Agreeing with MariaV. I thought you were showing us a picture of some lovely thing in your garden that was covered with frost from last night’s chilly temp. What? You didn’t have chilly temps last night? Nothing near a frost? We did. And I think there may be a lot of unhappy gardeners here in upstate NY.
ARrgggghhg! I have to get to Bossy’s site earlier if I’m going to win that prize for naming the band or plant. What? There’s no prize? Oh. Well, then I’m going back to bed.
Wow. P.J. Nice link, especially the part about LOW MAINTENANCE. That speaks to me.
As does “Male flowers are showier than female flowers.” The drag queen of trees?
Chionanthus virginicus 🙂
In the thumb nail, it looks like ti has snow on it. Very pretty.
Agreeing with MariaV. I thought you were showing us a picture of some lovely thing in your garden that was covered with frost from last night’s chilly temp. What? You didn’t have chilly temps last night? Nothing near a frost? We did. And I think there may be a lot of unhappy gardeners here in upstate NY.
ARrgggghhg! I have to get to Bossy’s site earlier if I’m going to win that prize for naming the band or plant. What? There’s no prize? Oh. Well, then I’m going back to bed.
Fringe tree? Sorry, I am no good with the Latin names. Enjoy, it’s beautiful.
Yup, Kathy is correct.
Wow. P.J. Nice link, especially the part about LOW MAINTENANCE. That speaks to me.
As does “Male flowers are showier than female flowers.” The drag queen of trees?
Looks like a Japanese fringe tree to me.
The name of this plant just made me smile and think dirty, dirty thoughts. Ok, I know I’m twisted.
As the photo came in, I thought “Why is Bossy featuring a photo of marijuana?”
I think the common name is “Grancey Greybeard.” Hope this helps commenter #9 with his/her dirty, dirty thoughts.