Bossy’s cute cousin Erik.
Bossy was ten when Erik was born, and she fell instantly in love with him and his worried little bubble head.
Bossy came from a small family with strange age spreads, and so she didn’t grow up with many kids underfoot, which maybe explains Bossy’s short fuse for little ones and their disruptive ways. But Bossy always enjoyed her time with Erik because he had dimples, and he was always thinking.
And you may be pleased to learn Erik has grown into a fine, fine man — where fine equals hilarious, smart, grounded, and a wee bit bad.
first photo: Erik and Bossy’s sister-in-law
We love him beyond all bounds.
He reminds me of a thinner Vince Vaughn. This is a good thing!
He *is* a cute cousin!
Bossy looks so thrilled to be with her cousin in that last picture.
My sister and I have kids who are all over 17. My brothers and my husband’s sister all have kids under 9 years old.
The young ones LOVE their older cousins.
I hope it continues for the rest of their lives.
Was Bossy babysitting in that last photo? That might explain the facial expression.
My first cousin was born when I was 18. It’s weird though, she’s now 15 years old, and me? Still 18.
Strange Age Spreads = good title for a band.
Does “fine” include “single” as well?
I’m the youngest of eight. I know all about strange age spreads.
Finally! I have been waiting since…… I don’t know when….. to see or hear about the Bossy Cousin…. it has been so long since you told us about him….and now I know he is younger….. yummy!
Dear Kevin Bacon,
Seeing as you already had some strange woman on your arm at the Emmys, why don’t you see how that goes and in the mean time excuse me while I marry my current boyfriend Erik.
the most important question: is bossy’s cousin erik SINGLE?