Thus the summer concluded for Bossy’s son, who enjoyed a goodbye dinner on the porch Wednesday night prior to the blisteringly early morning drive into his sophomore year at Columbia University.
The car was filled to the upholstered roof liner with everything a Columbia University sophomore could possibly need, which translates into miles of poster tape, two speakers, and one kid sister:
In no time at all the family had reached their Morningside Heights destination, and the firetrap building that will house Bossy’s son for the next nine months:
Once the car’s interior had been emptied into the dorm room, it was once again time for Bossy’s favorite decorating show and yours:
You see, Bossy’s son is part of the orientation team for incoming freshman, and so he was allowed to check into his room a few days before his roommate. This meant Bossy’s son was free to select the bed of his choice and desk of his choice and wardrobe closet of his choice and desk chair of his choice, and not on that wall on this wall, and not near the door near the window and… let Bossy back up:
Enter Bossy and Bossy’s daughter, who came up with the plan to push the beds to two opposing walls with a wardrobe between them for a bit of privacy, which still left unoccupied walls for two individual desk set-ups and an open common space which allows the natural flow of chi from the door directly to a game of beer pong!
Then it was time for Bossy and her son to hug the summer of 2009 goodbye, and Bossy watched as her son was slowly swallowed up by the excitement of the street:
And then Bossy took a nose-dive into a margarita. The end.
Waaaaahhhh… I was fine ’til the pics of him walking away…
Well Helllooo Pretty Margarita Lady
Uh..I mean, Don’t worry Bossy… 27 plus or minus something, reasons to go visit new york.
Damn! 270 reasons… NOT 27.
This post is making me cry
Oh, Bossy. My prize, my precious prize of a son. Say it won’t be sad that day, fast forward 15 years, when it’s time for our goodbye hugs. Say I won’t cry all the way home with a quiet and contemplative little sister, her wishing too it wasn’t going to be just her at home again with the two parent people. As you say, Bossy, “No no no-y no.”
Boo hoo! Some days I can’t wait for my kids to leave the house, but after this post, I never want them to grow up!
Aw… this is sad. I’m going to have to do this exact thing in 3 years and I’m SO not ready for it.
I’m with Maggie on this one. I was all ready for the boy to go to college until he started his senior year of high school a few weeks ago. Now, I’m all wait I need a few more years.
Two things from this post really struck me:
1) Bossy’s daughter looks like a movie star/high-schooler herself (car photos), and
2) The 3 shot time-warp of Bossy’s son getting smaller = *sniff*.
Look forward to the holidays Bossy, they’ll be here soon! Unless he goes home w/girlfriend (ooops, did I say that out loud?)
he will be back home before you know it with a bag full of dirty laundry – like sometime next month!
don’t cry bossy and lil bossy…
I am 45 years old, and my mother STILL gets all mushy and gushy and weepy when we part. I imagine it will be the same for me and my son.
I left my youngest son in Chicago on Monday (half a country away) and today, Friday, he tells me that music theory sucks but he may already have a girlfriend. Sigh.
I’m mourning the loss of my virtual teenage son. Waah! Or maybe I should just grow a pair. Or drink heavily. Or get a life. Sheesh!
They DO come back, Bossy! One of mine is in the basement and the other one is in the former guest room. My husband is in shock, but I’m glad to have them back!
–>Oh that was so sad seeing him walk away. Although I did chuckle at the lady in brown walking away from Bossy without a clue her photo was being taken.
Makes me glad my son won’t be going anywhere for 16 more years. (Remind of that when he’s a teenager!)
So sad! I only have 12 more years to go before my TWINS leave for college!
Do you think it gets any easier one removed? Nope.
But glad to see the cheerful room. and that he’s all “nooked” out, all cozy. Pictures walking away…you can’t do that to us.
I’m sad to see Bossy’s son walk away into the crowd. One last wave? Pleeze?
The worst part of this post? Possible NYC internship next summer. TOO far away from Bossy. Booooo!
You gave him those wings though, Sistah, and it sure looks like he’s learning to use them well.
Go, Bossy’s Son, go — just remember where your roots are
Bossy. My mom and dad were all mush last weekend when I left Ireland last Sunday.Over the years 5 of 6 kids emigrated.Only two didn’t return. Not quite back in the basement but 3 of them live within 40 miles of her. Us other two flyaways provide them with a good excuse to fly on over and visit.
The walking away photos need a tissue alert
Poor Bossy! Keep the margaritas flowing until those bags are back on that bed (his real bed, not that temporary fake laminated bed) and are once again being unpacked. Perchance for good? Bossy’s friend hopes so, for Bossy’s sake.
but where is BOSSY’s son going to keep the kid sister?
A margarita makes everything better.
You children are gorgeous.
And very smart.
Oh hell, you’re killing me.
Much nicer room this year, Bossy’s son. My boy should be arriving at his dorm (a single this year, and for the first time in 16 years) as I write: he wanted to fly alone and be done with us a.s.a.p.
I think our kids now view returning to school as going home. Of course we are still “home” as well, but lacking the friends, beer pong, dorm ball, and all the other fun stuff.
Pictures of Bossy’s son walking up Broadway brought tears to my eyes. Sweet. Take care, p.j.
