Is there a single soul left who doesn’t know Oprah and KFC partnered to offer everyone in America a free dinner in the form of a downloadable coupon?
But did you know that now KFC and Oprah are saying due to overwhelming response, they are unable to redeem the coupon? Because Bossy supposes when they offered to buy everyone in America dinner, KFC and Oprah didn’t think everyone in America was an overwhelming amount of people.
Oprah’s website now says something along the lines of, “But you can still haul your coupon into KFC for a rain check coupon, all you have to do is fill out a form and attach your original coupon and hand it to a branch manager and then dive through a ring of fire,” which sounds like entertainment to Bossy — and maybe she’ll do just that this Saturday night after removing her own spleen with a plastic condiment spoon.
Regardless, KFC’s original offer was for two free pieces of chicken, two free sides, and a free biscuit. But Bossy thinks this bit of KFC generosity is also known as population culling.
That silly Oprah. She’s never thinking things through.
Sounds like the people at KFC are idiots that don’t realize the power Oprah wields – if she says eat KFC chicken and here try it free OF COURSE her millions of minions will listen and obey.
I have a coupon – just figured – free is free right? But yeah this is crazy. Bad PR for sure!
Poorly thought out, planned, and excuted. Times are rough. We could all use a free meal or know someone who can.
I posted about this too. The good news is, you get a Pepsi with the new coupon that will be mailed to you sometime around Thanksgiving.
They don’t have to worry about me trying to get something–for some reason I find KFC “ugh.” Which is odd because I’ve never eaten there.
You do realize this is a marketing ploy to get America to gain weight so they will buy Oprah’s new book, How to Shake the Bake of KFC and Get Back on a Diet – Fool. Good thing you have me around to figure these things. See, I earned my keep today. Not necessary to thank me. I know that you admire me. (Ronnie, take a bow doode!)
–>I had too many sporks anyway…
Culling the herd indeed. I didn’t even consider the offer for a second. Blech.
First I”ve heard of this promotion. Apparently living under a rock.
I would have preferred a downloadable coupon for one of Oprah’s free cars. Chicken, not so much.
I heard about that, but apparently it was after the chicken was gone. I bet McDonalds is pissed at her!
Oprah apparently never heard the saying, “There is no free lunch!”
Sporks, on the other hand…they’re always free.
Free is still good. But I am surprised that Oprah wasn’t technically prepared for this after the snapfish debacle last winter. And I agree KFC is yuck, but still delicious 🙂 I got my meal and it was pretty good!
This was not one of her better ideas.
Silly Bossy, one uses a spork for self spleen removal. 🙂
I’m feeling sorry for all those factory grown chickens…then again, their misery will be over sooner due to popular demand
We all redeemed this coupon at lunch one day… what a debacle! The line was understandably long, and after standing there 15 minutes, the manager put up a hand-drawn sign that said “Free coupon – purchase necessary”. She took it down after nearly inciting a riot!
However, the lunch was pretty good.
They should have prepared for this like Denny’s… now those guys were READY for the “overwhelming response”!
I am a firm believer in TANSTAAFL (There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch — Robert Heinlein), I PAID for my grilled chicken, side salad, and biscuit and I LOVED it. I think I’ll go pay for it again right NOW! Fried chicken breast = 370 calories. Grilled chicken breast = 180. Mmmmm …
SPORK! Yeah, I think Oprah and KFC should have thought this one through. Someone didn’t realize what they were doing.
Did I post a link to my latest poverty post?
Is anyone else disturbed by Oprah promoting fast food?? Ort is that just me? Has Oprah ever heard of Gabriel Cousens? I think she is afraid to.
Wait, what? I thought Oprah was trying to live her best life ever? Since when does that include KFC? Now Taco Bell, I can understand that…
Now I know that my life has gone in the ditch. No idea about any chicken and Oprah. On second thought, perhaps that’s a good thing. GAH…that’s Martha Stewart!!
When I heard about the coupon, my first thought was, “I’d get a coupon, take it in, and because Oprah caused so much of a clamour for KFC, I’ll get an undercooked chicken breast/oops salmonilla/thus costing me an untold amount in Dr.’s bills. By the way, my hubs call this thinking my “death case scenario.” I have one for every seemingly innocuous situation.
Uhh, I guess I’d better watch out. I like the grilled KFC chicken. But then, I paid for mine, since I’m the one person in American who’s not a regular Oprah-watcher.
Hey America, I subsidized all those free meals by paying my $3.99, so think well of me, OK?
Oh, and we talkin’ sporks? Can you believe I tried to find clip art of a spork last fall and was unable to? Had to take my own picture. What is WRONG with this country?
I think they have added a coke to the coupon deal now. My husband is going to get right on it tomorrow.