This is asparagus, one of the many bundles Bossy purchased and consumed over the past week. Bossy already loved asparagus, especially drizzled with olive oil and lemon and cracked pepper — but this particular spring, asparagus keeps revealing itself to Bossy through many sources over a prolonged period.
It seems every time Bossy picks up the phone which is exactly never, one of her friends is going on about asparagus!
Bossy decided her friends and all their asparagus talk was a sign that Bossy needed more asparagus in her diet, since it is such a good source of potassium and fiber.
So Bossy has eaten asparagus every day for a week straight, and she is going to tell you how amazing she feels, just as soon as she can prop herself in a desk chair without her stomach feeling as though it’s going to explode.
Asparagus revealed itself to Bossy, but other times she craves a specific food in an almost illogical way, which also leads Bossy to believe it is a sign her body needs the nutrients available in that particular food.
For instance last night Bossy was craving liver, and so Bossy took it as a sign her body needs iron. Just like her body needs fried onions. Bossy can sum up her food craving theory in this way:
Which is what today’s Ten-Word Challenge is all about. In exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy about a particular food that suddenly keeps revealing itself to you, or share with Bossy something you crave for its nutritional value?
And be sure to check back later today for the craviest, most nutritional comments on the web.
Perpetual cravings for olives with hummus!
humm craving martinis, my body knows I need to relax.
Bossy craves Kale, also good for iron. Yummy yummy Kale.
Bossy craves a fat steak. Hollandaise sauce harder to rationalize.
Bossy craves cheese. Calcium. On french bread. Carbohydrates with carbohydrates.
Mashed potatoes with bacon, swiss cheese, and spinach—my style of decandant potatoes that leave people speechless–their mouth is too full to speak. It brings strangers together and I believe could lead to world peace. It is a well known fact that I have been able to get many people to do great things for me just by promising to make my signature dish. If you would like me to show you how–just ask.
Rhubarb keeps revealing itself to Bossy. In a pie, please!
Japanese breadcrumbs, Panko, keeps revealing itself to Bossy. Flaky, crunchy.
People tell me they crave my Turtle Brownies—that they wish they have never tasted them because they are too hard to get out of their mind! Even that they have dreamt (dreamed?) about them and woke up with tears streaming down their face. I once had a cardiac surgeon call me at home and ask if he could pay me to make a pan for his family. I worked as a nurse if you are wondering why a cardiac surgeon would call me at home. I can show you how to make this culinary delight—just ask!
Greek yogurt revealing itself. Where you been all Bossy’s life?
Lasange Bread!!! Beautiful! Made out of crescent dinner rolls instead of using lasange noodles—just can’t stand all the pasta. This is a beautiful, unique representation of traditional lasange only more beautiful with a sprinkling of sesame seeds over the flakey bread crust. Sometimes my family and friends put up with my crap just for this dish alone. A winner! You can have this in your arsnal of favorites too. Just ask me how.
My concoction of a fabulous peach drink with raspberries swirled in. All liqour–all the time.
craving red meat…must need iron…or a burger.
I always need calcium, I crave an abundance of cheese.
Pears, kiwi, strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, raspberries, blackberries, muskmelon, bananas.
fruit salad with greek honey yogurt!
Short on iron if I crave red meat and spinach
Beef Burgundy that will leave you curled in a fetal position on the floor crying for more. This is made with whole baby onions, smoked bacon, and suculent beef with a burgudy wine sauce. Simmer for an hour an pour over noodles or mashed potatoes and serve!!! Heavenly is the word! Just ask me how.
A sure fire hit—resh Garden Pasta Salad with Dill—-you got it—ask me how!
Isn’t anybody listeneing? Ask me how! I am fishing for a guest post on Bossy’s site—I want to share some recipes with Bossy’s fans! Come on Bossy, take the bait and ask me how!
#18 should read fresh Garden Pasta with Dill–I am a much better cook that typist.
Craving food, any food, eating once per day not good.
Morton’s Cajun Ribeye. I cannot sing praises enough. Instant Mouthgasm.
Anything with Frank’s Buffalo Wing Sauce. Anything! I’m not kidding.
