In Style magazine’s website has this really neat feature where you can peruse various celebrity hair and then upload your photo and see how you would look sporting the style of your choice!
Shall we begin?
First Bossy selected a photo of herself to upload. The nice folks at In Style suggest a photo straight on without any hair on the face.
Next the website asks you to tweak the image, and designate the various borders of your face for alignment purposes:
And then In Style provides a large database of celebrities so you can select the hairstyle you want to try.
First Bossy selected Michelle Obama, Barack O’Boyfriend’s first wife. Bossy pushed the website’s makeover button and waited breathless for the results!
Next Bossy switched over to a different web browser, this time Firefox, and decided to try again. She uploaded her photo and tweaked and designated and injected virtual collagen and then she selected Gwyneth Paltrow’s hair. Who wants to see Bossy with Gwyneth Paltro hair? Put your hand down, Bossy’s husband.
Then Bossy blah blah Jennifer Biel’s blah:
So much for this post. So as not to disappoint Bossy’s readers where readers equal Bossy’s friend Bobo who is the only one with patience enough to read through a broken idea, Bossy uploaded her own photo to a little program she likes to call PhotoCrack and she gave herself Salma Hayek hair:
Bossy looks good just the way she is…and those hooters? Only good if you don’t like men to look you in the eye.
The fun websites never seem to work right. That makes them no fun.
I will trade you my hooters for your stature.
Momo Fali is right. No one looks you in the eye … not even women.
Glad I managed to push through to the end. Perserverance always pays off. I mean look at those, uh, eyes!
I wish the world did not revolve around hooters… but it does really. It’s disturbing to hear of 16 year olds getting implants~ but it’s true!
Bossy you would tip right over with those! I have tried that InStyle feature before too and it never worked. Maybe it’s a Mac thing. The Mary Kay site has a makeup tool that does the same thing and it’s really funny. Reminds me of Carmindy on a bender.
Big Hooters = nothing fits + boobs fall out during Downward Dog + $55 for a sports bra + must wear two sports bras to run + constant staring from more than half the population + not so quiet whispers about your boob job even though you haven’t had one. Still interested?
Wow… you and Salma could be twins…
Really, Bossy – you don’t really want those hooters. Sure, they look great in that plastic-molded dress – but nekid? They dangle like a cocker spaniel’s ears.
Trust me.
What’s with those apps that never work on a Mac? I think it’s a vast Bill Gates conspiracy.
With hooters like that your male readership would increase.
I question the authenticity of those hooters. I really don’t like hooters that are augmented, in other words, implanted. I can spot them a mile away. The sides look like there are wires and maybe even a carburetor poking through the skin. TURN OFF!
Everyone needs hooters like that. Hers are realy, Ron. She makes milk in them.
I agree with Cat, big hooters are a pain, the only color bras you can get are, black,nude and the very popular White! Hey Bossy, I like your hair the way it is.
i think it’s funny when women with boobs complain about having them – “oh, it’s horrible! i get all this attention and people will do just about anything for me. i get anything from oil changes to coffee for free. it’s just awful.”
i mean, seriously??
What are hooters? Never heard of them.
Bossy looks good wearing Selma’s hooters.
I don’t care what anyone says….. in my next life I am coming back as a blond with legs up to my neck and hooters as big as my head.
I will get anything I want………………..
~shaking~ with laughter here
And what does Bossy’z husband say? Maybe he’ll pay for some if you really want them.
Salma Hayek has hair?
I got hooters like that once, when I pasted my face on top of Penelope Cruz’s photo. For years I’d buy the “Sexiest Man Alive” issue of People and would impose my darling husband’s photo over whoever THEY thought was the sexist man for that year. BEST. CHRISTMAS. PRESENTS. EVER. according to my man who actually looks nothing like Brad Pitt or George Clooney much less Johnny Depp, doggonit. Got really fancy with it over the years I did it. So that year I embellished the article as well as the cover and certainly couldn’t let my husband stroll on the red carpet with Penelope on his arm!
Silly me, I found I was almost embarrassed to “have” that much cleavage showing, even though it was (a) perfect and (b) not mine.
That photo of you in Salma mode is SO SCARY.
that’s disappointing. I was wasting time reading InStyle this morning and dog-earring all sorts of expensive products that will make me look younger LOL I’ve wanted to try the hair thing; but I think you’ve got the idea- skip the hair and see how we look in different boobs
With hooters like that, who cares what the hair looks like.
I’d wear Don King’s hair or Mr. Clean’s hair, or HELL, MY hair, if I had hooters like that.
Where can I get me some hooters like that?
once again, worth it not ONLY for your original post, BUT for all the comments after!
you rock.
Oh, Bossy!! I will gladly trade you my size 38F hooters for your 5″11 height.
I used to be a 36B, before the babies. I miss not having to wear a bra……
It looks like those hooters hurt to haul around.
I hear ya about broken posts. My post log is full of half-written drafts – started but never finished because the idea just didn’t gel the way I thought it would. Story of my life…
Mmmmm, Salma Hooter, I mean Hayek.
I did this a bit ago and I think I looked like a street walker, a transvestite or both with every hair style I tried.
I think the hooters are available for $37,000 each – which probably goes against your whole Poverty Post thing.
I didn’t see that punch line coming! Bossy is one funny woman.
Just photoshop the rest of your fam in, and you got yourself a damn good christmas card.
As god is my witness I once heard Salma Hayek interviewed and she very seriously said she was feeling depressed because she had gotten a hair cut the night before and it was not a good haircut and she knew this would disappoint her fans. I think when she said her “fans” she meant her BIG GIANT BOOBS. I’m so glad you aren’t Salma. Sorry for the long comment but Salma pushes my buttons apparently.
It would be fun to borrow some hooters like that every now and then, but not to tote ’em around all the time.
Eh, big hooters ain’t all they’re cracked up to be. When you hit your mid 40’s they are more of a pain than an asset. And, you have to invest in industrial strength bras.
I wonder would you’d look like with a Sinead O’connor or a Britney Spears hairshave!
This is the funniest post I have read in a long, long, long, too long, way too long, hideously far too long time. Laughed about it all day.
What I MEAN to say is that this is the funniest post on the entire INTERNET and not just on Bossy. Ach Aye.. have been obsessing about this all day. Must get a real thing to think about.
I don’t know what is more distracting, the hooters or the purple face. Are they taking all your oxygen????
Hmmm, not the only cat. But at least I am cat-without-Caps.
Cat-with Caps, I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment. I miss my pre preg 34B boobies. Enough to play with, didn’t sag, hardly bounced, exercise no problem, clothes fit, enough for clevage! Big boobs get in the way of everything!!!