Excuse me, but I think somebody served you a margarita in a martini glass. How gauche. I posted my treasured margarita recipe the other day, and it gives instructions if you need to make one or a bathtub full…just in case you need to drown any more of those sorrows.
Thank goodness for margaritas…and tissues.
I do know how it feels. I’ve been there three times. Yikes! It gets easier. It really does. And then there are still moments…
Oh Bossy, we just went through the same thing with our son. Only, he wanted to back to school by train this time. Our final goodbye scene was at Union Station, we stayed and watch the end of his train disappear out of sight! Talk about pathetic! A large Sangria was caling my name on the way home!
I can live vicariously through Bossy, because my son doesn’t come home from college for the summer any more. Thanks for the tears Bossy!
Awwww. I know Bossy will be sad, but Bossy’s son will make a fine man making waves out there in the world (and big, bad NY City! Sheesh!).
As a former Resident Adviser in my college’s dorms I have spotted potential for dispute in your son’s room…

He gets an extra 2sq. ft. of space under the window, between his bed and desk, while all the roommate’s furniture is bunched up on the other side of the room…
I’m not saying they’re going to have a problem, but there’s definitely potential. I’ve seen brimstone and hellfire arguments ignited over less…
It’s okay though, if there is contention it’ll test the mettle of the hall staff
Have another good year, Bossy’s son!
Do you think BOSSY could bring BOSSY’s Daughter down here so that she can figure out how to rearrange my apartment? PLZ? We can have margaritas (or martinis) while she works!
and, here’s to a great Sophomore Year for BOSSY’s Son.
I’m counting on Bossy to talk me down from the ledge next Saturday when I drop mine off. Please?
1. What’d BossySon do while the girls (“ladies”?) (“decorators”?) were decorating?
2. No rug this year?
3. No sons of my own to go to college, so no sniffles on your behalf. But I like the plastic lady in the glass.
Good luck Bossy’s son… have a blast!
Bossy, please stop messing with our emotions (and our alcohol supplies) like that… you wench! To distract yourself, please come to my place to talk me out of something that starts this whole kids-leaving heartache thing rolling…
I probably said the same thing last year but, I wish I were going to sleep away college.
Well, good thing Bossy got a new blackberry so she can communicate regularly!
btw: bossy’s son is cute! (i’m old and married, but just sayin’)
Waaaaaaaaaah! How did BOSSY hold the camera steady taking those final photos of her son?
Oh yeah! It reminds me of when I moved in! Yay! Tanx fo sharing!
Sorority Girl Senior in College was all Miss Independent this year. She moved from her last rental into her new rental all by herself. She was all “I don’t need no stinkin men to help me”
We felt like something was missing from our last week in Aug, so WE’RE moving into a new place!
Have a GREAT year, Son of Bossy.
Gah….that made me cry….especially those last photos. I will never in a million years be ready for that day.
Oh, Bossy, I so understand. I too, have some pics of my son walking away from me, up a hill- when we dropped him off for his 2nd year at college. Sigh.
But—but—but—-they fly away and then come back with GRANDKIDS!!!!!!!
It’s delicious
ps—my oldest is having his 44th birthday this weekend Sigh.
My son is 1-1/2, and I dread the day he walks away from me in the street to his college dorm.
I love reading about yours!
Tears. Tears & lots more tears here. I have three sons I dropped off at college. Of course the torture was spread out over many years. Your post brings it all back. So hard when you love and adore them so much.
Have a great year Bossy’s son.
Now I am sad, and all aware of my screw-you-noon attitude. As I kiss Five off to Kindergarten Tuesday, I will think of your too-quickly-passing summers and you boy/man walking away to grownupishness.
You are all so gorgeous, by the way.
Geez, those beds look like the tables one gets her pelvic exams on… –not that anything like that will go on here! I’m just sayin’…
And when my son (youngest kid) left for college, my daughter’s boss called me after a week, and said, “I heard you still can’t walk into his room!” I defended myself, saying, “I didn’t say I CAN’T, just that I haven’t!” Yeah. Biiiiiiiiig difference…
Bossy, as parents, it is our sole job to constantly teach our kids to NOT need us. Totally counter-intuitive as a mother, but looks like you are doing one hell of a job.
And the laminate floors match the laminate furniture.
This post was hilarious. I love what you do with the pictures, when they look like they were drawn on. Great ending!
Just did this twice. One kid is 480 miles away. The other is 975 miles. Fact: With enough Mountain Dew both kids are only a day’s drive away!
I’ll be feeling the same way you feel in a year. I get sad just thinking about my #1 son leaving for college. Hope Bossy’s son has a wonderful sophomore year!
Is that a carrot shaped into a sexy lady at the bottom of your margarita? If so, I’d like a bite.
Still 2 years away from this scenario, but totally lost it looking at Bossy’s wonderful son walk away. Am dreading the day when it’s my turn.
Bossy’s son is smart. I lived in that dorm (cough15yearsagocough) and it is the most underrated dorm with the biggest rooms.
OK, you aren’t going to believe me but my son was also an orientation leader this summer and is also a sophmore. I got a phone call last week that honest to God was “Hi mom, if you hear about the fire in the Sigma Nu house, don’t worry. Everyone got out OK and it was confined to one room.” How come I can’t stop focusing on the word FIRE and start to focus on the OK?