Maybe Bossy never mentioned, but she has a son attending Columbia University, which means when Bossy and her son want to see each other, they must video chat, where must video chat equals not with this hair, pal, not today.
So in theory only, this is what Bossy looks like when she video chats with her son using her laptop’s built-in camera, except in this case Bossy took a photo of her computer screen while she was video chatting, except it wasn’t even a photo it was a screen capture, and Bossy wasn’t video chatting, she was testing her web camera — and who wishes Bossy would just get to the giveaway already? Put your hand down, Bossy.
Well. The good folks at Microsoft sent Bossy a LifeCam VX-5500, which is a portable web video camera:
Bossy loves this flexible webcam, which can clip to stuff or stand on its own, and has the ability to angle every which way, which means it’s able to capture the details of Bossy’s nightly routine:
In addition, the webcam’s high quality image allows Bossy to videochat about stuff like her long painting day, and to show the exact shade of deep purple Bossy’s client selected for her guest room:
Or Bossy can move the camera farther away to capture more of her surroundings:
Or the camera can be moved farther still:
And because the webcam isn’t built into Bossy’s computer, Bossy can capture other scenes without having to move her entire laptop. For instance Bossy could videochat about her view from her comfy sofa and easily angle the camera to show it:
Or maybe Bossy could videochat about the other side of the living room:
Or maybe Bossy could maneuver the webcam to show her computer screen — like an M.C. Escher painting of Bossy typing on a keyboard in a room with a computer screen of Bossy typing on a keyboard in a room with a computer screen of Bossy typing in a room with a computer screen Sister Mercy save Bossy:
As luck would have it, the good folks at Microsoft want to give one of Bossy’s readers a LifeCam VX-5500 of their own — plus a bonus wireless mouse.
Just leave a comment below, one per person please. Bossy will run the giveaway through Friday night and announce a winner Saturday morning utilizing her best friend the Random Number Generator. Good luck!
I have a son heading off to college in the fall; he’s not the chatty type, though….
Nice commercial
My best friend is moving 2 states away. I could showcase my baby after he’s born and make her long to return home!
Sure. Why not.
Count me in!
I could use this since I have my 16 day old son on my lap and his NaNa is 8 hrs away!
Husband away with the military and would LOVE to see him.
Does it come with a Photoshop feature so I could erase the bags under my eyes?
that would be so much fun!
Count me in! This is on my list of things that I look at and never buy…along with new running shoes and a laptop…
Ha! At my house the backpack is right in front of the front door — no landings for us! And we live with a viola that is like Schrodinger’s cat — is it alive or dead inside that box? We’ll never know!
that’s cool. i love the escher feature.
MUST HAVE! We live at least 5 states away from everyone we know! And my shiny new laptop is the only new shiny laptop made without a web cam :
oohh lucky number 13 (possibly) Madness hearts Bossys house.
See! Dangblasted!
That’s awesome!
Love your living room! =)
How about me? I love my mom and I would totally give this to her so she could video chat with me when I’m at school.
I need this because I’m sure it doesn’t work with a dial-up internet connection. Which is what I have. And if I win this camera I would finally have an excuse to join the 21st century. Pick me!
I’m guessing it plays nicely with Macs?
I am leaving a comment.
What happens when your folks move to FL? They learn how to email and use the internet that is what! Great giveaway!
I really need this so I can Skype with my sister in The Netherlands.
ME ME ME ME ME please!
Oh Bossy, I could give this to my irritating husband who insists on videochatting with his best friend for hours a day like 8th-grade girls!
I’m not sure what I would do with it but it’s so cute I feel the desire to OWN it!
If I win, I’ll need Bossy to show me how to install and use it, okay?
–>Whew Bossy, I was beginning to worry you were going to be giving away a Snuggie after the one camera shot, um, I mean screen capture. HA!
I need this so my daughter can chat with her father and I don’t have to see him in person.
I’ve never had anything remotely like this. I would feel compelled to vlog
This would make my brother & his family’s moving away to Lexington a bit more bearable. We could still “see” each other!
Sounds great, but can I have a cleaner house to go with it?
My in-laws already think I’m too dippy, if they really see how we live, their worst fears will be confirmed.
Oooh…I want one!
This would be awesome!!
My husband travels to Brazil for work all the time. This would be awesome, so he could see our son!
Bossy, you have the best Giveaways EVER!
*crosses fingers and hopes to win win win win win win win*
It would be very cool to win. It would force me to learn some new techology, which means my brother would have to come over so I could frustrate him all afternoon!
What an awesome Bossy giveaway and here’s wishing you an early Happy Mother’s Day!
Chocolatechic has a son in college too, only she is lucky enough to have him still living at home.
I have a webcam on my laptop, and yeah, it’s hard to get a good angle with it! But my mom has no webcam at all and even though we live in the same town, my sister doesn’t.
My kids would be all over the camera!! I’d Love the wireless mouse.
What kind of wine was that?
Awesome, me too!
This might make me stick to a diet. Unless you can manipulate it so it’s like a fun house mirror and I appear as tall as Bossy.
Objects in video camera are not as tall and lanky as they appear.
Does this mean I have to start getting DRESSED to blog up??
Please random number generator gods, smile on me!
boy, sure would be nice to have this!! i’ll cross my fingers and toes!
Great give away. Happy Mother’s Day!
Sounds like fun!
Looks like fun!
