Welcome to Bossy’s Ear Worm, which features songs currently in Bossy’s headphones. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.
Lenine, Jack Soul Brasileiro.
This song, by Brazilian singer/songwriter Lenine, is one of the many great tunes on his record of the same name.
Bossy doesn’t know what this song’s about, but she’s pretty sure something got lost in translation when she applied the lyrics to an online translator, unless What did the coconut a headdress and What did the emu in good moan have a meaning out of Bossy’s reach.
also check out Seu Jorge
he did a good bit of the soundtrack for Life Aquatic.
i feel very cool when I’m listening to things I don’t understand
Portugese is not a language I know. Actually English is pretty iffy getting it totally right from tim to time. I’ve found since obtaining an Ipod that I put ALL of my cds on that I really like The Buena Vista Social Club and Cecilia Cruz, too. I looked for Si Buscabas for a while but it is out of distribution and the few who have it want a pretty penny for it. Also, you know…that Yo Yo Ma really does have a wonderful cello.
Oooh… this is yummy. Thanks for the tip off.