Welcome to Stella Theater, an Off-Off sister mercy is it ever off Broadway production. In the first act, we find 3-year-old Great Dane Stella playing the part of road kill:
In the second act, 3-year-old Great Dane Stella plays the part of an undomesticated animal trapped in a jungle inside a rain forest wrapped in a tropic:
In the third act, we find 3-year-old Great Dane Stella playing the part of, well, road kill:
And the O-O-OBIE for best actress playing roadkill goes to STELLA!!!
I only wish my dogs would play the part of roadkill. Instead, they prefer to act like psychotic tasmanian devils on speed. Labs. The only dogs for which you need to drink your coffee before you can face them.
I agree with #2. Only I need more then just coffee.
Stella looks so relaxed. I have two labs and am with Momo Fali – they never relax until they pass out at night. They are both relentless about playing fetch – they wear me out.
vuboq *hearts* stella.
–>I think Stella needs to double her one-woman show and add Bossy’s Daughter.
OMG, Stella is almost as flat as she is tall. Excellent model qualifications, perhaps Bossy can improve the Poverty Party somehow with all these mad acting and modelling skillz?
you obviously don’t understand “method” acting.
The Stella school is founded on it.
Bossy’s Dane isn’t just Great, she gives Tony award worthy performances.
She looks even more pony like when she is lying down
LOL.. that’s just like my dawg. She hangs out in the front yard and I use the same reference:.. “You look like road kill and now there’s vultures circling” (vultures are a common sight down here..yulch) And she chases lizards in the bushes so all I can see is her tail and head bouncing around.
I’m with #9, a TONY is in Stella’s future!
I hope Stella doesn’t watch The Harry Show a.k.a I will destroy your house as soon as you walk out the door Theatre – she might pick up some bad habits.
Hey! In the Forest, she isn’t standing there and letting the plants rub over her head is she? Our giant hound/equine mix likes to find a nice bush or tree with branches at head/back height and stand under them, swaying back and forth with this dopey, blissed-out look on his face. (He particularly likes Christmastime, as there is a nice prickly tree RIGHT THERE IN THE HOUSE for him to stick his head in ever-so-gently.) We’ve never seen another dog do that.
Brava! {throws bouquets made of snausages}
Our border collie needs to hang out with Stella. He has issues with the constant need to herd things (cattle, cats, kids). He gets depressed if he can’t herd.
Hmmm. I’ve got a 17 year old miniature poodle who very much attempts to imitate Stella’s *stellar* (sorry!) roadkill performance, while I’ve got a 1 year old Goldendoodle who does the Tasmanian Devil on Meth thing (except for when she decided that all of a sudden it’s time to be roadkill…). Stella is just poetry in motion (or poetry in repose, as the case may be…).
A Tony for Stella is in the bag where in the bag equals in my imagination.
Whisky goes between his role as roadkill and stegosaurus.
I can’t imagine life without a big dog.
Stella is about 1/2″ wide except where her hip bones are.
And is there really a photo #2? I can’t see it, not even a broken link.
Stella, may I please have an autographed 8×10 glossy headshot? For my celebrity wall, you diva, you.
I’d throw roses at her but I think she’d prefer some giant milkbones!
Stella, when you get a chance, can I have your pawprint?
Stella sure is a beautiful horse. Even as roadkill.
Stella. *swoooooon*
Enjoyed the “Late Night Stella Cam.” And there are a lot of famous actresses who have built careers playing roadkill.
Cameron Diaz, for instance.
stella gave a stellar performance. you should charge folks to walk through your backyard to see her.