Yay! I’ve always wanted to video chat with my friend in KC…please RNG–pick me, me wonderful ME!
Hrmph. It’s probably not Mac-compatible and I probably won’t win anyway, but a girl’s gotta try.
That’s something Grandma J could really use to capture the different scenarios as she converses with herself. It would be particularly exciting to document all the infighting that goes on between Grandma J and ….umm, Grandma J and post it on her blog.
Count me in too!
I was just pondering a webcam purchase. And the bonus mouse is awesome because mine just died! I had to scrounge up an old one.
OOOOH I would love to have this.
I want it, I want it! Come on bossy, hook a momma up!
Hey, Bossy! My son is a senior that is graduating in 3 weeks from high school-then off to college! 4 hours away is too far for me, not far enough for him! I’d love to win this if only to check that he is eating and wearing “clean” clothes!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Four computer users in this house – no webcams. So sad.
I really didn’t want one of those thingamadoodles until you highlighted all the features and benefits! Nice ad campaign you produced there Bossy!
PS and I love those pillows perched on the pair of living room chairs!
My husband and I are considering moving and this would be great for keeping in touch with friends…
Bossy, all my family’s in Europe. This would be so awesome!
Random number generator please pick me!
(too subtle?)
This would be great for my kids to talk to their relatives across the country!
So cool!
OOOoooo me, please
My mom just used her mom authority to demand skype for mom’s day. and well, she IS my mom after all…
Oh, so it’s a clarinet my daughter carries in there? Thanks for clearing that up for me. Also, I notice that your bar is always open for business….
This would be awesome for far away relatives and friends. Or I guess for my son that is heading to college this fall! Very cool.
My special man friend just moved 1000 miles away. I’d love to be able to give this to him so we can video chat! I promise to keep it PG!!
Dear Random Number Generator,
Even though numbers and I are natural enemies, please pick me for this wonderful item.
Dear Kevin Bacon,
Your wife is waiting for you in Virginia.
coolio! I’d love to make cool blog posts with that webcam!
PS = Bossy’s home looks so warm and cozy =)
my Mumbo Jumbo would be so chuffed if I could video chat with her…
ps you have a lovely home!
I would love to see more of your adorable house. And you!
<——off to sacrifice a chicken to the Random Number Generator gods in hopes of winning the webcam…
I love your blog!
Two kids at out-of-state colleges! Would love a webcam. Can’t afford one!
Please Random Number Generator – I promise that I would love, and hug, and squeeze the webcam (and call it George)!
We have a new baby on the way and my Mom lives a couple thousand miles away. It would be a two-fer if I won. My Mom would get to see me fat and sassy. And I would get my Mommy.
Do I really want my THREE kids at out-of-state colleges to see me at home? Uh, yeah!
Cool, I’m in.
My sisters live out of state. This would be great to use with them!
Want that!!
Oh! I hope I have the luck number. We always wanted one since the birth of first child (who is now 13 months) because both sets of her grandparents live far away. We just couldn’t afford to buy one.
Happy Mother’s Day to all who live far from their moms, children and other family!
Our first leaves the nest this fall. It would be like he never left…
Enter me, please!
This is lovely. My partner’s best friend just moved half way across the country and we’re coming to terms with the need for a webcam.
Hubby’s going to Afghanistan next year–a webcam would be awesome!
Daughter in Australia, son in NYC – parents in upstate NY…video chatting essential
I’ve been looking for a way to keep a better eye on myself.
Oooh, ooh, pick me, pick me! Please!
Whee! I could use that sucker! Thanks Bossy
oooohhhh aaaaahhhhh wowsie!!
Put me in the pile!!!
Happy Mother’s Day too!!
I love the webcam! We are desperately trying to get my brothers in California to employ the use of one to talk to my daughter(and us), but it hasn’t happened yet. I do have a sis-in-law moving to Colorado soon…. hmm…
One of the best give-aways ever.
I would love a webcam to see my son leaving for college in September!!
… I’ll just take those 2 oriental throw pillows, ok? the blue and red ones in those chairs.
thanks for the great giveaway Bossy!
I’m moving this summer 1,850 miles away from my parents. My son, and I, would love this.
I would love one of those. I would also love to have your coffee table if you ever have a giveaway for that.
IF I win do I get to have a video chat with BOSSY??? Awesome!
This would be great for my mother in Texas to chat with her grandchildren here in Illinois!
My son is heading off to college in the fall finally. Where finally means he spent two years at the community college which was good on the pocket book but bad on why won’t this kid get out of the house. (Actually he is very easy to live with, but get on with it already!).
I want it, I want it, I want it. Just a statement of facts. Any possibility of obtaining the ambiance of Bossy’s house by wanting it and being selected by the that Random Number thingy?
Can I just beg?
My sister and I could have fun with it while she
is in Kosvo on a UN mission…
I’m not sure if anyone would want to see what I look like much of the time when I’m sitting at the computer . . .
Wonder if my boys would talk to me w/one of these things?…………
Happy Mother’s Day
HaHaHa… you had me at “Here Bossy Clipped The WebCam To Her Foot”
Laughed out loud and I needed that. Thank You Bossy.
Would love to win this, but I never win anything!
