I blame Spring…..
I’m so tired from slow winters that I overdo in the spring and seem to always stay tired.
Or it could be pollen…..yeah…. I change my mind!!! I blame pollen…. I’m so tired from being indoors all winter that I go out to see the beautiful spring and get wore out by pollen….
Or it could just be me…..but blaming me isn’t as fun as blaming spring or blaming pollen.
You need a vacation? I have an extra bedroom! All but one of our kids have flown the coop! You and Mr. Bossy should hop on a plane! Two weeks on O`ahu will put the pep back in your step, guaranteed. Y’all come, Georgia. Srsly.
Can I add another ME TOO to the pile?? Hope all is well, and it’s just a tired-from-too-much-painting-and-jogging kinda tired…
If so, you need to pick yourself up, dear Bossy, and gather the strength and energy to do what your do best: BE FUNNY for us. We depend on you…
Oh and grab that camera back from Bossy’s Husband and take some more stella shots… I need to be reminded what awaits me when my Axel grows up!!!
Frugal Maven feels Bossy’s bone-tired pain. My bosses are flogging extra hours out of us under the guise of “we should be happy to still have a job”. Gah!
oh, bossy. I’m sorry. Take heart that it seems a lot of your readers feel the same, don’t forget to check if your peri/post/pre menopausal, and your thyroid and vacations offered galore!!! But mostly hang in there. And even when your tired know that I think you look great and covet your hair. Please do a give away in which I am the only entrant and the give away is a trip to AntoniOH.
Hey Bossy – when you’re feeling up to it, can you please take that snake picture down?????
Poor BABY! Napping is my strategy. I’m an early riser also and love my one-o-clock snooze.
Nice shot, BH. It must be going around. I’m dragging too.
Maybe you should take a trip down to Florida and visit?
That’s a very nice photo! Bossy has beautiful fingers, kinda like a guitar player’s or perhaps a painter’s?
It’s all that damn jogging. Bad for you.
Paint fumes and ladders will do that. Go have another roast beef extra special.
Poor Bossy~ all that work and no nap!
Go forth and snooze will you!?!
I blame Spring…..
I’m so tired from slow winters that I overdo in the spring and seem to always stay tired.
Or it could be pollen…..yeah…. I change my mind!!! I blame pollen…. I’m so tired from being indoors all winter that I go out to see the beautiful spring and get wore out by pollen….
Or it could just be me…..but blaming me isn’t as fun as blaming spring or blaming pollen.
You’re so pretty, Bossy.
Has Bossy had her Thyroid checked?
Avitable is right. Grab Bossy’s Daughter and come to Florida. You could nap in a chair by his pool. It’s summer here.
–>Bossy needs to sleep in at least a few days a week to catch up on sleep.
geez, bossy, you’re cute even when you’re tired, tired, tired!
I’m sorry, sweetie. Be gentle with yourself.
Me too, Bossy. Me too.
Could you be perimenopausal?????
I’m getting blood work on Monday. Just in case.
I weeded a garden while standing in an anthill Saturday. My beaten-upness comes from my own stupidity.
Great photo by bossy’s husband. Just as long as the “beat up” is not by bossy’s husband.
I have 10 words for you, Bossy: Sleep later, drink French Roast coffee, and repeat as necessary.
Works for me!
Lately Pamela has felt very barfed on and tired, tired, tired.
Pamela totally gets Bossy.
John Cusack was THAT CLOSE to you and you kept your eyes shut??? Geez, Bossy, you really must be under the weather 🙁
You need a vacation? I have an extra bedroom! All but one of our kids have flown the coop! You and Mr. Bossy should hop on a plane! Two weeks on O`ahu will put the pep back in your step, guaranteed. Y’all come, Georgia. Srsly.
Must be pretty darned tired to doze sitting up.
Can I add another ME TOO to the pile?? Hope all is well, and it’s just a tired-from-too-much-painting-and-jogging kinda tired…
If so, you need to pick yourself up, dear Bossy, and gather the strength and energy to do what your do best: BE FUNNY for us. We depend on you…
Oh and grab that camera back from Bossy’s Husband and take some more stella shots… I need to be reminded what awaits me when my Axel grows up!!!
I was feeling really run down and tired last week…the hubby was blaming it on the swine flu.
Frugal Maven feels Bossy’s bone-tired pain. My bosses are flogging extra hours out of us under the guise of “we should be happy to still have a job”. Gah!
But you still look fabulous, fer chrissake.
C’mere and let me play with your hair. That makes everything better.
Oh Bossy, do take care of yourself, and get some good rest, vs. bad rest.
Feel better.
Oh camo-capris of Bossy, how I covet thee!
Me too. I feel like I’m 80.
oh, bossy. I’m sorry. Take heart that it seems a lot of your readers feel the same, don’t forget to check if your peri/post/pre menopausal, and your thyroid and vacations offered galore!!! But mostly hang in there. And even when your tired know that I think you look great and covet your hair. Please do a give away in which I am the only entrant and the give away is a trip to AntoniOH.
I thank you humbly for shiarng your wisdom JJWY