The Lazy Ass Ranch Special—Pot Roast with self making gravy. Not your average pot roast. I have about ten ways I make pot roasts–this is one of the best you will ever have. Gravy made with roltel for a wonderful, rich spiceness that will leave you remembered long after your guests have gone home.
Am I the only one whose body NEEDS partially-cooked brownies?
Universal Craving: dark chocolate of course…or sweet and salty!
Who is Leslie? She is either an angel…or spam.
10 words! OH, I kill myself. Ok, I’m done now.
Sewmouse always craves carryout Chinese food when pregnant. Dunno why.
I crave Trader Joe’s frozen chocolate chunk cookie dough. Nutrition?
frozen dark chocolate M&Ms – cold & crunchy with diet dp!
Pickled Herring! What in God’s name is that all about?
Bossy craves satay sauce because it is high in Satay.
Fish. Bossy craves all fish, which is good for everything.
greek kebabs (beef) with tsataiki sauce – greek salad side dish!
fried shrimp – crispy hot with tartar sauce AND red sauce
nectarines sliced, greek yogurt and honey, cinnamon sprinkled on top!
This is hell on my diet. I’m.craving.everything. Crap.
I need bittersweet dark chocolate… a craving of the soul.
Potatoes. Always.
And some people use too many words.
I crave the elusive food of, I want “something good!”
Fish. Morning noon and night. What’s that all about?
Pork ramen for breakfast. With sliced jalepenos. How stupid!
I got one–chips & black bean salsa, for the crunch!
Are there vitamins in brownies? Because I ALWAYS crave them.
Sour cream and onion potato chips. I blame the hormones.
Steamed edamame with a sprinkle of salt. Want some NOW.
Don’t know what spam is–but I bet I can make a recipe out of it!
sorry–new 2 this-suffering from a brain tumor-will do better-promise.
Giant bagel. Real cream cheese. Nova lox. Red onion. Yum.
Normally teetotaller’s pregnant body craving booze. Must need…. um… wtf?!
(ok, I’m not a teetotaller but i probably consume 3 alcoholic drinks a year. since I’ve been pregnant, no other liquid sounds or smells as good. if i drank a lot i’d understand- it’s just the forbidden factor- but as it is, this is just bizarre.)
Anything Marsala. Butter will kill me and I don’t care.
God so loved the world that He gave us Caramellos.
When blood sugar is low, I crave chicken, beef, pork.
Popcorn with salted butter. It MUST be salted butter, not unsalted with salt added. Doesn’t work.
After running, salt: pretzels, crackers, is the shaker too much?
Just remembered the fresh strawberries in fridge, heading home NOW!
Strawberries and some more strawberries and then maybe some more.
Blueberries – by the handful, in a cobbler, or on cereal.
Hard boiled eggs, but only on salad with ranch dressing!
Filled, maple nut frosted longjohn. Must need Omegas from nuts.
buttery, salty popcorn with a side order of PB fudge
Real fish (haddock) and chips (with vinegar) for the tarter sauce.
Avocados rock.
Void of bad cholesterol.
I crave them daily.
Fresh pineapple. Severe guilt over carbon footprint doesn’t stop me.
Carne asada burritos. Carne asada burritos. Carne asada burritos. Carne—
Kefir: I can’t get enough of that creamy, sour stuff!
Blueberries are so good but so bad for my tract.
Mangoes. Chocolate. Cashews. Cheese. Wine. Berries. Butter. Zucchini. Wine. Wine.
I’d like to install a salt block in my kitchen.
vuboq craves gin. Juniper berries are full of antioxidants. Right?
Asparagus, yum. Greek yogurt, even better. Popcorn, with butter, yes!
for the love of god, bossy should let leslie cook.
Chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate.
Thank You Heidig!
Audubon Ron craves Bossy’s friend Martha because she’s a dish.
Left-over grilled salmon on toasted bagel, plain cream cheese, pepper!?
Everywhere I turn, Twizzlers Twizzlers Twizzlers. I can’t quit you.
You diss broccoli and praise asparagus? I don’t know you.
My smacking lips ask for…salty popcorn and butterfinger minis.
ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream
Sushi…….morning, noon or night.