…Ooo, Microsoft loves Bossy and me loves Bossy too… :o) Did you ever see that movie where a serial killer hacked into his victim’s-to-be webcam and saw their comings ‘n goings? It was creepy and it creeped me out about webcams but hey, I’m game anyways. Besides, if a serial killer hacked into my webcam (if I had one) I’d quickly scare him off with my bedhead not to mention he would be one bored serial killer to watch my comings ‘n goings thruout the day…*sigh*giggle* :o)
…Great giveaway and thanks Bossy & Microsoft!
…Blessings… :o)
YAY! Free stuff that I will never win!
Ohhh, we are moving to Denver but my oldest daughter is staying here in Phx with my parents to finish high school….this would be great.
love this. and love video chatting.
I go through most of my days not camera ready. Maybe this would motivate me to get out of my pajamas?
I’d love to have one!
Thanks Bossy for picking me
Just moved back to this side of the pond, but left my friends on the other side……..
That would be so cool for keeping the girl child on video for grammy and grumpy when they are in Mexico. Fingers crossed.
Dearly love checking on the Life and Times of Bossy everyday. Keep up the good work.
The picture of you with the lap quilt? You look 16, not 106.
Ooooh… for the grandparents out of state!!!
Pick me!!! Pick me!!!!!
Thanks for the chance, Bossy!
Happy Mother’s Day early, Bossy!
Maybe if I had one of these, my kids would talk to me! =)
bossy, am i going to have to apologize to everyone else that left comments when i win this?
Come on lucky random number generator!!! Mama needs a webcam.
Since my momma is single again and big on teh intarweb dating, this would be an awesome momma’s day gift for her!
Hi Bossy!
Other people’s responses sound much more deserving than my mine.
When I chat on the phone with my freshman in Morningside Heights, he is usually distracted by something he is doing on his Mac laptop. If I had a camera, would he have to look at me?
He is staying for summer school, and won’t be home for another month – – – and then only for 36 hours, most of which I wager will be spent sound asleep or visiting friends.
I am missing him today, can you tell? I daren’t read the Pale Grey Coat.
Take care, p.j.
I have a son going to college in Sept. This would be great!
Bossy, I came over here from Saucy’s blog ~ your blog is so great that I have to immediately add it to my blogroll! You have me in stitches. Re the camera – my husband and I have been 3000 miles apart for over 4 months now – what does he look like? What do I look like? Who knows?
If, theoretically, someone’s oldest daughter was moving to Chicago in August to attend Pharmacy School that person would surely love to win this.
Add my name, please. I am the mother to three four legged animals, so that counts, right?
My ma would love this – not to see me, but to see her grandkids (the one that’s 2 and the one that’s arriving in October). I think it’ll be a perfect giveaway if you’ll throw in a bottle of that Gabbiano. My fav chianti, hands down.
i am the mother of a mouthy little 19 month old but for some reason his far away grandparents can’t seem to get enough of him
…the camera would come in handy or at least let me avoid actually having to clean my house for inlaws.
Love your house!
My mom could definitely use this camera! I am moving to India in the fall (just for a few months’ internship) and she is trying to learn about skype and webcams, etc. Actually having a camera would help.
My 75 year old mother has a new puppy she wants to show off. Please enter my name. If I win, maybe my mother will stop threatening to come visit!
I’m afraid of what my three chins will look like on webcam, but I’d try it out anyway.
My son is graduating college in NYC this month, and hopefully will soon be employed in NYC. We are in NM so the camera would be a great way to keep in touch, face to face! Thanks for the giveaway Bossy! Happy Mothers Day.
Love it–
Ooh this is so much better than my very old webcam! I can only place it below my monitor because it has a very annoying usb cable and thus it only shoots from a below angle which makes me look like I have a goodyear balloon head. And it always sits slightley cockeyed which makes me look like a slightly askew goodyear balloon…
Nice! Happy Mother’s Day!
Cool. Pick me! Happy Mother’s Day.
Nice! Maybe if I had one of these my mother would be more interested in using her computer….man, those grandkids have come in handy for blackmail!
Happy Mother’s Day Bossy!
Forget the random number generator. This should totally go to the military wife with hubby overseas. And thank you for your sacrifices.
maybe a webcam would inspire me to shower earlier in the day and i wouldn’t have to do a u-turn and run the other way when i see people i know in target.
9 Grandkids. I can really use it
A son who is away at university with an 11 year old at home saying “I miss my brother.”:(
Gah I love Bossy’s house.
I need one of those!
What a great prize! Count me in!
what fun! sign me up!
Sewmouse would like a nifty webcam like that. Sewmouse, however, never wins anything, so she will just drool all over her keyboard.
Wow, number 150. Bossy is popular.
love it!
Hubby’s family in Germany would love to see grandson more than one time per year.
Bossy’s son must be almost finished with his first year. I hope he loved his year.
Oooh! Pick me!! My brother & sister-in-law are moving FAR AWAY from me (I’m in Calgary they’re moving to Houston) and I want to be able to video chat with them and their 3 toddlers!
A giveaway? I’m here.
This would be AWESOME for my mom. I’m moving from TX, where she is, to Kansas this summer!
I need this desperately. My old one just fell and broke into a gazillion pieces and I depended on it to keep in touch with my boyfriend who lives clear across the country. *sigh* PLEASE pick me!!!!!!
Bossy your house is so cute I can’t stand it!! You should make a video of you walking through it so everyone can see the layout.
I wish I could see the purple room….that looked like such an interesting shade.
I never EVER win anything, but I’ll throw my hat in the ring for the hell of it.
I love the shots of you and your house… quite lovely.
