossy’s worries because I have a malignant floating tumor. Sometimes it’s embedded in my brain and sometimes I feel it in my leg (which could be a clot) and then at other times it’s in my stomach. But, geesh, my malady is not silent!! Oh, no, my family hears about it EVERY DAY. I make sure of that.
Me too.
I have blisters on my left hand which might be allergies, or shingles or inflammatory arthritis, or a brown recluse spider that bit me 5 times.
Or anxiety which feels EXACTLY like a silent heart attack.
Lord, don’t ever go to WebMD and read the heart attack symptoms for women. Because they can be different than for men and don’t necessarily include chest pain. They can include – intestinal issues, anxiety, nausea and sweating. Which means that I could be having a heart attack every single day. Or gas.
did that article say it affects both “he’s” and “she’s” (I have no idea if it is proper to write those words w/o the apostrophes)?? We’re all doomed!!!!
I went to the doctor the other day for what I thought was a strained muscle and he sent me straight to the hospital so I could get an ultrasound to see if I had a blood clot in my leg!!!! You DO NOT tell a hypochondriac they may have a blood clot in their leg!! It was a tense morning to say the least. I’m lucky I didn’t have a heart attack from the stress of it!
Right now, I could be dying from a Silent Heart Attack or a Noisy One, but I wouldn’t know, because the din of laughter from Bossy’s last response to CNN above drowns it all out.
As a fellow She, I am preparing myself for the worst but won’t call for the paramedics until I’m in extreme pain or out of wine, whichever comes first.
Strangely, my doctor prescribed me Valium and Xanax for both of my heart attacks. Weird.
Also: when I saw your comment on my post I was all: well that’s lame that someone’s copying the name Bossy because obviously it’s not the ACTUAL Bossy and then I came by to visit Faux-Bossy and was all “holy crap- It’s the actual Bossy” so……exciting for me- for you, not so much.
Do you remember “I cannot go to school today said little Peggy Ann McKay…I have the measles and the mumps, a gash, a rash, and purple bumps”….Shel Silverstein…one of the favorites in our house:-) Loved your post…AS USUAL!
Good Thing Bossy’s dad is a doctor, no?
Wait. If you have a silent heart attack you might feel it. Or you might not. And it might show up on a test. Or it might not. So they might catch it. Or they might not. Which means you won’t know anymore info after going to the doctor than you do right now.
Makes perfect sense.
Yeah, I just emailed this story to my mom, who is fainting in the parking lot of Costco. She may or may not read it, just like she may or may not have heart disease. Le sigh.
delilah at http://www.,unrulyhelpmeet.com
I bet ER workers across the country are bracing themselves for the crowds after this thing ran.
I’m with ya Bossy, STRESS!!! is a factor and how would you know if its silent. Things that make you go Hmmm.
One of the things that makes me stressed out? CNN reports on how we’re ALL GOING TO DIE, AND WE WON’T EVEN SEE IT COMING. Gah. Now I remember why I don’t watch the news.
I can so relate to bossy’s worries because I have a malignant floating tumor. Sometimes it’s embedded in my brain and sometimes I feel it in my leg (which could be a clot) and then at other times it’s in my stomach. But, geesh, my malady is not silent!! Oh, no, my family hears about it EVERY DAY. I make sure of that.
Me too.
I have blisters on my left hand which might be allergies, or shingles or inflammatory arthritis, or a brown recluse spider that bit me 5 times.
Or anxiety which feels EXACTLY like a silent heart attack.
Stress? What stress?
Perfect line : )
I don’t have my glasses on and I read fainting as farting and thought, o boy, I’m in trouble.
relax, its just gas
That’s it!
I am NOT going to carry around that photo album with all my family members pictures.
Family history causes heart attack!
I suffer from Silent But Deadly attacks. Dunno how the heart fits into it. They are stressful, though.
Please take care of yourself. We would miss you.
Just goes to prove “they” don’t know anything. I think if it’s my time to go, a silent heart attack is good!
Imagine, all this time I’ve been worrying only about regular heart attacks! Now I need to worry about the “silent” kind too??
I purposely avoid these types of articles due to my hypochondriac tendencies.
Wait. Ingrown toenails and farting can be fatal? Sheesh, am I in trouble! And I AM NOT STRESSED, either!!!!
My family has a history of suffering from noisy heart attacks. We skip the silent and go right for the gusto.
Lord, don’t ever go to WebMD and read the heart attack symptoms for women. Because they can be different than for men and don’t necessarily include chest pain. They can include – intestinal issues, anxiety, nausea and sweating. Which means that I could be having a heart attack every single day. Or gas.
did that article say it affects both “he’s” and “she’s” (I have no idea if it is proper to write those words w/o the apostrophes)?? We’re all doomed!!!!
I wish heart attacks could be a little more chatty. Then, we would KNOW we were dying- in a friendly, casual sort of way.
Good thing Bossy didn’t watch “I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant” on TLC last night.
If I ever have a heart attack, you can be assured it will not be silent.
If you have a heart attack in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound?
I am the King of Silent But Deadly.
Bossy has a family history. Off to read the latest instalment now…
I went to the doctor the other day for what I thought was a strained muscle and he sent me straight to the hospital so I could get an ultrasound to see if I had a blood clot in my leg!!!! You DO NOT tell a hypochondriac they may have a blood clot in their leg!! It was a tense morning to say the least. I’m lucky I didn’t have a heart attack from the stress of it!
Right now, I could be dying from a Silent Heart Attack or a Noisy One, but I wouldn’t know, because the din of laughter from Bossy’s last response to CNN above drowns it all out.
As a fellow She, I am preparing myself for the worst but won’t call for the paramedics until I’m in extreme pain or out of wine, whichever comes first.
Do you think the hospital will give us a group rate?
CNN just makes that stuff up, right?!
I love this post.
Strangely, my doctor prescribed me Valium and Xanax for both of my heart attacks. Weird.
Also: when I saw your comment on my post I was all: well that’s lame that someone’s copying the name Bossy because obviously it’s not the ACTUAL Bossy and then I came by to visit Faux-Bossy and was all “holy crap- It’s the actual Bossy” so……exciting for me- for you, not so much.
Do you remember “I cannot go to school today said little Peggy Ann McKay…I have the measles and the mumps, a gash, a rash, and purple bumps”….Shel Silverstein…one of the favorites in our house:-) Loved your post…AS USUAL!