We have a photo just like this from 2 years ago! My 3 little kids are in front of the White House sticking out their tongues and making scary monster eyes at W through the fence. Their father was just using his middle finger…..
Oh…how silly of me. I thought she was doing that in disgust over all the money that Obama was spending! Not to worry, by the time she is old enough she will be able to help pay it back. If she’s lucky her kids will be able to help pay it back too.
My feeling is you should teach your children to think about both sides of a political agenda. The two party system isn’t about who’s good and who’s bad, it is supposed to be a check and balance system to keep each party honest. It’s all about getting along and being Americans. I would never teach my kids that, though I am sure your commentary is supposed to be a little funny, I found it rude and unAmerican.
What we should be teaching is that it doesn’t matter what party you are in, there are good presidents and bad presidents. And more than two parties, y’all.
I don’t think it was unAmerican. You can dislike a president and still be patriotic. You don’t have to have blind faith in leadership to be American.
When he was in the 4th grade, my son Jay had a class assignment: to write a letter to President Clinton, on the eve of his arrival on O`ahu. His letter ended up on the front page of the biggest newspaper in Hawai`i. I can’t remember what scandal plagued the Clinton Admin at the time–Whitewater, maybe?–but I *do* remember explaining it to Jay, who in his letter sent the president a hug. Perhaps that’s why it ended up on the front page! Or maybe it was just a slow news day.
I am not catholic, and I disagree with many viewpoints of the catholic church. Should I teach or encourage my child to stick his/her tongue out at or spit at or flip off the pope?
We shouldn’t be teaching our kids about “sides”.
We should be teaching the facts, unedited, unbiased facts… Anything else is a diservice to them .
The hardest thing we all need to do is let our kids form their OWN opinion …
I like Bossys blog when it is funny, but to me, this is as funny as taking a picture of your kid smoking.
Oh look the Pre-Pajama Bottoms Girl Superhero!
That’s awesome.
We have a photo just like this from 2 years ago! My 3 little kids are in front of the White House sticking out their tongues and making scary monster eyes at W through the fence. Their father was just using his middle finger…..
Oh…how silly of me. I thought she was doing that in disgust over all the money that Obama was spending! Not to worry, by the time she is old enough she will be able to help pay it back. If she’s lucky her kids will be able to help pay it back too.
I would have given him the double bird
Mine do that now.
My feeling is you should teach your children to think about both sides of a political agenda. The two party system isn’t about who’s good and who’s bad, it is supposed to be a check and balance system to keep each party honest. It’s all about getting along and being Americans. I would never teach my kids that, though I am sure your commentary is supposed to be a little funny, I found it rude and unAmerican.
What we should be teaching is that it doesn’t matter what party you are in, there are good presidents and bad presidents. And more than two parties, y’all.
I don’t think it was unAmerican. You can dislike a president and still be patriotic. You don’t have to have blind faith in leadership to be American.
Love the photo! Not unAmerican at all, (whatever that means)! You go Bossy’s daughter!!
“Does this tour go by Dunkin’ Donuts? No? I’m outta here.”
Cutie pie looks like she was just given a spring time “triple dog dare”.
always enjoy when Bossy gets a little political —seems to bring out the spunk in everyone!
lemme know how you deal with teenage crush she’ll have on President OBoyfriend!
Right on Bossy’s daughter…we’re with you!
Sounds disrespectful to me. How would you feel about someone elses kid doing that to Barack o’boyfriend?
You have to earn peoples respect. Bush did not do that.
When he was in the 4th grade, my son Jay had a class assignment: to write a letter to President Clinton, on the eve of his arrival on O`ahu. His letter ended up on the front page of the biggest newspaper in Hawai`i. I can’t remember what scandal plagued the Clinton Admin at the time–Whitewater, maybe?–but I *do* remember explaining it to Jay, who in his letter sent the president a hug. Perhaps that’s why it ended up on the front page! Or maybe it was just a slow news day.
I think a child’s tongue protruding was the inspiration for ground black pepper.
Umm… naysayers? Bossy explicitly said her blog is about keeping it SILLY. Lighten up, fer crissake.
(Having no sense of humor is very unAmerican.)
I am not catholic, and I disagree with many viewpoints of the catholic church. Should I teach or encourage my child to stick his/her tongue out at or spit at or flip off the pope?
I think I used to stick out my tongue just like Bossy’s daughter to catch snow flakes!
We shouldn’t be teaching our kids about “sides”.
We should be teaching the facts, unedited, unbiased facts… Anything else is a diservice to them .
The hardest thing we all need to do is let our kids form their OWN opinion …
I like Bossys blog when it is funny, but to me, this is as funny as taking a picture of your kid smoking.
I heart Bossy. Speaking of tongues, mine is bleeding. I suppose it might be because I’m biting it so hard.
And I’m with Foolery – I think some nice glazed doughnuts are in order. Either that or some wine, but it’s 6:30 a.m. and I’m late for work.