The bird family living in this birdhouse nailed to Bossy’s garden fence post.
Bossy isn’t sure how many offspring live under this roof, or if they’re getting ready to leave the nest, or if, instead, they have paid internships within commuting distance for the summer, but holy christmas, this crew raises more hell than Bossy and her little family of four, and that is saying something.
That doorknocker is killing me.
A doorknocker after my own heart. In fact, it’s waaaay better than mine.
Will you please do a give-away of a birdhouse just like that one – if not that one – and please pick comment-er #3 on this post? Thank you.
Lovely birdhouse. And it is actually outside and serving its purpose.
I found at least 3 birdhouses in our basement whilst cleaning last week. (Trying to find source of odour of dead animal). They never get to go outside. Mostly because I am afraid the feral cats will eat baby birds and I will feel even more guilty. That’s my excuse, anyway.
What variety of bird are you supporting?
Take care, p.j.
Is part of the ruckus due to one of the birds deciding to re-paint the house, where “deciding to repaint” means birdy’s husband has been recruited for the task?
It could be a meth lab for all you know. Noise + birds = meth lab, got to be. What do I win?
That is an adorable bird house! I have a mama bird currently building a nest in my hanging strawberry planter which, sadly, is devoid of strawberries as I efficiently killed them all off early in their lives. At least some form of life can be sustained in there.
Damn poachers.
Is that doorknocker the Byrd Family crest?
We don’t have a bird house, instead, we have a green plastic hanging basket that came with the house when we moved in 4 and a half years ago. We were quickly informed never to move it, as you see, a bird family lives there every spring.
This was proven so, and every spring the little birds come to nest and babies hatch, and we watch it all happen from our front window.
the hanging basket is ugly, but I will never move it…it is their special place, and has been for decades.
Unlike that fantastic bird house of yours, my birds built their first nest in the Xmas wreath I was too lazy to take down…told everyone I’d throw it out once the babies had flown off. Three nests later the darn thing is really starting to smell, and we have to duck when we walk by or risk impalement-by-startled-bird.
Little furry helpless birdie-babies sure are cute tho