Pick me!
I’m so confused. Who takes a shower and looks nice while she (hypothetically, of course) is on the internet? Not me, that’s who.
Yes! Sign me up please!
(smiling for the camera)
Hey Bossy I wear quilts and blankets around the house too! And a new webcam would definitely show them all to their best advantage. I would, perhaps, even be inspired to wash my hair before logging on. Now -that’s- a good thing.
Not only is son at college, but he’s going to Colorado for whole summer and would love to learn to video chat with him!
Thanks so much.
Oh yes, I could use that for my daughter and lil grandboy who live i another state, it really is quite sad..Yep, your house always looks so dang inviting!
Cool! I’d love to win this!
This would be a great way to “see” my daughter and twin grandchildren in North Carolina! And save an 8 hour drive at the same time! Thanks Bossy!
ooh, a webcam! my laptop doesn’t have one!
And you crack me up. You have on a tshirt, but need a blanket! Where is that pony-dog when you need him!
That looks like so much fun. We are having our own Povety Party around here! Oh, I would love to be able to see my son more than every 6 months. He is far,far away in college..
What a great idea! You rule Bossy!
Random number generators hate me, but I always try anyway.
I love your blog and would love to have this webcam too.
All of my kids are away at college. This would come in very handy!!
I’d love to chat with my daughter who’s in college but, sadly, she is the only one with a webcam.
LOVE the pagoda pillows!
I’m in Canada. Can I play?… eh?
hi bossy! i like the part about the lap blanket. have a great day!!!
Your house is beautiful and so are you! Did I win???

Then I can show Bossy what I look like. Maybe not.
I want to video chat with my sister!
My son has a shiney silver trumpet–I think. My daughter, on the other hand, is an awesome jazz saxophonist–perhaps because she diligently practices.
Yea Bossy! Nice give-away!
Hi Bossy! Love the site… I feel as if I should be given YOU something for giving me a much needed good chuckle every weekday. Do you like meatloaf?
Must. Have. New. Gadget. (Please.)
i dont have a webcam
As luck would have it — I have a daughter away at college… and no webcam. Hmmm, I wonder how Bossy could fix that?
yay! we’d love to “visit” with our far-away family!
Oooh!! Please pick me bossy!!
Oh, how I need that camera! New baby and grandma is 1,000 miles away.
Why I think such a versatile little camera could come in very handy.
I’d have to have long, in-depth lessons on how to use this, but in the meantime, I’d be bragging alllllllllllllll about it to my sons, who think my technological skills stopped at the rotary-dial telephone.
It’s OK if I don’t win, too. I’d still love Bossy.
There is alway’s shite on my stairs. That is normal around my house.
Camera looks well fun!
hey BOSSY — have i told you lately that i love you? i mean, i know i threatened to stalk you the other day and whatnot, but did i mention that i LOVE you?
ah la-loo, BOOSY.
Oh! This would be awesome to win. I’m traveling to India this summer and we could use it with my boyfriend’s camera to video chat with friends and family back home!
You’re cool BOSSY. That’s just the truth.
Happy Mothers Day to one of the most “technically advanced” moms on the http://www..
Coastal Nest really couldnt do without the Bossinator, now that I have found you, my life is complete..ha ha ha..
from the beach
I’d gladly make use of that! Count me in.
Oh, I’m covet it! Please count me in.
I’ll assume it works with Macs since you use one, Bossy. Pick me!!!
Bossy has the most rad giveaways!
sweet! a giveaway! Bossy looks very pretty and innocent in the picture with her lapquilt on.
Young daughter misses Uncle living in Germany. I heart Bossy.
I love how comments just multiply when there are giveaways!! I would love a web cam to go with my ghetto laptop. I think I am buying myself a new one for mother’s day!
Oooooh, I NEED this, Bossy!! The ranch I live on is so far off grid we can’t get a landline — and there are no cellular towers out here either, so there is NO TELEPHONE AT ALL. I’m like Bossy and not a big fan of the phone, but it is a real problem, having nothing but Skype for voice communications. A webcam would help make the connection feel closer.
Thanks, Microsoft folks. I take back some of the bad stuff I’ve said about you lately. But not the stuff you actually deserve.
man, I hope I get lucky *fingers crossed*
That would be sweet!
How cool! I would love to chat with distant friends this way.
Oh, how lovely! I’m behind the times; my parents and brother all have cameras and alas, I do not!
Very well done post. I don’t think there was a point where I wasn’t laughing in my head.
Sister Mercy gave me detention for rolling my uniform skirt up 4 inches and wearing eyeliner and white lipstick in 1964…I was so cool which is why I need a giveaway so Sister Mercy and her friend Sister Mary Holycard can rest in peace.
Oh, I hope the random number generator picks me. My boyfriend is in Kosovo until Christmas-ish and a webcam would be great!
Me! Please pick me! I am having a root canal today so I need a pick-me-up
You are a marketing mastermind. Well done as always.
Oooh, fancy. I need a new webcam!
Holy mackerel! 217th! Love your chair cushions, Bossy. And drooly over that cam.
This would be great for kids to video chat with the grandparents…and no long distance charges!
pick me! i’ve been shopping for a webcam…
I’d love one of these. I have a 2 year old and a mother-in-law in another state who is becoming more and more housebound. She has a webcam (actually, the college age niece who lives with her has it), but we don’t!
I was just talking to my mom about getting webcams. This way we’d only need to buy one!
