This cup, made by one of Bossy’s favorite gays. He gave it to Bossy right before he slept with her this past summer. Did Bossy mention that he made this cup?
Coffee cup
Coffee cup
Coffee cup
Vuboq made it out of clay
Dag y’alls. Welcome to Monday.
And is this where it lives, in this stoney nook in an old ruin?
Ok. BossysMom is AWESOME
Yay! Linky Luv and the mug I made is a Favorite Thing! What a fun way to start a Monday. *smooches*
It’s gorgeous!
Vuboq, You made a BEAUTIFUL cup. I love.
I covet that mug even though it goes against the 11th commandment “Thou shalt not covet Bossy’s mugs or Bossy’s gays.”
Sorry, Gail K, for breaking No. 11, but I, too am heartily coveting that mug. Does gay Vuboq ever make magical mugs for sale?
Jane, perhaps we can go to confession at St. Bossy’s she of the sacramental wine to be absolved and to score a mug?
Was that your attempt at a song parody of “dreidle dreidle dreidle” because if it was, I am going to have to go down there and beat you.
I love how the flecked blue in the cup picks up the blue/gray of the stoney nook of the old ruin.
Depending on whether or not flecked is a word, I might have meant specked. If specked is not a word, then I meant speckled.
No brain cells were used in the writing of this comment.
YAY! I lurrrrrve Bossy & VUBOQ! I want to make you presentz!!!
My gays don’t make me coffee cups!
i love me some vuboq! i have a pretty vase he made with his uber talented hands!