Who doesn’t know and love Bossy’s own personal Park Ranger already? Everybody yell, “Hi, Park Ranger!” Of course, who could really trust Bossy’s own personal Park Ranger. After all, he hangs out with thugs.
Who doesn’t know and love Bossy’s own personal Park Ranger already? Everybody yell, “Hi, Park Ranger!” Of course, who could really trust Bossy’s own personal Park Ranger. After all, he hangs out with thugs.
Hello, Park Ranger!
Please ask the boy to step away from the gangsta’.
Did your personal park ranger learn to throw signs from ya’lls thuggy Smokey the Bear? Looks like it to me…but I’m on the other side of this screen and ya know it might be an exaggeration.
Smokey did look a little aggresive toward that young boy, but then the boy was holding an aggressive rifleish thing.
When we were in Ruidoso, New Mexico a couple of years ago we were driving around and found where the real Smokey is buried. That disturbed me a lot, but it was a nice place, I guess….seemed like it to me.
–>What kind of gangsta signal is that little boy throwing at Bossy? Or is he saying, What Rut?
Hi Bossy’s Park Ranger!
I love a park ranger with a tricked out ride.
What a cool ranger guy that he let you snap his pic.
This just in from Park Ranger Central: A drive-by has been reported in BFE Forestland. Suspect is apparently quite hairy, and was seen driving away in a golf cart shouting something about forest fires. Everyone in BFE Forestland is encouraged to be on the look out, and Homeland Security has raised the threat level to Red, which is puzzling, since Elmo is not a suspect, but can anybody claim to understand Homeland Security? I think not. In any case, channel your inner Republican, get a gun, and shoot some bears. We’re having steak for dinner!!!
No matter how big of a thug, Smokey has become, I don’t believe he would use profanity in front of a child.
Now Bossy, Do I need to remind your fans of all the previous comments you made about personal alcohol and drug abuse?
Yes Hokie Deb…. “what rut?”
Besides, that was an obvious photoshop job with the words. Smokey was REALLY saying, “Only You.” – actual words don’t appear over people when they talk!
The child in the tricked out ride is my Junior Park Ranger and he is obviously smiling so Smokey would not have been saying those nasty things.
So fans beware, someone is trying to sway public opinion against an American Icon. (Extra bonus point, and don’t use the internet, who was Smokey named after?)
Answer: “Smokey” Joe Woods, former Fire Chief of NYC
HE wouldn’t cap bossy!
Oh, and Bossy, can you email me a copy of the photo, without the caption for my child who is sensitive about profanity. – Thanks
I still contend that the majority of Bossy’s Council, myself included, would have understood the rut issue best by using a wine bottle to indicate its depth.
And I sorta thought it was Smokey Robinson.
That golf cart? Needs flames.
I have a wee bit of a crush on the Park Ranger after reading his comments.
Hi, Bossy’s Personal (and cute) Park Rangers!
Mr. Senior Park Ranger: Come now. With all due respect, please don’t think you’re fooling us about innocent Smokey with those two wooden WMDs y’all are packing in the back of that tricked-out ride!!
flames – AWESOME idea Cheri!!! I have wanted flames on my SV for years and people laugh at me.
Hi, Bossy’s Park Ranger! Pimp your ride with some chrome rims, dude.
Hi, Park Ranger!
Yeah, Bossy, I gotta admit, Smokey looks like he’s packing some attitude in that last picture.
Dear Park Ranger,
Bossy has instructed us to say hello, and I always do as Bossy says.
Hello, Husband!
All these years, I never knew Smokey was from the ghetto.
if this is about the size of the ruts, let’s not forget that after a week or somesuch in camp…them there ruts is gonna recede, doncha think?
I need to thank you for that last picture. The pic along with the caption had me laughing so hard I cried. You are a whole lot of awesome, Bossy.