Looking at the random items lefts around my living room, I think I could only safely video chat with family members, or people with low housekeeping standards.
With this little piece of technology, my brother & I might actual talk more than once a month.
This is great!
Now if only I could teach my parents how to use one, maybe I could cut down on my trips back to Wisconsin…
The webcam is great.
Love the video capabilities! Is this how one Skype’s??
All Joe’s readers that are dying to see him naked are pulling for him.
Joke in there somewhere….
Count me in, too! Thanks!
Comment, comment, comment
Ooh count me in! I need a webcam to communicate with my sweetie in Iraq this summer. This will save me from buying one!
Cool decor!
Pick me, pick me!!
i like your scarf.
pick me!!
Bossy has a very nice living room. I especially like the drinks cart covered in Christmas lights, a nice touch.
And I also have a blanket on my lap at night when I’m on the couch blogging & watching TV, even in the summer, because I am also 106. Okay, maybe 107.
Pick me. Choose me. Love me.
Plus, it would come in handy when talking to very bestest friends of all time in AZ …
Oh, nice!
There is nothing wrong with a lap blanket!
OOhhhh what a nice camera, what a nice Bossy to give it away!!!
I’d love to have this to talk to my best friend in Toronto!
My Mum lives in Australia. My kid, the only grandchild, lives in Denver. Our current web cam is garbage. Nana thinks the child is orange. A new one would solve all our problems, and then some!
My webcam just crapped out… so this would be a wonderful win! Oh random number generator, just once, could you please pick me???
Oh and, the lap blanket? Kirsten hates to say how many of them she has lying around her house, but one of them comes out, every night. In fact, one of them is around my shoulders, as I type.
I love your twinkle lights. I want to put some in my home.
Pick me Pick me Pick me!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
cool. i want one.
Now who wouldn’t want to win a webcam? And such a neat looking little thing, too.
Very cool! Would love it.
Holy Crap 244? I would use this for chattitychatting with my BFF in Tucson!
Wow, you get a lot of comments when you give something away! That webcam looks fun. My husband could use it to skype with his family in El Salvador. And I really need a wireless mouse!
My mom would love to see me in person… this way I don’t have to drive the 4 hours. I would only have to admit to her that I don’t always put my dirty dishes away and I don’t always eat at the table.
As of this moment I have a one in two hundred fifty chance of winning something I don’t need. Sweet.
I would love to also show my kids not practicing their musical instruments to their grandparents. Plus, I like attaching it to my shoes to look up people’s noses….
Yes please!
Oh! Pick me! I could webcam myself infront of the Travel channel and pretend to be in Italy!!! Sweet.
…and Karen @#101,,,you bet. My son too: “Pleasegonow!Iloveyou!Bye!”
My daughter’s clarinet looked just like that – never out of the case. I would love to win that camera bossy.
Come on, Lucky Sevens! Mama needs a new pair of shoes!
Oh, Bossy! If I could win this camera, my son could see his grandparents (they live in Romania) every day, and show them everything around our house (that implies cleaning the house immediately).
Wow, that’s cool!
pick me random number generator!
I like your house, well living room I suppose it is. I wish I was still in college.
I’ve never participated in a video chat, but I’d like to try it!
pick me, pick me!!
You crack me up
I’m not even sure what to say so I will admit a deep dark secret…
While I love your blog..ummm no offense…But I kind of read it for your dog.
I think I may love her a bit. You know, in that totally normal human to animal she doesn’t even know and will never meet kind of way.
If I win I would have to actually show my face. Ack! Sign me up, I am in for sweaty palms and hives.
That camera looks WAY Smarter than I is.
Cool camera. Would love to win. Thanks!
Of all the contests I’ve ever entered, this one would just rock my world to win!
I would love this. My kids would love to see their grandparents more often!
Hi Bossy! And Happy Mother’s Day to you, too! Thanks for the cool giveaway!
video chat is a great invention. and free (for the most part) so you can talk to your friends that are living all over the world! also great for grandparents to chat with grandkids.
So theoretically, I could stick this camera in my daughters’ nursery & see them sleeping while I work on my lappy in the other room? … Or my parents could see them playing while they are in VA and NOT in my house?! But that would mean that I would only have to keep one room clean & my husband wouldn’t have to dread my parents coming to visit … I need this. I need this BAD!
There are times we can’t even use the stairs for all of the stuff waiting to go up and the stuff waiting to be brought down.
Pick me please, dear number generator, as my husband while be on sabbatical in Taiwan for four months while Wes and I stay in PA!
Thank you Bossy. What a cool gift. Hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!!
Pick me, random generator!
Love to win one! Maybe I’ll get lucky this time!
Probably useful for internet hookups. I’m in.
I would love one of these, most of my husband’s family lives across the country and I am not a “phone” person.
Happy Mother’s Day, Bossy! Would love the video cam!
Would love.. would give to big bro so he can chat wit me!!
Great giveaway! here’s hoping *crosses fingers*
Well that is so CUTE! I have never done a video chat – but I think I would like to chat with my cousin in Canada that way – so pick 281!
Oh goody! I bossy give away! I love bossy giveaways!
I’ll give a suck-up comment but say, with true sincerity, that I really do love your blog!
This mama’s in Alaska and my mama’s in Ohio…go lucky #285!
We just moved away from ALL of our freinds and family. this would be perfect for my kids to chat with their family!
