You may want to sit down: Ed McMahon died. Bossy is sorry you had to hear it here first, especially those of you living on Neptune.
You may know him best as Johnny Carson’s sidekick, or you may know him best as the host of Star Search, or sister mercy if you are younger than Jon and Kate you may know him best as That Guy On The commercials.
He was 86 when he passed, leaving behind six children and a wife, his third.
The following YouTube clip is Ed McMahon at his finest, which is to say drunk off his gourd.
And don’t miss Bossy’s weekend giveaway. It’ll wake you up.
Johnny and Ed were the best!
God, I miss Johnny Carson. I love Letterman, but Johnny was the master. That makes me old, right?
Was the death certificate hermetically sealed in a mayonnaise jar on Funk and Wagnall’s porch since noon?
That? Was awesome.
Un-politically correct television…those were the days. Can you imagine if somebody showed up drunk on live tv today? Oh wait…did Sanford do that yesterday?
Frekking awesome!
I totally missed that he passed away. I really need to start reading the news more! It’s hard when I am bogged down with cheating Republicans and Republicans misquoting celebs news stories to get to the good stuff.
Carson, it happens a lot. Just watch Letterman. Between Drew Barrymore, Madonna, and Will and Paul being high as kiteS, you got it all! Though, the days of things like Archie Bunker are long gone.
Just hearing the Tonight Show band brings me waaaay back. Ahhh, those were the days! So uncomplicated and
politically uncorrect, you know, when people were themselves and not who “they thought” they should be.
Little Miss Sunshine State made me laugh. That was the perfect comment!
Memories…..I’m stayin’ up late…not quite getting why all the adults are laughing at Johnny. And just by the time I”m old enough to get it, it goes off the air…sigh. You’ve catapulted me into my Netflix queque to order up a bunch of Carson seasons.
But 86! He looked good. He seems like a nice guy, but will wait for the “Tell All” book that will surely be written.
If I say I remember him as the Cash 4 Gold man with the gold toilet, does that mean I am young?
If my grandma weren’t already dead, this would kill her.
That made my day.
My favorite part: Johnny’s black and white check jacket, against the brilliant background of sooo many daffodils. Also his attempt to smooth over Ed’s belligerent corrections, while laughing (at him) at the same time.
Ed appeared to be just beyond what we call “being earnest,” when we’ve been drinking enough to really, really mean whatever we’re talking about.
Well played Little Miss sunshine! That was spot on. Classic TV. Imagine how much more interesting Oprah, Ellen and The View might be if people could still toss a few back before show time.
*wistful sigh* Oh, I miss Johnny and Ed. They were the best!
Okay. I clearly live on Neptune. Ah well. I’m not sure I see the point of moving to any point in the solar system that might bring me closer to the news….
I miss them.
Don’t feel badly, Doc Liz, I live on Neptune too. (Although this now makes more sense regarding The View commentary I was half catching while at work.)
Little Miss Sunshine State is brill.
As a kid, I sometimes was awakened by my parents’ laughter as they watched the show. Couldn’t wait ’til I was finally old enough to stay up late and watch it. It certainly didn’t disappoint. I miss that show.
Don’t forget Ed McMahon on the Dog Whisperer. Pretty sure he was drunk off his gord for that one too. So were his dogs.
I forgot about the Dog Whisperer, yowza that was pretty hard to watch. I also saw him on a special episode of Family Feud with his neck brace and obnoxious wife, I’m pretty sure he didnt even know where he was poor guy. I think that was more like a morphine thing going on there.
I hate that Bossy needs to be late on Farrah Fawcet and now Michael Jackson too. SO bad so sad.
Bossy! Can’t wait to read your Michael Jackson retrospective! Would you please draw his nose as it disappears and Michael as he goes from a cute little black kid to uber-white alien, please?
Wait, what happened to Farrah, Ruth? Bossy, help me keep up.
LA is going to be one long funeral this week… And I thought everyone was clawing to leave this place. They’re dying to get here… ba-dum, dum.
Did he say he went down on Joan Embry??? That clip was HILARIOUS.
And her I thought Bossy had the exclusive on all that celebrity stuff…better get on the ball, girl – you’re way behind!
It’s not a great week to be in LA, that’s for certain.
They both rocked. Sober or not. RIP Ed. You seemed a kind soul.
Thanks for using that film clip.
You may not be aware of the fact that Ed started his career in Philly;first as a clown on a kid’s show,then on his own daily show in the late afternoon,which included some interviews and some music by local musicians,some of it quite jazzy—Ed was a great jazz fan! I would watch the show when I would get home from school,which was my sophomore year in high school.
Other people on TV here,every day were Ernie Kovacs and his wife,Edie Adams.
And,on radio,——–the great Jean Shepard!
Hey Bossy, Did you know that Ed had a house in Avalon around 14th and the beach? He even use to talk about Avalon once in a while on the show. A long time customer of my parent’s bakery and a nice guy. RIP to a great entertainer, and a down-to-earth person.
Give the guy his due. Geez. Pardon him for dying at the wrong time.
Jessica -TMH
I just loved that guy. So funny. So able to laugh with Jonny and at himself. *sigh* They WERE the best.
And now one of my lifelong dreams will never be fulfilled – Ed McMahon will not personally come to my house and deliver a Publisher’s Clearinghouse Check for millions of dollars. *cry*