Well smack my ass and call me Judy, BOSSY. Who’s going to write for me tomorrow at WRH now that you’ve STOLEN YET ANOTHER OF MY POSTS. And look, my all caps key is broken, to boot.
Thank you Bossy for the picture of your pretty peony! I always love your photography. I had a crappy, very long, labor-intensive day today and finding this beautiful picture made me smile. And breathe. And then smile again.
I try not to envy much, but the ability to grow peonies is one area I can’t help myself. Its just too hot here.
I guess you could look at them as the reward for enduring your long winters?
Yes, but ours are covered in earwigs.
I’ll never sniff a peony the same way again.
(and the pink ones too!)
Smartest thing I’ve done this week was cut some peonies to bring to work. They make me happy.
Really, I’m not jealous or bitter.
Well smack my ass and call me Judy, BOSSY. Who’s going to write for me tomorrow at WRH now that you’ve STOLEN YET ANOTHER OF MY POSTS. And look, my all caps key is broken, to boot.
Dear Judy,
Please write about peonies anyway. I’ll take a pass on smacking your ass. : )
Gorgeous peony. I don’t think we have them here, or if we do, they’re covered in dust and fly specks and I hadn’t noticed.
Thank you Bossy for the picture of your pretty peony! I always love your photography. I had a crappy, very long, labor-intensive day today and finding this beautiful picture made me smile. And breathe. And then smile again.