Luck be a lady tonight! Woohoo!
With the endless technology issues I’ve been experiencing lately, a new video cam would be *just* the thing to make my life complete. But the Random Number Generator probably will have issues and reject me, just like all the other pieces of technology in my life, at the moment.
Cool webcam!
I have a webcam on my laptop, but I won’t use it to video chat because the angle from the top of the screen makes my double chin look even more ginormous. If I had this little jewel, I could put it at a more flattering angle and video chat with both my college-student offspring without looking like the toad that swallowed their mother.
What a cool camera!
I like the pillows on your living room chairs.
Well, that thing looks pretty nifty!
There are so many reasons I need this, but none of them matter since this is a random drawing so I’ll spare you the begging.
I’d love to give this to my sister to replace the broken one I gave her when she went off to college so mom can see her when she’s videochatting with me.
o random integer magic machine, pick me pick me pick me.
Holy crap, I think this is the most comments I’ve seen on your site! Giveaways are magical, mystical creatures.
Good luck to me you crazy lady… Hey, I like wine too and I found the best sparkling wine by Yellow Tail. You should try it! Yumm!
Go Go Gadget Arm.
How fun – thanks!
I’m in!
Me too, me too!!!!
that is alot of comments good luck everyone
Even though you didn’t ask, my favorite is the one with the camera on your foot.
Boy, the Lurkers really come out when there’s a giveaway! Or maybe it’s just the full moon I hear is happening tonight.
Me, I don’t want your stinkin’ camera. I just wanna say hi to Bossy.
But if you pick my number, DO NOT go to the next number please Ms. B!
At any rate, I’m thinking that I wouldn’t really want to show the BossyWorld what I’m wearing right now with my hypothetical new camera that somebody always wins and I never do. It’s okay. I’m having pretty much fun even though I’m a Perpetual Bossy Giveaway Loser.
BOSSY! I need that cam, bad like. My BFF is getting married soon & moving to HAWAII, of all places. The nerve of her! After 20 years of seeing her ALL the time- the webcam would be our new BFF.
I have a grandson in Germany and I would love this!
I bought my mother a new computer for mother’s day and this would just be the icing on the cake!
The Pioneer Woman swept her floors and posted what she THINKS is a hairball. Apparently, she’s never seen what you can pull out of your bathtub drain. It still makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit.
My son is going to college 1000 miles away from home next fall. Need the camera!!
Maybe if I win that webcam my son will go AWAY to college?
OOoo! Pick Me! Pick Me!
me oh please me
I could totally use this to either
A) convince my children to move out, or
B) finally start that web porn business!
Son-in-law on way back to states from tour in Iraq (literally in the air right now!). Sadly, daughter and 2 year old granddaughter moving from Missouri to Texas to join him. Heart = Breaking. What a great way to keep in touch this would be.
that’s what I’m talkin’ about!
After an hour long conversation on the phone and then 20 text messages a day wouldn’t it be great to have my kids to THIS instead of use all of our precious cell phone minutes? Yeah, like they would ever sit still long enough. Guess I’ll have to use it to give online cooking lessons to my sisters.
Happy Mother’s Day Bossy!
Oh, this would so come in handy. My boyfriend is in Canada, and my sisters are in Kentucky, Texas and California, so we could sure use something like this!! (fingers crossed)
My mom lives in Florida and boy would she love to see me on the web cam!
Happy Mother’s Day to all you mommies out there!
Oh Bossy!! Love your blog and love this giveaway! My very best friend lives 900 miles from me and I havent seen her in three years.
Boy howdy, that’s a lotta comments! You rock Bossy!
Having moved away from my mother for college (two states and a thousand miles north) video chatting has become a must. It’s great I can see my mom for those times when I am just a little homesick and she can make sure I am not having wild beer pong parties or random men in my apartment (at least while the camera is on).
Cheers to web cams!
A comment!!
Thanks for the daily dose of laughter!
Ah, sweet giveaway! I could have daily video chats with my sister who lives far far far away. And by far away I mean 2 blocks away, but I am too lazy to put on real shoes and walk to her house.
Totally cool. My kids would love this to visit with their Gramma in AZ!
my sister was telling me yesterday how much she wanted to video chat w/ me and my 2 year old so she would looove you bossy if your bff random number generator chose me!
The boy is going to college in September, but will he really want to video chat with his old mother?
Hi Bossy and random number generator! Loved the pictures. My house is too little to get that far away!
I would love it so I can take obnoxious videos of my dog and even more to embarrass my 13-year-old with her friends…
Thank you so much!!!!
I hope that if I win this thing I am computer-savvy enough to use it… I think I’ll manage. Happy Mother’s Day to Bossy!
I would SO love to have one of these!! Fingers crossed!
yes,iam typing with one hand while holding my 3 month old baby boy and my other 2 BOYS (age 5,7) are downstairs drawing a picture with a sharpie. I could watch them destroy my kitchen table if Ihad that camera! Pick me!!
Pick me, pick me. Please?
oh, this would be so cool…. my oldest is leaving for college this fall and he desperately needs me to have one of these to talk to him multiple times a day with many nuggets of maternal wisdom.
this would be awesome for baby videos!
Oh this is so cool! My mom would love to see her grandkids when they talk to her. OH and me too, but ya know how that goes….
Hey Bossy! You have more comments on today’s entry than!!! Way to go!
Count me in!
