This spatula.
Bossy’s mom bought this spatula for Bossy at a yard sale an armful of years ago. It’s old as dirt. In fact, the dirt that has collected on the steel tip and is known as rust. (Don’t worry, Bossy’s husband is due to take care of that, where due equals what’s an armful of more years?)
Here are just a few of the things that make this spatula unlike any others: the wooden handle is just the right distance from the metal part which keeps your hand a healthy distance from the flame. And the handle is smooth and just the right thickness so it’s fun to hold and Bossy is sorry but are we still talking about spatulas?
But the best part is the spatula itself, which is thin as a razor and can slip under anything. It is also just the right amount of pliable so it gives a little with the food.
They don’t make ’em like this anymore. And when it goes, Bossy is preparing to follow…
We have one like that too. Wooden handle, thin and flexible, rust and all. In fact, it’s SO thin that I have sliced my hand open on the edge more than once when my hand encounters it in the dish pan. But I always forgive it and keep using it. I’m benevolent like that.
My favorite spatula was made by Cutco in the mid-60s. I’ve had newer ones that I’ve had to lay to rest.
The interesting part is that it was someone else’s LEAST favorite spatula and they sold it at a yard sale.
No, it wasn’t someone else’s LEAST favorite. Someone else loved it and when they downsized to assisted living their children sold it at the yard sale and Bossy’s mother, who KNEW the value of the spatula snapped it up for Bossy. The end.
Maria V, I have all my Cutco kitchen utensils from the 60’s. I covet them more than my good china. Lifetime warranty, and they don’t rust.
Now I should probably do a post about my spatula.
I just collect old spatulas because they look cool. And Cutco does ROCK!!! It’s helping my son through college and what a difference it has made in his life. Oh and their knives are oh so wonderful!!!! I am getting my cookware this week. I can’t wait!
GrandmaJ: My mother wants to get rid of the Cutco untensil set, but I won’t let her. There are top notch.
Lisa, I have the knives too…but over the years some have disappeared. My favorite? The bread knife….it’s not just for bread!
MariaV, We may have to have an intervention with your mother.
Oh, wait, this is Bossy’s blog! I will quietly leave….:)
My favorite spatula was bought at the Goodwill. It is love though. With a plastic handle that is just a tiny bit melted where it rests against the hot iron skillet sometimes. *sigh* I may need to go hold it now.
I lost custody of my favorite spatula in the divorce. I’m still bitter.
I need to point my husband to this post. He has been boring me (oops! Did I say that?!) for the past few months due to his Quest For The Perfect Spatula. Because not any old spatula will do; it has to be Just Right.
I’m having a long-term affair with my grandmother’s wooden-handled wire pastry cutter. We meet once or twice a year over biscuit dough, *shiver.*