Fresh bread (all forms) is what I crave; damned carbs!
Tacos. Always with the tacos. Beef, Chicken, Fish, don’t matter.
chocolate, wine, tomato soup, strawberry banana yogurt – tasty AND nutricious!
Salted, garlic-powdered, grass-fed beef patties fried in coconut oil.
Craved meatless meal. Yesterday: ginger-garlic kale lentil quinoa dal. Perfect.
Leslie, “Ten Word Tuesday” means use ten words. Exactly ten.
Back to friend-asparagus-factoid game: Which is which, Bossy? (You tease.)
Anything that has chocolate and is easy to clean up.
Good’n Plenty hard candy covered licorice, what up with that?
I’m with you bossy. Greek Yogurt is the only reason I eat yogurt. I think it is magic. Low-fat yet tastes just like cream. Ah-mazing.
Lucky Charms, when pregnant, provides valuable nutrients. And colorful marshmallows.
Fat cashews. Raw or roasted. Salted or unsalted. More, please!
Apparently I am low in whatever nutrients are in Chocolate!
Ice cold skim milk and fresh, warm chocolate chip cookies.
cottage cheese; green chili chicken enchiladas; cottage cheese; dark chocolate.
please dog, help get me over the cottage cheese already.
Chocolate keeps revealing itself to me.
When I crave bananas, I know I’m getting a cold.
Gruyere fondue – i must need calcium and thighs rubbing together.
Body craves grilled steaks, my monster thighs crave loaded potatoes.
Organic Chocolate covered peanut butter balls: protein, local, health food.
(Why do my 10 words always feel like hiaku? Could bossy start a Thirteen word Thursday?)
Something salty. Then sweet. Salt. Sweet. Salt. Sweet. Salt. Sweet.
Lemons, limes, grapefruit, orange anything. Oh, and BBQ. I’m pregnant.
Last week, I named a post “Skinny asparagus is stupid”.
Fajita salad with avocado, spring mix, black beans, tomato, CHEEEEESE
Homemade pizza – San Marzano’s, roasted garlic, fresh parmesan on top.
Bloody steak still mooing on the plate topped with horseradish.
Lima beans. With salt and pepper. And lots of butter.
Salty roasted asparagus topped with parmesan shavings. Eeuuww pee! Why?
Fried fish OMG I want lots of fried fish.
Bossy seconds Swistle, oh lord does she ever second Swistle.
Yeah, lima beans. Bossy always craves them. Vehicle for butter.
And about Lima Beans? A stomachache worse than even asparagus.
Nachos, cheese, steak salad, Mexican food. Oh yes, Mexican food.
I crave crispy gala apples most of all tasty fruits.
Fruit smoothies, either pinkberry or all fruit made at home!!
In wintertime, I can’t get enough (especially purple) Brussels Sprouts.
White Russians are considered a food in some circles, right.
Spinach cooked in olive oil with a little feta cheese
Perfect and timely post as May is national asparagus month!
Eggplant. Aubergine. Can’t stop myself. I crave it every day.
Whole grains, like them in the form of Lucky Charms.
Pizza on the grill, smoky, my way, spicy, cheesy, daily.
My love for broccoli— stronger than the gas it produces.
Got to agree with the lima beans, fritos, tomatoes vinaigrette.
I crave tortilla chips because they transport salsa and guacamole.
Once a month, I crave liverwurst and Brach’s Nut Goodies.
That would be Brach’s Maple Nut Goodies. And Kevin Bacon.
Pregnant in Hawaii, needed pierogis, no one knew Mrs. T…
I MUST have buttered movie popcorn with M&Ms thrown in.
In Israel. Kosher cafes everywhere. Obsessed with cappucinos and pastries.
Blog This Mom! craves Adam Lambert as in multiple lambergasms.
chickpeas, roasty toasty in the oven with some olive oil
when I was pregnant I craved orange soda pop = fruit
Steak and rainbow rolls; not necessarily at the same time!
Tall toffee nut soy latte with extra shot – craving unthrift.
Just burnt my baguette while craving sushi. Sushi, not ham!
(Who went to Germany for Spargel?! Reminds me I want to get more from the farm before the season ends.)