Our daughter leaves for University of Oklahoma (OU) this fall….this would come in handy! (Although she might not think so!)
Can’t win unless I enter, LOL
Woo — way to bring all your readers out of hiding, Bossy! My friend in New Zealand has been pressuring me to get hooked in to Skype…but I don’t have a web cam. (sigh) I also don’t have anything close to a successful track record for winning things (SIGH!) But this would be a very cool way to start, and who knows…might even be able to video-chat with our own too-far-away elder son. thanks for the giveaway, Bossy and Microsoft
I NEED this … to see my boy living in Turkey this year (or, I guess, really for him to see home and me!)
I almost put twinkle lights on the arch separating my dining room from my living room the other day, but discovered the strand was burned out. You were my inspiration though. It’s tough to find them in the stores outside of the holiday season – but if I do find some, I am going to put them on the backpacks in my front hall instead. xxoo
maybe I’ll get more friends to chat with! nice give away.
I’m gonna keep trying til I win something!
Bossy, you rock. And not just because of this giveaway.
What a cool give away! I’m hoping it comes my way.
I like chocolate.
What, it’s a comment!
I have family scattered all over and they would get to see me!! How lucky for them!
I hope it comes with that lap quilt.
Would love this! My parents in Alaska would love it if I won it even more since they’d get to see their grandkids a lot more often.
Oh, dearest Bossy’s Best Friend Random Number Generator, pick me. My birthday is next Wednesday, and I do so want to get a present.
Count me in!
Since the winner will be chosen by your best friend the random number generator, I can safely say that I will first use the webcam as a red wine bottle coaster, then a hackysack, and finally I’ll stick it to one of my bay windows overlooking the south-of-Walnut-Street portions of Philly so I can see my views when I’m at work. (Assuming it’s still operational after the abuse I put it through.) But the wireless mouse? That I will feed, care for, and put in a cage with one of those wheels that squeaks as it goes round and round and round…. Or isn’t it that kind of mouse…?
Or not. I haven’t decided.
Oh, dear Lord, anything to get my daughters to do something other than text. Please pick me, Mr. Random Generator.
Bossy, your house is SO CUTE!!!
My daughter’s heading to college in the fall — think it’d be fun to have one of these
Very cool! I’m in.
I have a beloved brother living in Portugual. A webcam would definitely come in use.
me too please!
Would love to have one for my daughter to chat with her grandpa out in LA and show off small children with.
hmmmm, a new toy. that would be really nice!
Thanks for the chance
Dear Random Generator:
I love you. I am the only one who ever will. If I get chosen I will use you on every single random thing I ever do again.
Choose me.
Maria R.
Oh please pick me! My life is plenty random these days–we’re a great match!
Thanks for the chance, Bossy!
Enter me! Thanks!
Oh Oh, Me Me!
Lucky number 369!
This broke college student would love the webcam to keep in touch with the parents.
ooh – one of my best friends just moved to Venezuela for three years. I could use this to skype!.

If I win I can show you all the beautiful palm trees here in Hawaii. And me drinking a mai tai!
Bossy gets all the trick toys. Hair, actually not bad. I like the hair. I think the wine bottle guzzle thing makes your neck line look good. And the laptop on your lap is proper. It is after all a laptop. In all, very tight and warm photo essay. Informative. State of the art equipment. A complete and satisfying post. (Not that you’ll ever read this gem of a comment wedged in between 372 other comments).
I’m ready for my close-up ,Mr. DeMille.
We would love one of those. My husband travels and it would mean so much to the kids to see him.
I notice your hair has recovered nicely. I was thinking that while reading about the lovely webcam. I am a mom of three weird kids, but the only one who lives far enough away won’t allow electronics into the house…oh wait she did get it set up for the internet, but doesn’t have a computer yet. She could borrow her boy friend’s I guess. She only allowed television in last year…I think it was. I had a mom, but she is no longer with us. My husband has a mother who?/whom I think will always be with us. But we love her so, even if she repeats everything an instant after you answer the question. Bless her heart.
I am a mom and have a mom, and she has a mom, and her mom has a mom, and besides, I should finally get picked after having entered so many BOSSY contests to no avail.
Ahh that would be too fun!
wow, leave the blogosphere for a while, and come back to an awesome giveaway? sweet!
I must change my nightly routine! Yea, great give away-thanks.
hey! I have a MOM! and I am a Mom.
You are surrounded by beautiful things. What a blessing!
Oh I would love that!
I hope I am not the last person commenting on this. Then I would feel like I ruined my chances of being in the middle, which is where the random number generator usually stops counting. But this is an awesome give away and worth a shot!
I love Bossy!
I thought the RNG was my BFF. *sniff*
Give it to Jennifer of #28! Unless you pick me.
Cool! My kids would love this for chatting with their auntie and uncle in England
This looks like a great camera! I would love to have my boys talk to their cousins online…
pick me, pick me!!
I love Bossy!
We do a lot of video-chatting since our family is all in Canada and as much as I love my mac with the built in webcam, having a camera that I can point at my kids without having them sit right on my face would be sweet!
OG wants to know if the Random Number Generator is her friend too.
BTW – I did the same thing with my clarinet.
I hope I am random!
I could really use the giveaway…lots of family to chat with
oh, I have my 3 boys all living away from me….this would be so great! I could see them more often even though it would be on a computer screen…my fingers are crossed!
Very cool giveaway. Thanks!
