The fact that stores now ditch their summer inventory before Independence Day in order to make room for school supplies is only half of the equation that irks Bossy.
The other half of the equation is how, when school supply shopping in early September — which is when you should purchase your school supplies, after gaining a clear idea of what you need — the store shelves are already empty of choice and the halloween stuff is breathing down your neck.
I was in Staples last night too! Only I was picking up some things I needed for the wedding (don’t ask), and I thought I was going to get stampeded by back to school shoppers. If that was you I shoved into the stack of 3-ring binders, I apologize. I got caught up in the frenzy.
Amen Bossy, Amen!
Oh, and Christmas stuff is out in certain stores too. That’s it for my PSA.
I buy the damn supplies as soon as I get the list (when school lets out in May). That way the Child of Perpetual Concern need not spend the summer obsessing about the scarcity of red erasable pens.
The school stuff is gone so they can make room for the Christmas cards.
My brother is a Staples manager. He’s working 16 hour days trying to keep up with the back-to-school shoppers. I’m afraid he’s going to stab someone in the eye with a Sharpie.
When school starts in August, or the first week in September, it’s a good idea to shop BEFORE school starts.
Now, if Bossy wants to wait until January to buy Grandma J’s Christmas present, that’s ok.
I’m so with you, Bossy. Even my 7-year-old is surprised and confused to see Halloween stuff in the store before school even started. (Maybe the store planners need a test called, “Are You Smarter Than a Second Grader?”)
I can handle spreading the school shopping over the summer, though, since the 2nd grade supplies were so numerous that they filled TWO huge bags — buying it a bit at a time starting when we got the list in June made the expense less painful. (And I had fun looking for sales.)
My pet peeve is the need to shop for a swimsuit in February when I’m only going to need one once in July.
Sometimes when your child doesn’t get the supplies you need, it is hard and you take what is leftover, unless you go to staples. Then you have the staples money that your significant other recieves from purchasing all his supplies at the company he works for.
I just had this experience yesterday. We got our list on Tuesday and I went on Wednesday and they were out of everything including pencils! How can you be out of pencils on the first week of school???
As for those who say we should shop early, our school doesn’t give out the list until after school starts, so we have no idea what they need.
Bossy is so lucky that her kiddos don’t start school until they are suppose too! Here in the mid-west we started on AUGUST 13!!!!! Maybe other districts around your area are also starting in the middle of summer?
I’m realizing that this is the first time I’ve felt compelled to post on your sight and I sound all bitter and angry… When in truth I check your sight daily and LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU. Good, now I’m freaky lurker chick. Much better.
Gah. Yes. And school uniform was all sold out this year weeks before school started, despite the ridiculousness of buying things well in advance for a growing four-year-old.
Halloween? Halloween is so August. They were putting out their Christmas displays yesterday. (I am not making that up)
We didn’t start school until August 31st, and had to wait until back to school night on September 3rd to get our list. I’ll be going to my third store today to (hopefully) get the last of my son’s items. Why the schools keep the list a closely guarded secret is beyond me. I could have ordered everything online and been done with it!
Grrr, I’m with you.
I agree Bossy. My son started high school this year and you don’t get a list prior to the year starting. He found out what he needed for each teacher on the first day. Finding a red pen in town was like winning the lottery.
In Texas I’ve seen our local grocery store selling a whole “kit” containing everything on each grade’s list in the district. As luck would have it, on our first year of kindergarten this year, they stopped doing it. Boo! I’m with Bossy – ridiculous.
Not to brag and boast [she says before bragging and boasting] but my kids go to a school that fully supplies the children with everything they need on the first day of school. I don’t even get to buy one golden yellow Peechee with sports figures. Not one.
Our schools send the supply lists home with the final report card in June, so you can purchase the supplies at your leisure over the summer. I think it’s fab. I’m too busy once school starts to find time to go shopping.
We started Aug 13th and what I find rediculous is that for my 2nd grader and twin kindergarteners the supplies cost 150 dollars (not including backpacks or lunchboxes!) .
The REAL frustrating thing is they then throw all that stuff in a general pile and the teacher redistributes it as needed to all kids. So I’m buying for kids that don’t, and for the teachers extras- it’s crap !
Bossy snoozed so she loozed.