Welcome to Bossy’s Ear Worm, which features songs currently in Bossy’s headphones. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.
Passion Pit, Sleepyhead.
This song is an unusual ear worm for Bossy because it is actually a song Bossy doesn’t like. At least she thinks she doesn’t like it, and yet in her head it lodged nonetheless.
Passion Pit and this, their first studio album Manners, is taking college radio by storm. Apparently the singer wrote and recorded these songs as a belated Valentine’s Day gift for his girlfriend. Or maybe Bossy is talking about their first EP or maybe it was the girlfriend’s birthday, but whatever the case, it doesn’t stop this song from sounding like Alvin and the Chipmunks.
If you’re like Bossy and think maybe you like the song until realizing it isn’t like at all but rather the equivalent of glass shattering, you can download it here!
Huh?? I don’t get it.