I would love one of these. I can see myself taking a photo and photoshopping it to make me younger, thinner, more beautiful and sticking it in front of the camera. Hah…..
My reason for wanting this is too heartrending to put in print. So Random Generator, please pick me! Thank you very much.
Hey Bossy, pick me, pick me, What kind of wine are ya drinking and I love the purple lights in your house!
I plan on clipping it to the chihuahua… I think that should make for some interesting views…
I’m so greedy. Me Me Me! Pick me!
Pick me Pick me….
Throwing my hat in the ring!
Cool! Thanks!
Sign me up, Bossy!
SHUT UP! I just got a new laptop (first one ever, yay me!) with a built in webcam and have been asking my one and only sister that up and moved her and her three kids to the middle of nowhere 600 miles away so I could SEE them sometime and she has yet to do it.
Also, a wireless mouse? Ever try to work a 16 page excel workbook on a laptop with no mouse? Well, it sucks.
Ok, all my reasons why the random number generator God should pick me. All done now. Goodbye
Thanks for the giveaway Bossy. You know what else I would love? An hour on the couch with Bossy’s Dane that isn’t just Great, but looks extra cuddly too! LOVE her.
I have a need for one of these! Pick me RNG!
That is slick. I would love to have a camera like that.
Comment, comment…comment comment comment.
Oh crap, does that mean I may actually have to wash my hair before I use it?
Nah, I’ll give it to the man-child, he never cares what he looks like.
That would be awesome, pick me!
I would so love one of these. Bossy’s kids are adorable. How lucky to have a son who stays in touch with his fam like that!
I would totally use that to video chat with my mom!
Love you, BossyBlog!
How fun! Love Kristin’s idea of clipping it to the dog. I think Bossy needs “StellaCam”!
I would like to try this, though my skills may be lacking, my desire for anything free is strong!
This would be fantastic!
I need one!
Isn’t technology great?!
I never win anything. Don’t know why I’m trying.
me please
Bathroom peep show, here I come!
Me me me! Thanks Bossy!
I love that your kids are so close (to each other and you). Sweet.
Coolio. This is a giveaway both my husband and I would enjoy. Plus, what was the name of the purple paint? I love purple, but haven’t been bold enough to use it in decor.
Yes Please!
woot! another Bossy giveaway!
In theory, I have hard wood floors. Never saw them, as that would entail bending over 9,000 times a day to pick shit up. But I hear they are nice.
P.S. Me likes the deep purple tatoo.
That is very awesome! I not only don’t have a webcam, I don’t even have a nice shiny laptop.
It truly looks fun to play with, though!
Ohhh… a web cam could be fun.
Geez! …
Pick me!
If I had that camera you could see a live picture of me not winning that camera – cause I never win anything. It’s kinda my thing, being a loser and all.
I’m in! Also, I heart your blog, Bossy.
I love your blog, Bossy. Happy Mother’s Day!
Very kewl – I’m in.
I want to clip it to my foot!
Me, me, me……
Yup, it’s cool.
My gadget-guru daughter would love it! Oh, who am I kidding, I would too! My favorite shot was the one with you kissing the wine bottle!
Pick me! Pick Me! PICK ME!!! Please!
I am a mother you know, as in Mother’s Day!!!
Happy Mother’s Day…to me
I was just thinking about how I need a webcam!
If I had this I could pretend to have a cool house too.
This Canuck could really use a video cam ……….so pick me pick me
So many things to clip this on.
Love reading you.
That looks hella cool, Ms. Bossy!
But I won’t. Because it would be so much more exciting to win it from you!
I’m in …. Thanks !
oooh – pick me, RNG.
Bossy tells me all kinds of things I never knew.
My sister is having a baby, and this would be perfect to see him with because I live in Buffalo, and she lives in Dallas.
I don’t have a Dane to clip it to. But my greyhounds would love it, too! Pick us!!
I actually have a webcam built into my laptop, but refuse to use it to chat with daughter #1 who graduated from college in December and is now away at her first big girl job (RN at Mayo in Rochester – so proud!!!) … but a portable cam that I could point at the Westie she had to leave behind – or any of the 4 4-legged friends pining for her – would be so kewl. I know this is random … here’s hoping random picks me!!
Woo-hoo! Count me in!
Bossy’s camera give away is soooo awsome!
Luck be on my side!
Pick me…I think it’s cute…and I don’t have one.
We’ve just started experimenting with one…but it’s attached to the computer…I like your idea better. The problem I’ve had when “talking” to my sister in NC is that I’m always looking at her picture on the screen and she can’t see a full view of my face…my head is always bent down.
I would love this camera so I can see my son…he’s also in his first year of college but not at Columbia.
I hope it is still Friday night …in whatever time zone you reside. I am always confused at time zones….but i would SO love a web cam. Bossy is the Bomb!!!
Yay!!! A camera for Mother’s Day! I hope I am the random lucky number! :o)
I have more piles of shite to film than you, I guarantee it!
Ohh, pretty.
I think I’ll clip it to my dachshund ~ that might be interesting. Also, I might finally figure out what the crunching noise he makes under the bed actually is ~ a monster? a box of Cheez-its that he stole? something he’s hiding from me? (of course!) ~ without having to climb around on the actual floor.
Sounds like a plan! So pick me, mmmmkay? Thanks! 
Am I too late. Hope not.
bossy so entertaining! :o)
Then everyone could see the ‘real’ me……….